Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 745

Yu Lan, who was watched by Ai Li, obediently continued to gnaw at the crystal core and leaned against Mo Wen\'s arms to avoid Ai Li\'s sight.

"... I\'m sorry." fortunately, Ellie quickly apologized. She didn\'t plan to directly confront them with Mo Wen, otherwise she wouldn\'t come to them.

"Blue." Mo Wen called with a slight droop of his eyes.

Yu Lan raised his head just to the dark eyes of ink. After sipping his mouth, he put his head to Ellie and said, "it doesn\'t matter."

Originally, she didn\'t intend to let Ellie meet herself, but Mo Wen shot too fast and too hard, and she didn\'t have time to stop.

The cold feeling in the room dissipated with the sound of Yu Lan. Ellie, who repressed her breathing, found that her back was cold and wet.

Some uncomfortable wanted to get up. However, without her arms, her vision was a little blurred. Although the wound at the broken arm healed quickly to stop bleeding, the two arms were gone.

At the thought of losing her arms, Ellie bit her teeth and closed her eyes.

It\'s just that she is reckless. It doesn\'t matter if she can get some help from them.

Although the atmosphere eased a lot, there was still a strong smell of blood in the room. No one dared to speak. They looked at the bloody Ellie and the ink.

"Boss." drunken night came over and looked obscene with a smile on his face. "What shall we do first, Miss Ellie... If we don\'t have arms, we may have some trouble."

It was agreed that Ellie would solve the other half of Gina\'s power. If she lost her arms, her combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

Mo Wen felt disgusted and swept the blood stains on the wall and the ground, holding Yu Lan to stand up.

"Clean up the room," he paused. "As for her arm... You\'ll deal with it when you\'re drunk."

"Can\'t you deal with it?" drunk night looked at Ellie with schadenfreude.

Mo Wen, who had reached the door, didn\'t even look back, "then you\'ll deal with Gina\'s base."

"All right." Mo Wen\'s answer was expected. Drunk all night, he went to Ellie\'s body and stretched out his hands to cover her broken arm in her confused eyes. "I won\'t do such a troublesome thing. Gina will give it to you, Ellie."

As soon as the voice fell, Ellie found that many granulation tissues emerged from her broken arm at a speed visible to the naked eye. They attached to the gradually extended ulna and radius, and soon formed bright red muscle tissue. In a few minutes, this layer of tissue was covered with a layer of white and transparent skin.

She was shocked at first, but then it turned into a thriller. She didn\'t even come back when she was drunk all night to cure her arm.

After two activities, a new pair of arms grew. I found that the arms were not only more flexible, but also had no defects in the skin, smooth and bright, like a new life.

"Are you a healing power?" she said in shock as she looked at the drunken night.

"Yes." drunk night slightly lowered his head and looked at her condescending. The smile on his mouth was bright and clear, filled with the warm breath of youth, "so I am an absolute good man who can have such a good power."

"Sure enough..." Ellie trembled all over. She looked at her hands and threw herself into Qinhuai\'s arms in the eyes of drunken expectation. "The people around your highness are super powerful!"

"..." drunk all night.

"..." Qin Huai.

"Lying in the trough!" drunk and angry at night, "I\'m the one who saved you. What does it have to do with Qinhuai?"

Inexplicably, Qin Huai, who had endured the angry eyes of drunken night, was silent, tried to push Ellie away, and stepped back.

Unexpectedly, his retreating feet had not yet settled down, and Ellie trembled like a brown candy and held his waist.

"Because you are beside the prince, you can be so powerful." Ellie turned back with a smile and looked at Qin Huai under her convulsive face. "Your Highness, when can you pick me up on a white horse? As a princess, I offer all my loyalty to you."

White horse? I\'ll pick you up on a donkey!

"You let go!" Qin Huai just wanted to knock Ellie\'s head flat.

"Yes!" Ellie really sent Qinhuai away, but her eyes were so bright that she almost blinded Qinhuai\'s eyes.

God... Who can help him get rid of this madman!