Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 738

"You can trade things there," Mocky laughed.

Deal? Drunk without night, as if thinking.

"You\'ve gone too far!" just as zuiwuye was about to enter the hotel, he heard the little man in a black cloak coming to the trading office angrily. "I\'m a third-class crystal core. I can only exchange three compressed biscuits and a bottle of water with you? Are you crazy!"

Although the voice was deliberately lowered, he still recognized that it was a woman\'s voice.

The eldest lady of which family ran out... Drunk all night, he sneered. It\'s good to exchange three compressed biscuits for one tertiary crystal core in this kind of wilderness.

He didn\'t take this matter to heart. He then divided the room for the people. He put his backpack in the room and poured it directly on the bed.

"It\'s so comfortable..." with a long sigh, he took off his coat, opened the quilt and wrapped himself directly in it.

Xiuqi stood at the door without expression, checking whether there was any hidden danger in the room.

Qin Huai took the initiative to go to his bed, took out water from his backpack and took a sip.

Zuiwuye chose two single rooms and two triple rooms. He Xiuqi also had one room in Qinhuai, one room in mowen and Yu Lan, one room in moxiaohuan, one room in moxiaobing and Qu Yaoyao, and one room in Zhang Xin and Zheng Yunfei.

"Drunk all night, don\'t you trade things." Xiuqi sat on his bed after making sure there was no danger in the room.

Generally speaking, the first thing to do when you arrive at a new place drunk all night is to check the supplies.

"Wait a minute." drunk sleepy way, "we take Zhang Xin this time. As long as he is still alive, we don\'t have to worry too much about material supply."

Drunk all night usually likes to sneer at Zhang Xin, but when you want to use it, you still use it without mercy.

Qin Huai said something in his heart and took two crystal nuclei out of his bag.

Xiuqi and drunk all night didn\'t care where he went. They all lowered their heads and began to pack their things.

Qin Huai went directly to Zhang Xin and Zheng Yunfei\'s room and smiled apologetically when he saw what they were saying.

"Excuse me."

"Nothing." Zheng Yunfei unconsciously smiled with his frostbitten fingers.

He almost lost his life along the way. If the drunk emperor hadn\'t helped him heal the frozen place on his body, his toes should be frozen now.

It\'s not hard to imagine that if he didn\'t have the advantage of a good sense of direction by looking at the map, he probably wouldn\'t know where to die.

"What can I do for you?" Zhang Xin also asked.

"Zhang Xin." seeing Zhang Xin\'s opening, Qin Huai immediately said, "my compressed biscuits are almost finished. Can you give me two more?"

"Everyone\'s food is limited." Zhang Xin looked helpless. He almost watched Qinhuai eat all the way, "the drunken emperor is in charge."

"Well... But now it\'s a new month. Can we redistribute food?" Qin Huai thought.

"That\'s right. Let\'s wait for the drunken emperor to arrange." Zhang Xin is obviously quite honest when he comes back this time. No matter how the drunken emperor insults him, his clothes are obedient and obedient. He\'s drunk all night. He doesn\'t want to tease him for a while.

Seeing that Zhang Xin\'s oil and salt didn\'t enter, Qin Huai didn\'t show much disappointment. He nodded, smiled apologetically at Zhang Xin again and went out of the room.

Zhang Xin looked a little unbearable. He scratched his head and said to Zheng Yunfei, "Qinhuai eats more than ordinary people. Do I have to give him some food?"

"You\'d better not disobey the order of the drunken emperor." Zheng Yunfei shook his head. "Qinhuai is a power. It\'s impossible not to eat for a day or two."

"What\'s more, no matter how free you are in the desire alliance, the high-level orders are absolute."

Zheng Yunfei said and looked down at his fingers. The bottom of his eyes was full of gratitude.

In any case, the desire alliance gave him a new life, so that he could no longer only be a thief, but also saved his life many times, so that he could live safely in the last world until now.

Therefore, he absolutely supports the desire alliance and all the rules of the desire alliance.

Listening to Zheng Yunfei\'s words, Zhang Xin nodded. He also felt that it was better not to be presumptuous under the eyes of drunk night. Otherwise, he didn\'t know how to die at that time.

Qin Huai was not disappointed that he didn\'t get the food from Zhang Xin. He was carrying the crystal core in his pocket and wanted to go to the trading office on the first floor to change some compressed biscuits. Besides, there was only half a piece left in his bag now. It wasn\'t enough to be a night snack for him.

Fortunately, he killed several zombies more or less along the way, and got a lot of crystal nuclei in his hands.

Thinking so, he had reached the first floor. Before that, the little cloaked woman was still arguing with the people in the trading office. She spoke English very quickly.

The man in the trading office is a bald man. He is wearing thick cotton clothes. The only exposed head has a thick tattoo. His eyes are angry. The body under the cotton clothes is much wider than that of ordinary men. At first glance, it is not a simple role.

But even so, the bald head was still depressed, listening to the cloak woman, raising his head 45 degrees, looking at the sky sadly and wandering in space.

"At least give me another bottle of water!"

Listening to the cloaked woman talking about three bottles of water, Qin Huai still couldn\'t help pumping the corners of his mouth and interrupted her, "excuse me... Can I trade first?"

"Who are you? Don\'t bother me!" the cloak girl gritted her teeth.

But when she looked around, her voice stopped as if it had been pinched.

Qin Huai is now wearing a fluffy black cotton padded clothes. His hair is messy because of the melting snow. Many of them are tightly attached to his forehead, which makes his skin smoother.

Staring at the standard Asian face of Qinhuai, the cloak woman suddenly lost her voice.

"Madam?" Qin Huai couldn\'t help but make a noise. He was staring at him all over. It felt more like staring at him all night, wondering how to torture him.

Just when Qin Huai hesitated to trade first, the cloak woman suddenly rushed into his arms and surrounded his thick waist without precaution.

"Dear!" the woman\'s charming voice sounded, and a thunder exploded in Qinhuai\'s ear.

What the hell? dear?

"This lady..." Qin Huai pulled the corners of his mouth and tried to pull the cloak woman off himself. Unexpectedly, this guy stuck to him like an octopus and couldn\'t pull it off.

"Dear!" the cloak woman raised her head, and her blue eyes were as bright and clear as two gemstones immersed in the ocean.

Her hat fell from her head, revealing a golden hair color, which further lined the snow-white of her skin.

Her facial features are exquisite, like a doll, but now they are full of strange infatuation.