Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 742

Mo Wen lowered his eyes and finally calmed down after a long time. He stretched out his long arm and directly pressed Yu Lan to his chest.

Being bullied by Mo Wen on his chest, Yu Lan skillfully rubbed it, and he didn\'t mean to resist.

Although Mo Wen didn\'t make a sound and the dangerous smell dissipated a lot, she knew that Mo Wen was not as calm as it seemed.

At that moment, he had a killing intention for Mo Xiaohuan and Ellie.

"Listen to what you said, but can you tell me why you are so calm after seeing Mo Xiaohuan?" Zui Wuyi held his chin and asked softly, "as if he had expected her to be with us. If this guy really told you that it was so dangerous, can you calmly discuss these with us here?"

"I know a Chinese man will destroy us." Ellie\'s eyes swept around the people and finally stopped on Mo Wen. "It can also save us."

"What?" drunk night was confused by her words.

"My grandmother told me." Ellie smiled. "My grandmother is a witch."

"..." there are princes and princesses, and it doesn\'t matter to add a witch?

Qin Huai lowered his head and thought silently.


Drunk without night, he thought more. He looked at Mo Wen and obviously doubted Ellie\'s words.

After receiving his eyes, Mo Wen didn\'t have any reaction, but asked faintly, "what\'s your identity?"

"I\'m Gina\'s second count," added Ellie. "Half of Gina\'s hands are in my hands."

The room quickly quieted down. They didn\'t expect that Ellie would directly explain her identity. For a moment, it was hard to doubt.

"Really?" Mo Wen looked at Ellie, her dark eyes with suppressed coldness.

"Really." Ellie nodded, even though she felt a little uncomfortable under the circumstances.

Mo Wen is noncommittal.

"Can you continue to talk about the witch you said?" asked Zui Wuye, who sat next to him very strangely.

"Grandma\'s business? There\'s nothing to say." Ellie shook her head, but she whispered, "but I can tell you, grandma told me that I can meet predicted men and dark demons here..."

She looked at Mo Xiaohuan next to her and scanned her eyes on Mo Xiaobing at the same time.

Mo Xiaobing, who was watched by her, frowned and glared back.

Ellie didn\'t care. She just looked back and said, "is there anything else you want to ask?"

Yu Lan noticed the eye contact between Ellie and Mo Xiaobing. She tilted her head and her milky eyes flashed.

Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing are obviously similar in appearance. If there is any prophecy, why don\'t you mention Mo Xiaobing at all.

Or... How did Ellie determine that the dark devil must be mo Xiaohuan? Eyes alone?

"So, are you here to tell us the danger of Mo Xiaohuan?" seeing Mo Wen, he still didn\'t mean to speak. But he was drunk all night and could only continue, "what do you want us to do? Kill her?"

When Zui Wuye said this, he obviously felt some sharp eyes from Mo Xiaobing, but when he looked at it, the sharp color turned into a mocking color.

"Of course not, although I know you have this strength." Ellie put her hands elegantly on her legs and leaned against Qin Huai\'s arms. Whether the other party hated her or not, she pushed herself away and said to herself, "But we\'d better not overdo it. Anyway, the devil is destined to dissipate under the light. As long as we successfully stop the night, the world will usher in peace."

Listening to her saying "we" one by one, Xiuqi, who had no patience at the moment, directly sneered, "you say that Mo Xiaohuan is a monster and we don\'t care about her. What do you mean?"

"Don\'t worry." she smiled soothingly at Xiuqi, and Ellie continued, "so when I come to the man in the prophecy, I also want to discuss with you the plan of how to deal with the night stop next."

"Wait a minute." Mo Wen, who had been listening to their dialogue, said again. He couldn\'t hear any feelings in his tone. "As far as I know, Gina and siren should be allies? In other words, you should be the talent at Yezhi. Yes, what capital do you take to discuss things with us."

Ellie saw Mo Wen say this point to the point. Although she was stunned for a moment, she soon returned to her God, "you should not know that Gina has three levels of power, namely the first count, the second count and the third count."

They really didn\'t know this at the end of the closed news. When they saw the ink, they looked like they were willing to listen, and they were quiet.

"I am the second count, who is in charge of half of Gina\'s power. However, the first count Elster and the third count Kerry both choose to cooperate with siren\'s cook."

When Ellie said this, her face showed ridicule, and her small and bright face took a taste of contempt. "She didn\'t weigh her weight, she didn\'t have any ability, but only knew the short-term interests in front of her."

"Benefits?" Xiuqi asked, "what benefits does the night stop promise give you?"

"Don\'t you understand what you\'ve experienced in the handover city?" Ellie tilted her eyes. "The conditions for the night stop are very attractive, that is, the control of the whole world."

"None of us knows his origin, only that he controls the secret of the end of the world, as if... He can turn human beings into zombies."

Then she looked at Yu Lan\'s eyes more deeply, "just like you."

"Human zombies can\'t be made only at night." Yu Lan whispered.

"Those human zombies seem to be able to control zombies more or less, can you?" Ellie asked again with some curiosity.

"It shouldn\'t be all," Yu Lan said, "but I can."

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered Yi\'an. Originally, it was agreed that his brother would come to Mo Xiaobing for any change, but now there is no response. His brother should be OK.

Ellie\'s eyes lit up. Although they were novel, they didn\'t lean closer.

"So aren\'t you tempted by the conditions of night stop?" seeing Ellie\'s eyes looking at herself, Yu Lan raised her eyes and asked with bent eyes.

"Don\'t compare me to those fools." Ellie skimmed. "Even without grandma, I think it\'s really strange to see a guy who promises to give people a world out of thin air."

"But if you can really get the whole world, people don\'t think so." some people said sarcastically. Xiuqi didn\'t know why he looked drunk all night.