Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 740

"OK." the boss nodded happily and closed the door politely.

Drunk without night, he closed the door and sat back. Looking back, he saw that Qinhuai was breathing and relaxed.

"Qin Huai, what are you doing at the door?" he frowned and remembered that Qin Huai rushed to the door at a high speed just now... If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Is there something he\'s hiding from them?

"It\'s all right." Qin Huai shook his head and sat back laughing at how much he thought. Yesterday, the psychopath must have a purpose to approach him. Now there are people in the room. How can she come here.

Thinking so, the door was suddenly knocked again. Qin Huai\'s breath stagnated. He just sat down and got up again and rushed directly to the door.

"... sir?" the waiter at the door was startled by the suddenly opened door and said quickly, "the boss asked me to come and collect the crystal core and ask when your room will be cleaned."

"Here you are." Zui Wuyi stretched out his hand from behind Qinhuai, handed the crystal core to the waiter, looked at Qinhuai meaningfully and said, "shall I pay or you pay? You\'re in such a hurry."

Qinhuai\'s face was a little embarrassed. He felt that everyone\'s eyes were staring at him. He wanted to find a seam to drill in.

Pursed his lips, he sat back without saying a word and stared at his hand.

Drunk Wuye narrowed his eyes, handed the crystal core to the waiter and closed the door, "Qinhuai, tell me what\'s wrong with you."

Qinhuai looked at the drunk night and thought about it. As soon as he wanted to explain, he heard the door just closed by drunk night knocked again.

This time, the drunk girl standing at the door quickly opened the door and looked at the blonde girl at the door.

The girl still wore a black cloak and smiled sweetly at the drunk night.

Without waiting for the drunk night to make a sound, she rushed into the house and rushed into Qinhuai\'s arms, "Your Highness!"

Qinhuai quickly avoided and stared at Ellie.

Ellie didn\'t care about his disliked eyes. She rushed to his arms at the speed that Qinhuai hadn\'t responded, and rubbed around his waist.

"..." everyone present looked at Qin Huai and the girl who suddenly appeared.

"Qinhuai?" drunk night touched the peach blossom eyes, and several malicious lights flowed in a pair of eyes. "Was this what you hooked up with yesterday?"

"No!" Qin Huai immediately denied. He pushed Ellie away and said seriously, "this guy suddenly entangled me yesterday. I don\'t know why."

"Because you are my prince, your highness!" said Ellie madly.

Yo, it\'s still a little fan.

Drunk night smiled, but her eyes gradually became deeper.

Without waiting for him to make a sound, Xiuqi suddenly grasped the whip and waved it. The chain cut the wind fiercely, and the killing intention filled the whole room in an instant.

Xiuqi could feel that this woman\'s strength was almost the same as him.

Mo Wen didn\'t even look at Xiuqi\'s attack. He stretched out his hand and pulled Yu Lan into his arms and flashed aside.

The chain brushed his hair and flew straight towards Ellie.

Before Qin Huai could react, the chain came to his eyes. He subconsciously retreated, but he didn\'t want to be held in his arms by Aili again.

Fucking princess hug again!

Unable to hear Qinhuai\'s messy roar, Ellie skillfully avoided the neat chain and jumped to the back windowsill.

Petite, even if she holds a man much bigger than her, she doesn\'t seem to have trouble, and even the smile at the corners of her mouth is sweet.

"Are you your Highness\'s friends?" she asked with a smile, her eyes wide open.

Before they made a sound, Ellie\'s eyes gradually changed their taste, her smile faded, and her face became gloomy in an instant, even ferocious.

"For this reason, I\'ll let you live a little longer."

In her opinion, there is no threat to all the people present except one whose strength is unknown and two who are similar to her... Wait!

Her eyes suddenly fell on LAN. She narrowed her eyes and stared at Yu Lan\'s eyes. She was slightly surprised.


Seeing Ellie looking at herself without blinking, Yu Lan looked back innocently and smiled gently at her.

The zombie smiled at her?! Ellie was thrilled.

"You put me down!"

Because of the strength gap, Qin Huai couldn\'t escape from Ellie\'s arms at all. He could only yell at her angrily.

Ellie reacted and jumped off the windowsill and put Qinhuai on the ground.

Qin Huai\'s face was hard to find. He hung his eyes and felt ashamed and lost it to his grandmother\'s house.

"Let me introduce myself first." Ellie took her eyes away from Yu Lan and said gently to the people, "my name is aerella Ellie, the princess of his highness Qinhuai."

"...." the people directly ignored the strange title.

Xiuqi frowned and wrapped the chain around his arm, but her dangerous and gloomy eyes kept staring at Ellie.

"So what\'s your purpose in approaching us?" nature noticed Xiuqi\'s vigilant eyes, got drunk all night, reached his arm and said harmlessly to Ellie.

"Of course I\'m for your highness." Ellie put her hands together and looked at Qin Huai\'s eyes bright and obsessed.

"I\'m not your royal highness." Qin Huai was too lazy to argue with Ellie.

"As like as two peas." "ETUDE," the face of Qinhuai, "you are, you are the same as my prince in my dream."

"..." Qin huaimo, talking to a madman won\'t win. He gave up.

"Qinhuai, can you tell me when you entered her dream?" Qu Yaoyao joked while sitting aside. Unexpectedly, Qinhuai was still a guy who showed mercy everywhere.

"I don\'t know her at all." Qin Huai has calmed down now. It doesn\'t matter whether he is a prince or a princess. Anyway, his face is lost.

"It doesn\'t matter." Ellie took the initiative to hold Qin Huai\'s arm and said with a clear smile, "it doesn\'t matter if you don\'t know me. I just know you."

"..." Qin Huai\'s forehead jumped.

This woman is not normal at all

"You haven\'t answered my question clearly." Zui Wuyi sat down and smiled casually against the cushion behind him. "According to your strength, you don\'t know that there are so many of us in the room now. Why do you choose this time to come to us?"

"Because I\'m curious about your purpose." Ellie leaned in Qinhuai\'s arms and said in a coquettish way, "you\'re all from China, and you\'re still taking advantage of cook at the end of the night... The time is too good."