Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 748

wait and see?

Drunk night touched his chin as if thinking.

"What\'s the matter?" Xiuqi stood on the side of the drunk night, knowing that his expression must be bad.

"It\'s all right." drunk night spread his hand. Seeing Xiuqi staring at himself suspiciously, he simply came forward and took his shoulder and said with a smile, "Xiuqi, the boss has nothing to find me now. Do you think I can go back to bed?"

Xiuqi immediately stared at him, but he didn\'t say anything to stop him.

He knew that if he was drunk all night, he wouldn\'t do what he didn\'t want to do even if others stared at him.

It\'s not that you can\'t do it well, it\'s that you don\'t do it directly.

"Whatever you want," he said impatiently.

Pat Xiuqi\'s shoulders, show a sunny smile with satisfaction when drunk. The next second, he directly rushed into the room and threw himself on the bed to continue to sleep.

"What did the drunk emperor do?" Qin Huai said curiously when he saw Xiuqi standing alone in the snow.

"Sleep." Xiuqi looked gloomy and bent down to pick up the snow broom. "Regardless of him, we continue to clean up the snow."

Qin Huai didn\'t say much about the aboveboard lazy drunk night. He obediently walked to Xiuqi\'s side and followed him to clean up the snow.

Although Ellie pestered him, she did not know why she was afraid of the drunken emperor xiuhuang\'s attitude. As long as she followed Xiuqi, Ellie would not pester him wantonly.

Sure enough, after seeing Xiuqi\'s gloomy face, Ellie rubbed her arms and stared at Qinhuai with her mouth tilted.

Qinhuai was stared at with goose bumps. He simply bowed his head and ignored this vision.

"Why are you close to Qinhuai?" a voice suddenly came from behind. Looking back at Qinhuai, Aili saw an ordinary looking man standing behind her and asked her.

This man impressed her. It seems to be called... Zhang Xin?

Silently looking at Zhang Xin as like as two peas, ETUDE thought, "there\'s no hostility to him." he is exactly the same as my former lover.

"As like as two peas?" Zhang Xin opened his eyes slightly. "Have you seen Qinhuai before?"

Qin Huai is a Chinese. If he is involved with the people of M... There must be a problem with his identity.

"No," said Ellie. "I said it was imaginary."

"..." imagine as like as two peas? That\'s weird.

Zhang Xin would not believe as like as two peas. He looked at Qu Yaoyao with a broom and gave it to Qu Yaoyao in Qinhuai. "You are sure? Imagine how it could be the same."

"Why not," said Ellie, with one hand on her waist and the other hand elegantly stroking the blonde hair on the side of her face, "Zhang, do you like the woman who has been pestering her Royal Highness the prince?"

Zhang Xin was stunned and knew that Aili was talking about Qu Yaoyao. He shook his fist and said without hesitation, "yes, I like her."

I didn\'t expect Zhang Xin to admit it directly. Such an attitude has greatly increased Ellie\'s favor. She hates that kind of submissive man most. In her opinion, it\'s great to frankly admit her love.

"I can help you." seeing this, she became serious. "I didn\'t like that woman very much. I can let her see God."

"Of course." before Zhang Xin\'s face cooled down, Ellie added, "since you like that lady, I can find a way to get you together."

"What can you do?" Zhang Xin couldn\'t help raising his voice. Qu Yaoyao\'s attitude of resistance to him had long been found, but there was nothing he could do.

"Of course." Ellie smiled and leaned over Zhang Xin\'s ear. "I think that woman seems to hate you very much. I can let her forget your bad."

"Can you control people\'s memory?!" hearing the speech, Zhang Xin opened his eyes in surprise and even suppressed his breathing.

Ellie smiled, neither admitting nor denying, and seemed to acquiesce.

She removed her face from Zhang Xin\'s ear, slightly bent her eyes and said, "I can give you a few days to think about it and let her come back to you."

"Why do you help me... No, what do you want me to do?" Zhang Xin asked in a low voice.

"I don\'t need you to do anything." Ellie\'s smile is still bright and moving. "Oh, I just don\'t want an eye-catching woman around the prince. This is a mutually beneficial and win-win thing."

After that, she waved away from Zhang Xin regardless of Zhang Xin\'s reaction, and only the strange eyes still focused on him.

"Think about it."

The girl\'s pleasant voice seemed to ring in her ears. Zhang Xin stood in place with his fist clenched, clenched his teeth and looked at the ground.

Qu Yaoyao not far away also took her eyes back from Zhang Xin. She frowned slightly and cleared the snow skillfully.

Qin Huai was very close to her. Naturally, he noticed her abnormal mood and asked, "what\'s the matter?"

"What did Ellie say to Zhang Xin just now? It seems that Zhang Xin is obviously affected." Qu Yaoyao frowns slightly and still looks at the snow face. "Ellie... Gives me the feeling that she is very dangerous. Her appearance is too strange."

"I also think she is very dangerous." Qin Huai recalled the dark days these days. It is impossible not to be depressed. Ellie\'s harassment not only hindered his normal rest, but also disturbed his fun when eating.

Thinking of this, he added angrily, "it\'s also very annoying."

Knowing why Qinhuai was so resentful, Qu Yaoyao couldn\'t help laughing, "now you can eat less. It\'s not bad."

Qinhuai choked with anger and couldn\'t help gnashing his teeth.

It\'s torture not to let food eat!

"Zhang Xin always thinks that he is not the same as us." ignoring Qin Huai\'s real grievances, Qu Yaoyao raised his eyes and swept Zhang Xin who began to go this way. There was no fluctuation on his face. "He was pedantic, false and upright, and self righteous."

"In his opinion, we are all demons. Only he is an angel. I really hope what he does can meet the human settings he has set for himself."

After Qu Yaoyao said this, he was silent, and Zhang Xin walked next to them at this time.

"Can I help you?" he looked at Qin Huai and Qu Yao.

"I\'ll clean up the back with Qu Yaoyao. You can clean up the front of the car." Qu Yaoyao naturally won\'t pay attention to Zhang Xin, but Qinhuai and Zhang Xin have no disputes. He said easily at the moment.

Hearing the speech, Zhang Xin hesitated. He looked at Qu Yaoyao and saw that the other party didn\'t even give himself a look. He simply shut up and went to clean up the snow in front of the car.

Zheng Yunfei swept away some of the snow in front of the car, but he was an ordinary man after all. Now he had run back to his room and covered his hands. It is estimated that he will come out in a while.

Zhang Xin obediently picked up the broom on the ground and began to clean up the snow, but her eyes drifted to Qu Yaoyao.