Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 749

Qu Yaoyao didn\'t seem to notice his eyes. Even if he did, he probably wouldn\'t have any reaction.

Some people fall out, even if they fall out, the cracks are always there.

For Qu Yaoyao, when she was willing to accompany Zhang Xin, he was a gem. Now she doesn\'t want to. Zhang Xin is a glass residue.

Qinhuai stood on Qu Yaoyao\'s side and was forced to bear Zhang xinruo\'s eyes. He touched his chin and jokingly approached Qu Yaoyao. "In fact, I think you have a problem with Zhang Xin\'s evaluation."

"What\'s the problem?" Qu Yao raised his eyes slightly.

"Well, you and Zhang Xin are completely two kinds of people. Your three views are different from the beginning." with a friendly smile on Zhang Xin, Qin Huai continued to say to Qu Yaoyao, "you say he is pedantic, false and noble. In my opinion, people just treat you from the perspective of normal people."

When Qin Huai said this, he gently touched his chin and put on an experienced look.

Unfortunately, Qu Yaoyao didn\'t bother to look at his appearance. After turning his eyes, he said, "according to you, I have to forgive Zhang Xin and make up with him again?"

"I didn\'t say that." Qin Huai waved his hand. "I don\'t know how you fell out, but listen to the ark. They said that the relationship between you two was excellent. What should be the reason for this now?"

Listening to Qin Huai\'s question, Qu Yaoyao rarely converged on the lively look on his face and sank his face slightly, "why?"

She bit these two words in her mouth, snorted and turned away.

Qinhuai, who was left in place, obviously didn\'t expect Qu Yaoyao to react like this. Besides being novel, he looked at Zhang Xin in surprise.

What the hell did this guy do?

Zhang Xin was a little lost when he saw Qu Yaoyao go. Unexpectedly, he received Qinhuai\'s strange eyes the next second.

What does he look at himself and show off his sovereignty?

Zhang Xin felt a little uncomfortable, but he nodded to Qinhuai and bowed his head to continue cleaning up the snow.

Zhang Xin looked at his eyes and felt some inexplicable hostility. Qin Huai scratched his head and a head of fog.

"Xiuhuang." he couldn\'t help looking at Xiuqi on his side, "what happened between Zhang Xin and Qu Yaoyao? And... How did I provoke Zhang Xin? How did he look at me?"

Xiuqi\'s EQ was no different from Qinhuai who only knew how to eat. He frowned and said with a gloomy face, "I don\'t know."

Almost used to Xiuqi\'s always cold look, Zhang Xin sighed helplessly, lowered his head and continued to do the things in hand.

At this time, Mo Wen was holding Yu Lan on the windowsill and looking outside. He also noticed the situation outside.

Not long after Yu langang woke up, he was eating happily with crystal core. He was not interested in Zhang Xin and Qinhuai.

"Arvin, when shall we start?" looking at the people cleaning up the snow, Yu Lan ate all the crystal nuclei in his hands and looked at several people outside the window, "what should we do after clearing the snow these two days..."

"It won\'t snow for the time being." Mo Wen looked at the still gloomy sky and said in silence for a moment, "at least not these days."

"Will you still see the weather?" Yu Lan couldn\'t help but pick his eyebrow and turned back to pinch Mo Wen\'s face.

Mo Wen smiled and said vaguely, "it snows for a long time in winter, but if the snow stops, it won\'t snow again in a week or two."

"So it is." Yu Lan suddenly lay his side eyes on the window again.

The snow-white gradually became dazzling. She blinked. As soon as she was about to take back her eyes, she saw something coming quickly in the distance.

In the center of her milky white eyes, her pupils gradually shrunk to an origin, "it seems that a motorcade is coming."

An apparently refitted truck drove in the front, with two hard black and bright iron blocks covered with large and small iron spikes. The two iron plates opened at an angle to both sides, pushing all the snow blocking the road to the side.

There were three or four minivans behind the car, which followed neatly.

Mo Wen obviously noticed the team. His expression remained unchanged. He pushed open the window and said to Xiuqi below, "Xiuqi, let me go there drunk all night."

Xiuqi immediately nodded when he heard the speech, turned and ran into the building quickly.

After a while, a wail came from the next window. The drunk night who had just fallen asleep was brutally pulled out by Xiuqi and rolled down on the snow from the window.

"Shit!" drunk night angrily said, "there\'s something wrong with fixing your mind. Why did you throw me out of the window?"

"Don\'t you want to go out? I\'ll just help you." Xiuqi also jumped out of the window, stood up drunk all night, and handed over the cotton padded clothes he was holding.

He put on his cotton padded clothes and was drunk all night. He looked at the motorcade that was going to gallop by not far away, spit out his breath, raised his eyes and said to Mo Wen, "boss, do we want to follow them?"

Seeing Mo Wen nodding, he turned and rushed over quickly without saying a word.

"Charles, there\'s a rest station here." a blonde boy patted the window with a wooden stick in his mouth. "Shall we have a rest?"

"The leader is still waiting." Charles drove the car with his eyes fixed on the snow for a long time.

"Oh, Charles, you can\'t be so cruel. I want to go to the bathroom!" the boy said angrily.

Being made speechless by the juvenile\'s shamelessness, Charles reluctantly closed his eyes and stopped the car.

I\'ve been walking for two days. It\'s really time to have a rest.

"Tell al a few of them that we\'ll rest here for half an hour."

"Half an hour?!" the boy blew his hair. "Shouldn\'t we have a good rest and take a bath?"

"The chief is still waiting." Charles frowned and got out of the car.

The boy was helpless and could only jump off the snow to move his legs and feet.

But as soon as he raised his eyes, he saw an Asian walking leisurely. Although his whole body was wrapped like zongzi, his back was straight, and his every move had an unspeakable elegance.

His handsome appearance inexplicably gives people a sense of closeness, especially when he shows a friendly smile, several people are sunny and warm.

"Hi?" the boy said hello.

Drunk night looked at the handsome young man, thought about it and came over.


"What\'s the matter with you?" the boy had a good first impression of being drunk all night, and asked without any hostility at the moment.

"I\'d like to meet the leader of your team," zuiwuye confessed.