Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 739

"This lady!" Qin Huai said impatiently, "can you get off me!"

"Don\'t be so cold." the cloak woman is not familiar. She rubbed Qin Huai\'s chest like a cat. "You are my prince."

Wang Youmei.

Qin Huai held back the dirty words that almost came out of his mouth. He took out the crystal core and said to the bald head next to him, who almost surprised his big teeth, "how much food can you exchange for two secondary crystal cores?"

"Three compressed biscuits and a cookie." the bald head returned immediately.

"All changed." Qin Huai\'s eyes brightened when he heard of cookies. Cookies are different from compressed cookies. They are more sweet than compressed cookies, but the amount is less.

"Prince, do you like cookies?" the woman has been staring at Qin Huai obsessively. At this moment, naturally, she didn\'t miss the surprise of his passing away.

"Yes..." Qin Huai said impatiently, "but it\'s none of your business. I\'m not a prince. Come down from me quickly."

"No!" said the cloak woman firmly, "I fell in love with you at first sight!"

Ray, really ray.

Qin Huai was speechless and stared at the cloak woman. "What\'s your purpose?"

"You are as like as two peas who have always fantasies. Ah... Mysterious oriental, handsome, profound, five upright, upright and upright, my prince......"

The cloak woman was obsessed and even began to hum in the back.

What\'s wrong with this woman?

As soon as he took the food from the trading office, Qin Huai turned and was about to leave. He didn\'t want the cloak girl to hold him firmly.

"You let go, I want to go back." Qin Huai felt that he was about to be worn out of temper. He said speechless.

"Back where, which room do you live in?" asked the cloaked woman.

"Room 2 on the third floor." Qin Huai couldn\'t stand the woman\'s eyes and frowned.

He was not afraid of the woman\'s purpose. The drunken emperor xiuhuang was pressing like the treasure of the town house in the room, and he was not afraid of any moth from any interested person.

"Then I\'ll take you." the cloak woman smiled brightly. Without waiting for Qin Huai to react, she bent down and put her hand on Qin Huai\'s legs and gave him a gorgeous Princess hug.

Qinhuai is a little messy at the moment.

A slender woman of about 1.6 meters was holding a man of 1.8 meters and quite easily holding him up the stairs.

It is a beautiful landscape... Qinhuai make complaints about its face and its face is red.


"Put me down!" Qin Huai struggled and found that the woman\'s strength was greater than him. He didn\'t care about the gentleman\'s demeanor of not hitting women. A flame coagulated on his hand and waved it directly towards the cloak woman.

But before the fire touched the woman, it turned into black smoke, and the flame directly turned into Mars and was blown away.

Yes, it was blown away.

Qin Huai stared at the poor fire in his palm, raised his eyes and saw that the woman just smiled at him, "prince, please don\'t struggle, I will be your most loyal princess."

Qin Huai\'s face was deathly gray.

Where are the patients with secondary two diseases! Late, it\'s hopeless!

"As long as you give up the struggle, all my food belongs to you, including my three cookies." the cloak woman\'s bright eyes are brighter and brighter, and her smile is gentle enough to drown.

All the food, and three cookies

Qin Huai blinked and hesitated for two seconds. Shamelessly, he stopped struggling.

Anyway, just give up the struggle and it\'s very worthwhile to get a lot of food.

So Zhang Xin, who was about to go out to find drunk and distribute food at night, opened the door and saw Qin Huai\'s "little bird depends on people" leaning against a small sister\'s arms, and then glanced at him with "charming eyes like silk".

"..." Zhang Xin closed the door silently.

He\'s blind.

When he opened it again, he saw that Qin Huai was put down by the cloak woman, and then the two men looked in his direction together.


Zhang Xin couldn\'t help living in his heart and said silently.

"Qin Huai, this is..." he couldn\'t help asking.

Qin Huai looked ugly. How did he know where the crazy woman came from.

"Qinhuai." the cloaked woman obviously understood the language of China. She looked at Zhang Xin and Qinhuai carefully and said with a bright smile, "my prince\'s name is Qinhuai."

"..." Qin Huai silently looked at Zhang Xin with 100000 volts.

"I\'m aerella Ellie, your highness, please remember." Ellie said happily, tiptoed, kissed Qinhuai\'s chin and ran away, "Your Highness, see you tomorrow!"

Hey, he hasn\'t given him the food he bought in exchange for losing power and humiliating the country.

Qinhuai stood in place, silent wailing, trying to maintain calm on his face.

"Puff -"

Zhang Xin laughed uncontrollably. When he was swept over by Qinhuai, he asked, "who was that woman just now?"

Who is this woman?

I will be your most loyal princess

Ellie\'s voice echoed in her ear and made Qinhuai pull up the corners of her mouth again.

Ya, I\'m sick.

After a hasty rest all night, I was drunk all night. I gathered everyone the next morning to not only distribute food, but also prepare for the next things.

Yu Lan lies drowsy in Mo Wen\'s arms and has no reaction to the words of being drunk all night. Mo Wen rubbed her head and let her go.

When he raised his eyes, he looked at Qin Huai and Zhang Xin, with no waves and waves on his face.

There is something wrong with the mood of these two people. Qin Huai is rarely dull, while Zhang Xin... Is a look of eating shit.

Drunk night obviously noticed this, and immediately said sarcastically, "Zhang Xin, who do you show such a face to early in the morning?"

Zhang Xin had no reaction. He glanced at Qinhuai secretly.

How can he say that he saw such a strange scene?

Qin Huai stared at him menacingly and motioned him not to talk.

Just when the atmosphere in the room was a little weird and dignified, the door of the room was suddenly knocked.

Qinhuai\'s heart almost gasped.

"Who will come?"

Drunken night was a little strange. As soon as he was about to open the door, Qinhuai rushed over and opened the door.

"Sir, do you want to stay one more day today?" the owner of the hotel didn\'t expect how quickly Qin Huai would open the door. He was a little surprised, but he said calmly soon.

Drunk without night, he came slowly and bypassed Qinhuai Road, "when can we live today?"

"In the afternoon," said the boss, "but the wind and snow are getting heavier and heavier these days. The road has been basically blocked, and most of your car has been buried by snowflakes."

"This is more miserable." drunk and expressionless, he did see his car buried by wind and snow this morning.

"Let\'s extend it for another two days for the time being." Zui Wuyi decided without authorization, but in this case, they had no choice even if they wanted to leave, and there was no objection from Mo Wen.