Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 746

Besides, Mo Wen went out with Yu Lan and went straight back to his room. He was about to put Yu Lan on the bed, but he didn\'t want Yu Lan to ring his neck and die.

"What\'s the matter?" he said strangely.

"... it\'s enough to eat." Yu Lan buried his head in his neck and said, "rub."

Mo Wen was silent. He sat by the bed, put Yu Lan on his leg and gently rubbed her stomach.

In fact, Yu Lan has no digestive organs. Even if she has estimates, she can\'t digest things. Maybe this is why she can\'t eat human food.

So she didn\'t feel uncomfortable at the moment. She just held Mo Wen\'s neck and didn\'t let go.

"Lan Lan, what\'s the matter with you?" Mo Wen didn\'t know whether Yu Lan had any food support, but looking at her, he knew she was absolutely uncomfortable at the moment.

Yu Lan didn\'t make a sound, just hung his head and waited quietly for you to lean against Mo Wen\'s arms.

Mo Wen didn\'t know what was wrong with her. He could only gently touch her back. His eyes were chaotic.

"Blue blue, tell me what\'s wrong with you."

The interrogative tone is expressed in a declarative tone. The corners of ink\'s mouth have a gentle smile, but the mood is out of control.

Yes, under the influence of blue, ink is changing to the good, but the premise is that blue is good.

Yu Lan thought about things in his heart. For a moment, he had not found the abnormality of ink.

She looked at the front with deep uneasiness in her eyes.

Ellie said before that there was ink in the prophecy, but there was no zombie, that is, there was no her.

Mo Wen will never make such extreme behavior as destroying the world. If he does, she must be gone.

"... Arvin."

Yu Lan hugged Mo Wen\'s neck, closed his eyes and cleared the negative emotions with the fastest speed.

Mo Wen raised her chin and looked at her.

Also looking at the dark eyes of ink, Yu Lan smiled and showed a lovely little white teeth, "no matter what, you must be good."

Mo Wen didn\'t make a sound, just held her tightly in his arms, and his purple lips trembled uncontrollably.

How should I tell her that only with her world can I live well.

"Don\'t leave me." Mo Wen finally said only this word, but used all his reason and strength.



The blizzard continued for a week. When the world was almost submerged by silver, the sky finally cleared up. The sun was not hot on the ground, making the already cold weather more biting.

"Will it snow next?" drunk night lay on the window and looked at the ground.

Most of the zombies were buried under the thick snow these days. They moved slowly and didn\'t have much attack power.

"How do I know?" Xiuqi said coldly.

"I feel uncomfortable these days." I move my fingers and smile brighter than the sun. "But I hope to continue to be calm than going out on such a cold day."

"Affectation." Xiuqi glanced at him obliquely and turned to walk into the room.

"Bah, what affectation." drunk Wuye walked on Xiuqi\'s side and stared at him, "do you want to go out now?"

"This is not what I can decide." Xiuqi went to the table to pack up. "The boss means to start these two days."

As soon as I heard that it was the meaning of ink, I immediately withered down when I was drunk and leaned against the wall with a sad face and sighed.

Qinhuai quietly sat by the bed to pack up his things. No matter how Xiuqi and drunk night interact, his eyebrows wrinkled into a ball. He closed his lips tightly, and the dark blue at the bottom of his eyes made him a lot gloomy.

These days, Ellie bothers him day and night. No matter how he blows, she can\'t go away. Her face has reached the thickness of the city wall.

"Qinhuai, do you want to sleep?" drunken night seemed to be concerned about Qinhuai, but the meaning of schadenfreude on his face was revealed without disguise.

"No need." Qin Huai\'s face was ugly, but he still stood up and said, "the boss asked me to clean the snow around the car."

"Let\'s go together." Xiuqi followed Qin Huai out of the door, leaving only drunk all night to stay in the room and stare.

Shit, do you want to work so hard and have a rest? If you don\'t have a rest, where will you have a rest time next!

Thinking so, he simply lay down in bed, closed his eyes and prepared to go to bed.