Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 743

"You see what I do." Xiuqi looked at it inexplicably. He was drunk all night, and said to Ellie, "let\'s not beat around the bush. Tell me what you want to do."

Mo Wen looked slightly at Zheng Yunfei at this time.

Zheng Yunfei was stunned and immediately responded. He took out a map from his backpack and put it in front of Ellie.

"This is a good map." after glancing at the map, Ellie praised it and said quickly, "what are your plans now?"

"We\'re going to go straight to siren to find cook," zuiwiye said. "After all, we\'re not familiar with our life. We only have this way."

"How to say, this method is not impossible, but it can\'t be done by you alone."

"How do you say that?" drunk night picked his eyebrow.

In his opinion, there are no uncertain things in the world. No matter how great difficulties we encounter, as long as we put the ink there, all problems will be solved.

"You are too weak," said Ellie directly.

"Maybe you can try." Xiuqi\'s face was cold, and the chain on his wrist was ready to move again.

"Xiuqi..." some headache pressed the Xiuqi chain and said helplessly, "can you stop doing it directly and use your brain?"

"What do you think at this time?" Xiuqi didn\'t understand.

"It\'s just to let you not get angry in such a hurry." drunk Wuye shook his head and looked at Ellie. "Do you mean that siren has a very powerful existence?"

"Where the night stop is arranged, how can there be no danger?" Ellie raised her eyebrows and said disdainfully, "I can\'t say there are more powerful people there than the son of prophecy, but there is definitely a way that we can\'t get close to night cook. It\'s impossible for us to rush directly to see cook."

"You have a point." drunk night immediately agreed, "do you have any idea?"

"Don\'t you have a saying in China?" Ellie smiled with a strange smile. "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be invincible in a hundred battles."

Drunk all night, I looked at her and wanted to see what she said.

I don\'t think Ellie did look down at the map to the ground and pointed to the Pantheon not far away. "Let\'s go here next."

"Go to baishen base?" drunk Wuye was puzzled. "Is the relationship between baishen base and siren bad?"

"It\'s not just bad." Ellie smiled. "There are two sons and one daughter in Alex\'s hands. Except the youngest son, all the sons and one daughter died in the hands of the siren."

"Siren is the most powerful existence in country m, well-equipped, well-equipped and covered at night." looking at her smooth fingernails, Ellie laughed more and more ridiculed, "what do gina\'er and the gods have? What else is there besides the united people? Oh, I forget, gina\'er doesn\'t even have a united people."

"So you mean we\'re going to go to the gods to find their help and unite?" Qin Huai, who had been silent, asked and moved aside to stay away from Ellie.

However, Ellie didn\'t want to let him go. She wrapped her arms around him like brown sugar and complained like a spoiled girl, "don\'t run away. I won\'t do anything to you now. We can get along with each other for a while like you in China and take our time."

Spend some time together? take your time? What?!

Qinhuai felt that his self-cultivation was not bad, but after meeting Ellie, the green veins in his forehead didn\'t stop beating.

Ignoring Qin Huai\'s twisted face, elliton said, "but you\'re right. We really want to find a hundred gods, and they will help us."


"Because the most serious influence of this monster was the hundred gods." Ellie looked at Mo Xiaohuan and said with her chin. "She almost destroyed the hundred gods. If Alex hadn\'t set up many escape points, she might have been directly killed by this monster."

Listening to Ellie say these things she can\'t remember at all, Mo Xiaohuan\'s expression became a little trance.

She hasn\'t done this


It was the voice of doubt again, as if it had spread through the layers of despair in hell.

[think about it.]

Who is Lord Yezhi yours

What are you going to do

The voice in her mind made Mo Xiaohuan shake her mind uncontrollably. She didn\'t want to think about it, but what voice in her mind sounded again and again.

"You mentioned Mo Xiaohuan again and again." Yu Lan\'s voice suddenly came into her mind. "I\'m very surprised. If Mo Xiaohuan was really loyal to the night stop and was assigned any task by him, why would he take her away from us again and again?"

Even in this case, does Yu Lan still believe her?

Mo Xiaohuan raised his eyes and just matched Yu Lan\'s soothing eyes.

Seeing the warmth in her eyes, her eyes turned uncontrollably red.


I won\'t betray you anyway.

I don\'t know that Mo Xiaohuan has secretly made up her mind at the bottom of her heart. Ellie just tilted to Mo Xiaohuan and said, "did ye Zhi steal Mo Xiaohuan? According to his strength, there should be no problem if Mo Xiaohuan steals it?"

"The power of night stop is limited in our world," Yu Lan explained.

"So powerful power will be limited?" said Ellie. "Don\'t you listen to Mo Xiaohuan?"

"So what?" Yu Lan also smiled.

"Mo Xiaohuan is the dog of Yezhi. Of course, there has been no loophole testimony for a long time." Ellie said, "do you believe such people?"

"Then why should I believe someone like you who I just met and haven\'t said a few words?" Yu Lan asked.

"..." Ellie was angry. "She thought she was doing something bitter."

She murmured in a low voice, and Ellie\'s voice changed slightly. "Anyway, none of the people in country m don\'t hate Mo Xiaohuan. If you want to move freely in country m, you\'d better prepare a mask to block their faces."

"This can be." Yu Lan raised her eyebrows and asked again, "but I have another question."

Trying to bully the strange Ellie looked over and nodded seriously.

"You noticed Mo Xiaohuan. Why don\'t you pay attention to Mo Xiaobing? You haven\'t mentioned it once since you entered the room."

At the beginning of this question, Ellie was stunned. She looked at Yu Lan, looked at Mo Xiaobing with wide eyes, and thought, "they can\'t compare. One symbolizes the devil in the desperate situation, and the other is the most pure angel."