Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 744

Listening to Ellie\'s words, Yu Lan can only rub her forehead. She has a headache.

"Let me see..." she said, "do you mean Mo Xiaobing is an angel?"

"That\'s what I mean," said Ellie coyly.

Generally speaking, angels refer to good people and Demons refer to bad people.

Yu Lan\'s eyes were more or less influenced by Aili\'s words.

It\'s just that Ellie herself is not credible. Yu Lan is affected by some, but she just tilts her mouth and hugs Mo Wen\'s arm.

"Hungry!" she muttered.

Mo Wen immediately looked at her. No matter what he was doing now, he directly took out the crystal core and arrived at the past.

Yu Lan was satisfied and nibbled happily with the crystal nucleus, like a hamster.

Ellie stared at Yu Lan and suddenly felt that the human zombie looked cute?

Is this zombie the little pet of this group?

"You said I was the one in the prophecy?" he rubbed Yu Lan\'s head, and Mo Wen raised his eyes slightly and asked Ellie.

"Yes," said Ellie.

"Did you mention blue?" Mo Wen said.

Blue blue? Immediately, it was Yu Lan\'s name. Ellie didn\'t mind thinking seriously and said, "no, I didn\'t mention this zombie."

It seems that she has no effect on the future.

Yu Lan doesn\'t care. He continues to nibble at the crystal core. It\'s fun to bite one by one.

Didn\'t you mention blue

Mo Wen didn\'t know what he thought. His face remained the same, but his eyes were full of emotions that he couldn\'t understand.

Drunk night looked at Mo Wen\'s face, secretly happy, and then looked at Ellie and said, "Ellie, if you go to the gods to cooperate with them, will the other half of Gina\'s power allow it?"

"At that time, I will be responsible for suppressing the other half of Gina\'s power. If this group of garbage is not handled, it really gets in the way." Ellie\'s affection gradually becomes ferocious, and the corners of her mouth rise again. It\'s strange. Wait for your radian, "you and the gods will just solve cook."

"Seriously, I really don\'t like to listen to your orders." drunk night smiled and looked bright.

"What do you mean?" Ellie joked. "Do you still have a choice? We have the same purpose now. This is the best solution."

"Let\'s say, what if we sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?" drunk all night, brazen and looking like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. "You can see that although we come from China, there are only so few people. It\'s estimated that we can\'t do much."

"Isn\'t there an army of zombies?" Ellie smiled obliquely at Yu Lan, and reached out to touch her head.

This zombie can manipulate more zombies... The existence of a zombie army in the last world is no less than a well-equipped army before the last world. Team.

Who would have thought that before her hand touched half of Yu Lan\'s hair, the whole person was directly hit out by a force. When everyone didn\'t react, the two arms burst in an instant and broke into meat foam.

This was startled by the dull sound. Zhang Xin immediately got up and stepped back.

Fortunately, he was far away and was not splashed with much blood, but the wall on Ellie\'s side was basically red with blood.

Only Zhang Xin and Zheng Yunfei were present. Don\'t open your eyes if you feel uncomfortable. The others looked pale and couldn\'t see their emotions.

Qin Huai was very happy that he finally got rid of the sick woman. He hurriedly flashed aside to avoid the splashing blood and pulled Qu Yaoyao\'s collar.

Qu Yaoyao was dragged by Qin Huai, and a few drops of blood were splashed on his sleeve. She stared expressionless at Qin Huai and rubbed him twice. She was stunned to rub the blood away.

Mo Wen continued to feed the crystal nucleus to Yu Lan as if nothing had happened. The crystal nucleus was wiped crystal clear with a clean cloth towel in his hand.

Ellie couldn\'t believe she swept around the crowd and couldn\'t find out who hurt herself.

The severe pain from her arm almost made her unable to breathe, and her muscles seemed to spasm out of control.

"Well, I forgot to remind you not to touch your sister-in-law." drunk night smiled with his chin. "Otherwise, it\'s not just these two arms that will be broken next time."

sister-in-law??? Looking around the crowd again, Ellie looked at Yu Lan, who was chewing the crystal core, unbelievably.

She was hurt like this because of this zombie?!

And what the hell is sister-in-law? It\'s clearly a zombie!

Ellie finally realized how Qinhuai felt when she called her Highness Prince Qinhuai.