Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 750

The boy couldn\'t help but be suspicious. After looking up and down at the drunk night, he turned back and said to Charles who was talking to Al, "Charles, someone is looking for you."

Charles looked sideways when he heard the speech. When he saw the Asian man on Al\'s side, his pupils shrank slightly for a moment, but the change was so subtle that ordinary people couldn\'t see it at all.

Of course, drunk night is never an ordinary person.

There was no change on his face, and even the smile on his mouth became more and more sincere.

This guy named Charles seems to know him

It\'s strange that his name of drunk Emperor may be like thunder in China, but no one should know it in M.

The complex mind disappeared in an instant. Looking at Charles who had walked in front of him, drunk night friendly extended his hand, "Hello, I\'m drunk night."

"Charles." Charles nodded steadily, reached out and shook his hand symbolically. "What can I do for you?"

"My partner and I saw your motorcade, and my leader asked me to ask where you were going." Zui Wuye had sincere eyes and a pair of black eyes looked spotless.

"Hundred gods." Charles looked at the drunk night and said seriously, "we\'re going to the hundred gods base."

There was no response to Charles\'s look. He spread his hand and said in surprise, "what a coincidence, so are we! Can you take us together? The snow is too thick. We can\'t walk without your snow truck."

Although drunk night was seeking help from others, his eyes were not humble. Charles was stunned by his bright eyes.

"Charles, since they are with us, let\'s help them." the boy standing by now looked at the drunken night and turned his eyes into appreciation. "Maybe they have something important to do when they go to the hundred gods."

Charles smiled bitterly at the speech. He looked at the boy, shook his head and said, "Gail, you are so kind."

"I just don\'t think we\'ll lose anything by helping them," Gail said seriously. "Now the snow is blocking the road, and only we can get out of the snow track."

Looking at Gail\'s clear eyes, Charles sighed helplessly, and finally nodded to drunk night.

"Thank you very much." Zui Wuyi smiled sincerely. "Can you wait for us a little bit? We can start right away."

Xiuqi, they should have handled the snow almost, but his sleep time is gone.

Thinking of this drunken night, I couldn\'t help sighing in my heart. I just wanted to take Ali and give him a place to sleep well.

"But before that, I need to know about you." Charles looked drunk all night, and his deep eyes flashed a sharp color. "I need to see your leader."

"Of course," drunk night smiled, "but you can ask me any questions. I\'m in charge of most of our affairs."

"Hmm?" Gail couldn\'t help wondering, "what does your leader do?"

"Of course, the leader decides the important things, and we should do some small things." drunk night smiled.

"If you have too much power, it may threaten the position of the leader. Don\'t you leaders care?" Gail was surprised.

"Gail." Charles looked at Gail and was obviously not very satisfied with his reckless questions.

Will Mervyn care about their seizure of power? The face of drunken night is a little strange. Do people with this idea still have a life now? If Mo Wen doesn\'t fix it, these diehards will chop people up, okay.

"The leader naturally believes in us." looking at Gail being scolded by Charles, he should also stubbornly look at himself. When he is drunk all night, he can\'t help pursing his lips and laughing, "we all swear to be loyal to him."

That sounds very sincere, but the real credibility... Well, it\'s debatable.

But Gail obviously believed it. He tilted his mouth with envy and muttered in a low voice, "I really envy such a good man."

He also looked at Charles, how complicated his eyes were.

"What are you doing at the hundred gods base?" naturally, after receiving Gail\'s strange eyes, Charles sighed helplessly again and looked at the drunken night. "Even so, I have to see your leader."

"Well, please follow me." when Charles insisted on seeing Mo Wen, he nodded and walked ahead.

If Charles was just the leader of an ordinary team, drunkenness would never let him close to Mo Wen. After all, no matter who sees a human being with a zombie, he will be vigilant and won\'t take them on the same road.

At that time, we have to kill all these people and rob their cars before we leave.

But now this Charles is obviously not an ordinary person. He knows himself, but he has to hide his mind, so that people can\'t be suspicious.

And the name Gail sounds familiar

Although they don\'t know much about the overall situation of country m, they also know from all aspects that the head of the hundred gods is Wales Alex, and his youngest son is Gail Alex.

Well, they were lucky enough to meet the youngest son of the leader of the baishen base, but they didn\'t know whether the meeting was unintentional or deliberate.

"Drunk..." looking at the coming drunk night, Qin Huai swallowed the emperor\'s word and changed his way, "drunk brother, are they?"

After all, the title of drunk emperor xiuhuang is special. It\'s better to mention it in front of people in country M.

"This is the manager of the team. I\'ll take them to see the boss." Zui Wuyi smiled and waved to Xiuqi, "Xiuqi, clean up the snow quickly, and we can start right away."

Xiuqidang didn\'t see the appearance of being drunk all night. He sidled into the cross-country and tried to start the car.

The weather is cold. If you don\'t prepare the car in advance, you can\'t start it. Even if their car has been modified by gold power, it\'s the same.

Qin Huai is a fire power. Now hurry to help.

Seeing that no one was drunk all night, he didn\'t care. He happily took Charles upstairs.

Just then, Ellie came out of the room and smiled sweetly when she saw drunk all night.

"Drunk, are they?" Ellie called the name of drunk night, as if they had been together from the beginning.

"This is the man from the hundred gods base." drunk night introduced Charles and Gail with a meaningful smile. "This is Mr. Charles and this is Mr. Gail."