Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 737

Originally, he and Qinhuai were guarding around to prevent Zhang Xin from any accident. As a result, when he touched the wall, he felt that he was drunk three or four hundred meters away from him, and the direction was exactly the opposite of the direction they climbed over the wall.

He immediately separated them from Qinhuai, went back the same way, climbed over the parapet and found drunk without night.

"I\'m investigating." drunk night said frankly. The sincere eyes couldn\'t see the panic when lying.

Xiuqi looked at him suspiciously, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "what can be investigated here."

"Well... What if there is danger where you don\'t pay attention?" drunken night said solemnly, "we can\'t be careless at the critical moment."

When drunk night said this, he was righteous and had no sense of guilt.

Xiuqi, who thought something had happened to drunken Wuye, thought he was stupid. He nodded and looked more and more gloomy. He went to Qinhuai and left drunken Wuye to spit in place.

His great reputation can\'t be ruined by getting lost, or he will lose face when he says it.

Thinking so, he walked back along the driveway much faster. He had to stop Qu Yaoyao\'s mouth and let her slip.

When Zhang Xin and others brought everything back, it was just when the guards changed shifts. Mo Xiaohuan, Mo Xiaobing and Zhang Xin came back together. They were supposed to come to Zhang Xinzhi, but Mo Xiaohuan felt that the parapet was somewhat familiar and stayed by the wall for a while.

Some tired sat in place and ate dry food.

Qinhuai also wanted to eat, but he did it under Qu Yaoyao\'s dangerous eyes.

Zheng Yunfei was put in the pickup truck at this time. Qu Yaoyao heated the stove in the pickup truck. The warmth in the truck can dispel the cold on them.

Xiuqi looked at the truck, looked at the off-road, and took the initiative to get on the off-road vehicle.

Now that the truck is warm, no one should want to take off-road. Just let him drive. The small truck can\'t hold all of them.

Seeing Xiuqi sitting alone in the SUV, sitting in the truck to keep warm, he turned his eyes all night. There was nothing he could do about Xiuqi, an honest and indifferent guy.

He jumped out of the car and sat in Xiuqi SUV, whistling at him.

"Move, I\'ll accompany you."

"..." Xiuqi frowned and wondered if he had taken the wrong medicine when he was drunk all night.

Drunk and narcissistic, "as partners, the cold can\'t separate us..."

"Arvin and I are also sitting with you." Yu Lan also took mowen to sit on the SUV. The pickup truck was not big. They all sat there and had no place at all.

Not too blue, not afraid of cold, but the ink will still be frozen. Thinking of this, Yu Lan couldn\'t help looking back at the ink about to get on the bus. When he hesitated whether to make a sound, drunk Wuye suddenly opened his mouth to Xiuqi, and the one who smiled was called a bright and beautiful.

"The cold can still be separated. Fix it. Since the boss is with you, I\'ll go to the small truck!"

He was about to jump out of the car.

"..." Xiuqi looked at the ungrateful guy and just wanted to beat him into a baboon.

But he didn\'t escape because Mo Wen grabbed his collar and dragged him back to the car.

"I\'m here. What are you running for?" Mo Wen smiled.

His meaning is very simple. He\'s frozen here. How can the best men escape? It\'s unkind.

"..." drunk without night advice.

Not too blue, but she couldn\'t bear to have ink frozen. She thought for a moment or said, "ah Wen, why don\'t you go to the truck?"

"Where are you and where am I?" Mo Wen said calmly.

Knowing that he must be unable to speak ink, Yu Lan sighed. When he wanted to get into the car, he saw Mo Xiaobing running with Mo Xiaohuan. For LAN Dao, "Dad, go to the truck and we\'ll just accompany mom."

They are not afraid of cold at all. Yu Lan should give it back to them after being occupied by ink for so long.

I think it\'s feasible. Before Yu Lan makes a sound, the whole person twists and turns all day. When she reacts, she sees Mo Wen jump out of the car with her. After glancing at Mo Xiaobing, she goes straight to the truck.

"It\'s filial piety, but I don\'t think you can bear your mother to be frozen, so you can only wronged." Mo Wen said gently, holding Yu Lan\'s warm pickup truck without looking back.

Mo Xiaobing stood in place, twisted his face and glared at Mo Xiaohuan.

"Mom has been robbed. What are you still in a daze!"

"Don\'t you understand? There\'s no win in robbing mom from dad." Mo Xiaohuan replied calmly. She climbed into the SUV and smiled at drunk night.

Drunk all night, I was so sad that I didn\'t want to talk to her.

Mo Xiaobing is afraid to get on the bus and plan how to get Yu Lan back. He doesn\'t notice that Mo Xiaohuan\'s expression changes into a trance again.

The closer she is to country m, the more familiar she is, as if her mission should have been completed here.

This feeling is very bad, and even makes her reject it.

She slightly glanced at Mo Xiaobing, and soon stopped opening the wooden light. Looking out of the window, her dark eyes quickly fell into meditation.

What the hell did Mo Xiaobing come to her for? Why is she so persistent in reminding herself of the past?

She can see that Mo Xiaobing still hates her, but she has endured it for some reason and has been a good sister on the surface.

But since they stayed together, she couldn\'t see the color of Mo Xiaobing, and Mo Xiaobing couldn\'t read her heart anymore.

When they are together, their strength will be weakened.


Taking advantage of the wind and snow at night, they walked all the way to the direction pointed by Zheng Yunfei, and really saw the rest station shown on the map.

The rest station was established by the baishen base. There will be one every few kilometers in their sphere of influence.

The rest station is not big, but a small hotel three stories high.

"Welcome!" a person from country m warmly welcomed them and charged the accommodation fee of two crystal nuclei per person.

It\'s cheap enough that each person can only live for one day with two crystal nuclei.

Drunk without night, he turned his mouth secretly and jumped out of the car against the wind and snow.

"Hello, I\'m Mok. Welcome to the management rest station." Mok is more friendly to their smiles after his crystal nucleus. No matter how the wind and snow paste his eyes, "now there are only a few people living on the second floor of the rest station. The first and third floors are empty. Do you want to live?"

"What\'s there?" without answering Mok\'s words, drunk night pointed to a small shop on the left of the first floor of the rest station. There was a man in a black cloak arguing with the people inside.