Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 741

As soon as he got out of the house, he calmed down immediately.

"What do you have to do with Yezhi?" Xiuqi said coldly. He had a plan to tie up Ellie without telling the truth.

"I have nothing to do with nightstop," said Ellie with a smile, "but Gina has something to do with nightstop."

"Gina\'er?" said the drunk night thoughtfully, "is it because gina\'er and siren are together?"

"Well, if you want to know more, you have to tell me whether your coming here has something to do with the end of the night." Ellie asked with her eyes bent.

Drunk without night, he looked at Mo Wen and said, "that\'s right."

"Let me guess..." Ellie glanced at the ink and looked at Yu Lan in his arms. Then she looked back and said, "you should have come for the key."

With that, Ellie also looked at Mo Xiaohuan, stared at her extremely black eyes and whispered:

"Dark eyes are the destination of death and the key to hell."

Mo Xiaohuan raised her eyes and looked at Ellie. She felt very uncomfortable looking at her eyes.

"I recognize this monster. She is one of the keys. It\'s a pity that you can bring her to m country so blatantly." Ellie turned her eyes and said directly to Mo Wen, "don\'t you know how powerful this monster is?"

Mo Wen looked at Ellie coldly and didn\'t mean to speak at all.

But Yu Lan raised his eyes, "how powerful is it?"

"Can you still talk?" Ellie looked surprised, but she didn\'t show much surprise.

Yu Lan nodded.

She looked at Yu Lan with some interest. As soon as Ellie was about to speak, the air around her seemed to freeze, and even breathing became a lot more difficult.

She raised her eyelids and looked at a pair of deep eyes like an ancient pond. Jie Jie\'s coldness made her subconsciously don\'t open her eyes.

"Can you tell me how powerful the monster is?" Yu Lan asked again.

"I really don\'t want to say that." Alicia smiled.

Drunk night pick eyebrows, oblique eyes Qinhuai.

After receiving the eyes of drunken night, Qin Huai asked although he was a little uncomfortable:

"Can\'t you say?"

"Your Highness!" when Ellie heard Qin Huai\'s voice, the whole person almost jumped up. She raised her head and said loudly, "if you let me say something, I\'ll say it right away."

"OK." Qin Huai nodded, "and don\'t call me your highness. My name is Qin Huai. Don\'t you know?"

"Your Highness Qinhuai!" cried Ellie. Her actions flowed from kindness.

"..." Qin Huai\'s forehead jumped again, and he didn\'t even feel interested in eating.

"Tell me about it."

"OK." Ellie, looking at her ink Xiaohuan, said slightly, "this monster was not like this at that time. Her appearance was according to cook\'s only daughter."

"Since the appearance is different, how do you know Xiaohuan is the person you said?" Xiuqi couldn\'t help asking.

"Eyes." Ellie raised her eyes. "No matter how her appearance changes, only these extremely black eyes won\'t change."

"This is......" Xiuqi looked at Mo Xiaohuan.

"And then?" drunk night asked. He looked at Ellie and felt very dangerous. "You know Mo Xiaohuan, and then what else do you know?"

"The next thing is wonderful... At that time, country m had not been so separated. Although there were many bases, they were basically a whole.

But I don\'t know how cook provoked this monster. That night, I really realized what it was like to fall apart. "

Then Ellie smiled at herself and said to Mo Xiaohuan, "I just didn\'t expect to see you here. If I didn\'t happen to meet you this time, I would think you ran away and never came back."

When it comes to this, Mo Xiaohuan\'s face has said it\'s scary, but Ellie ignored her look and said directly to Mo Wen, "of course, that\'s impossible."

She paused for a moment. "Seriously, I think you have a lot of courage. You dare to put such a time bomb next to yourself, and you are not afraid that when the monster runs away, you will be dead."

He was called Mo Xiaohuan again and again. He looked down at his empty hand, and the whole person lost his head.

The expression of Mo Xiaobing next to her is very intriguing. According to her dislike of Mo Xiaohuan, she should be happy at the moment. However, she just lowered her eyes and looked at her feet without blinking, as if she wanted to see a flower from above.

Quietly listening to Ellie\'s words, Yu Lan frowned slightly and said in some displeasure, "Xiao Huan has never hurt me for so long. Even if she is a time bomb, I believe she won\'t hurt us."

Of course, if they hurt her in the future, the relationship between them will be completely different.

Mo Xiaohuan looked at Yu Lan and bit his lower lip, looking like he was about to cry.

She really didn\'t mean to hurt Yu Lan, not at all.


A question suddenly came from the bottom of my heart. Mo Xiaohuan was stunned. All the sadness in my heart was included by uneasiness and a very cold idea.

Mo Xiaobing sat next to her, looked at her and lowered his head again.

"It\'s just your imagination," said Ellie immediately with a sarcastic smile. "After all, I also know that this monster has torn our country m apart... How can this cruel guy let you go."

"I want evidence." he reached out and rubbed the top of Yu\'s blue hair. The ink said faintly, and the words revealed the chill that can make people cold to the bone.

"Evidence?" Ellie bent her eyes. "I know if Yezhi actually gave her a task?"

"Mission?" Mo Wen raised his eyes.

"I also heard from siren base." Ellie said with a shallow smile, "Yezhi didn\'t give up Mo Xiaohuan. He gave her a task."

"Xiaohuan, can you think of anything when you hear this?" Yu Lan couldn\'t help looking at Mo Xiaohuan.

She has been paying attention to Mo Xiaohuan\'s look, and they don\'t let go of any suspicious expressions.

However, Mo Xiaohuan\'s face was at a loss.

"I can\'t remember..." she said cowardly.

"It\'s useless." Mo Xiaobing snorted next to him, and his tone was a natural mockery.

"I don\'t know. I don\'t expect to get anything directly from Mo Xiaohuan. Yu Lan quickly doesn\'t open his eyes to Mo Wen and says," ah Wen, restrain your murderous spirit. "

After Mo Wen heard that the people around Yu Lan might have something to do with Yezhi, he couldn\'t control his emotions.