Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 747

Unfortunately, as soon as he closed his eyes, the door was pushed open again. Listening to the familiar footsteps, he turned his mouth without opening his eyes.

Xiuqi stared at the naughty drunk night lying on the bed, clenched his teeth and stretched out his hand to pull his collar, "get up, the boss calls you."

"What did the boss ask me to do?" drunk night grumbled, but he still got up.

Xiuqi didn\'t make a sound again. He took the coat beside getting up and handed it to him.

He took his coat and put it on his body. He was drunk all night. Then he went out of the door reluctantly.

Mo Wen is standing outside at the moment, watching Zheng Yunfei and them clean up the snow on the car.

People\'s adaptability is terrible. After several experiences of almost freezing to death, Zheng Yunfei\'s cold tolerance is much better than ordinary people.

"Boss." Zui Wuyi stepped forward and looked at the cross-country on his side. He really didn\'t want to clean up.

Why is the snow so thick

"Where\'s my sister-in-law?" he said.

"Blue is still resting." Mo Wen said faintly, and his plain eyes swept away from the drunken face. "Drunken without night, you and Xiuqi are still partners."


Zuiwuye and Xiuqi were stunned, but zuiwuye quickly reacted. His eyes were a little complicated and said to Mo Wen, "boss, what are you going to do next? Will Xiuqi and I not go to the baishen base?"

Mo Wen deliberately mentioned that they are partners, so there must be something arranged.

"No, let\'s go to the baishen base together." Mo Wen said faintly, "then Ellie will go to the GINA base. You will go there later. Don\'t be found by her."

"Why don\'t you go with her?" drunk night didn\'t understand. "We\'re new here. No one shows us the way. It\'s hard to act."

"I want you to investigate Ellie\'s grandmother, the so-called prophet." when he said this, Mo Wen\'s eyes obviously became chaotic. He slightly lowered his eyes to cover the coldness in the bottom of his eyes, "if you find any problem... Deal with it directly."

The prophet is too mysterious, but it may be absurd to put it before the end of the world, but it is not necessarily false to put it in the end of the world.

After all, the end is coming. What else is impossible.

"OK." the drunk who likes to do this task most couldn\'t help laughing.

"Let Zheng Yunfei follow you then." Mo Wen continued.

Zheng Yunfei can lead the way. At the same time, as an ordinary person, it is safest to stay drunk all night.

"Yes." drunk night thought, "but that guy is an ordinary man. If he dies accidentally... Don\'t blame me, boss."

"It doesn\'t matter." Mo Wen said faintly. He didn\'t seem to care about Zheng Yunfei\'s life at all.

Xiuqi always obeyed Mo Wen\'s orders unconditionally, so he promised without saying anything at the moment.

Just at this time, Ellie ran out of the building and rushed to Qinhuai to say something intimately.

Qinhuai was helpless. He looked at Qu Yaoyao, who was gloating next to him, picked up a handful of snow and threw it at her.

Qu Yaoyao was beaten for a moment. She narrowed her eyes dangerously and threw a handful of snow in her hand.

Unfortunately, she couldn\'t touch the tip of Qinhuai\'s nose. When the snowball came, Qinhuai was directly held up by Ellie and hid next to her.

Qin Huai, who was held by the princess for the third time, looked at the ground unsightly. He knew that he couldn\'t get rid of it. He simply didn\'t bother to struggle. He let Qu Yaoyao laugh at himself.

Not only Qu Yaoyao, but also other people in the hotel laughed at this scene, so they almost pointed to Qinhuai\'s nose and laughed at him.

Drunk all night, he smiled and looked back at Mo Wen, "but boss, if we hurt Ellie\'s family, will she turn against us?"

The current situation of gina\'er is unknown. It would be much better for them if Ellie helped them drag.

"You see what you do," said Mo Wen. "It\'s not the first time you\'ve done such a thing."

"Also." drunk all night, he couldn\'t help smiling, touched his chin and continued to ask, "what are you going to do after that? How can we contact each other?"

"Ellie can cooperate with the gods. Naturally, there is a way to contact them. Lanlan and I are likely to stay in the gods." Mo Wen looked sideways and just looked at the window of their room.

Yu Lan seems to have woken up. She is lying on the window and waved to him with sleepy eyes.

His face softened gradually, and Mo Wen turned to look for Yu Lan directly.

"Boss, if you and your sister-in-law stay in baishen... Where are they in Qinhuai?" Zui Wuye still stood behind and asked in a puzzled voice.

"We\'ll talk about it then." Mo Wen waved his hand and disappeared.