Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 736

"I\'ll check it first?" drunk night asked excitedly.

"Are you sure you can come back and find us?" Mo Wen glanced at him.

Now the wind and snow completely blocked their sight. The surface of the compass they carried was covered with a thick layer of ice. They couldn\'t see the pointer at all in the night.

Drunk night smiled confidently and rushed in the direction of ink without reply.

It\'s not difficult for him to come back. He just needs to follow the driveway.

Soon Qu Yaoyao also carried Zheng Yunfei down from a high place. When she landed, she stumbled and was quickly held by Yu Lanyan.

"Thank you." she thanked and put Zheng Yunfei down.

"His condition doesn\'t look very good." looking at Zheng Yunfei\'s iron green face, Yu Lan frowned.

"You take him along this road first, and the guards\' accommodation is not far away." Mo Wen obviously noticed that Zheng Yunfei\'s situation was not very good, and faintly pointed to the direction drunk Wuye had just left.

"I see." Qu Yaoyao obviously didn\'t want Zheng Yunfei to die here. She nodded, picked up Zheng Yunfei again and ran over bravely in the wind and snow.

When Yu Lan saw that Qu Yaoyao had gone far, he took back his eyes and looked at the ink that had been staring at him.

She smiled gently and stood on tiptoe to pat the snowflakes on the ink fluffy hat.

Not surprisingly, he was held by Mo Wen. Yu Lan raised his eyes and saw that Mo Wen also stretched out his hand and held her in his arms.

"Don\'t care about other people," said Mervyn. "Whether they live or die has nothing to do with you."

Smell speech Yu Lan just bent his eyes and cleverly rubbed his chest.

Mo Wen wanted to say it again. In a flash, Zhang Xin was directly thrown down.

Yes, it\'s lost.

Looking at Zhang Xin, who was directly inserted into the snow, Yu Lan pulled his mouth and hesitated to pull him out.

Fortunately, Zhang Xin is also a power. Although he ate a big mouthful of snow, he didn\'t break his neck.

"Are you okay?" Qin Huai jumped down nervously. "Sorry, I didn\'t mean to."

In fact, he didn\'t want to throw Zhang Xin down, but when he stood on the parapet, a biscuit in his pocket was about to fall in the wind, and subconsciously sent it, holding Zhang Xin\'s hand.

Zhang Xin\'s face is very ugly. In his opinion, Qin Huai likes Qu Yaoyao. At this time, he must have been trying to fix him on purpose!

"No, you\'re also a superpower. You can\'t even master the center of gravity well." Qin Huai thought of seeing Zhang Xin inserted upside down in the snow and couldn\'t help shivering.

He thought this guy was dead

Qin Huai said this without malice, just subconsciously muttering, but it\'s not the same thing in Zhang Xin\'s ear.

Blame him? Zhang Xin just wanted to beat up Qinhuai at this time. If this bastard hadn\'t suddenly let go, he could step on the Icicle on the unstable wall and carry it directly?!

"Zhang Xin, what are you waiting for?" Xiuqi came last. He frowned when he saw that Zhang Xin had not taken out the things in the space.

Their things should be installed at least twice in Zhang Xin\'s space. Only half of them are installed this time, and the other half is placed in the waste city. There are many things, but they only have one hour to send them, so they don\'t have time to waste.

"... sorry." Zhang Xin restrained his temper and quickly released the small truck in the space, ready to turn over the wall again with Qinhuai.

"What about them?" Xiuqi came down and glanced at the crowd, but he didn\'t see them.

"They go to the accommodation over there first," said Mo Wen. "Lanlan and I have also passed by. You look at delivering things."

"Yes." Xiuqi nodded and looked at the top of the wall.

Mo Wen left with Yu Lan, leaving Xiuqi standing under the wall.

Yu Lan looked back at the straight figure with neat eyes. He didn\'t know why he felt that nothing could bend his back.

"Blue blue." the voice of Mo Wen sounded on her head. She couldn\'t see the expression of Mo Wen clearly when she passed by.

"Are you curious about Xiuqi?"

"A little curious." Yu Lan said honestly, "I didn\'t have such a person when I knew you."

"I met him when you were in high school." Mo Wen explained faintly, then don\'t open your eyes and look ahead, "it\'s nothing special. You don\'t have to care too much."

Knowing that Mo Wen\'s paranoia was making trouble again, Yu Lan smiled obediently and didn\'t go against the meaning of Mo Wen at all.

It\'s definitely not good to deal with Mo Wen. As long as he is soft and obedient, he won\'t touch his disease point.

So when Yu Lan gets along with Mo Wen, she never does anything against him openly. Of course, Mo Wen generally doesn\'t do things she doesn\'t like.

When Mo Wen arrived at the accommodation with Yu Lan, he saw Qu Yaoyao standing downstairs, but he was stained with blood and had been frozen into a blood film.

"I met someone who was about to change his shift." Qu Yaoyao immediately explained when he saw Mo Wen coming, "I can\'t escape with Zheng Yunfei."

"Wouldn\'t it take more than half an hour to change shifts?" Yu Lan was a little strange.

"I should have remembered the wrong time. At present, I only see this guy coming out alone." Qu Yaoyao frowned.

Smell speech Yu Lan nodded and didn\'t intend to ask again.

"The body has been disposed of, boss. You don\'t have to care." after thinking about it, Qu Yaoyao added.

Mo Wen glanced at her, "have you found a place where we can stay?"

"There is a garage with no defense." Qu Yaoyao said, "Zui Di plans to let us gather in the garage and leave here directly tonight."

Mo Wen nodded with sweat and followed Qu Yaoyao to the garage. At the same time, he also glanced around, "where are the people who are drunk at night?"

"He\'s looking for you." Qu Yaoyao suddenly smiled. "It seems that he should be lost."

Drunk without night, he was really fascinated. He obviously followed the driveway and came to the parapet. Unfortunately, he didn\'t see the shadow of ink.

When it is cold, his emotions that are not easy to be affected will become grumpy and his brain will turn slowly.

He may be in the wrong lane?

Drunk without night immediately came to this conclusion and turned around to go back.

Don\'t want to just take a step, a hand suddenly patted on his shoulder, but it scared him.

He almost threw the man behind him over his shoulder. As soon as his hand climbed up the man\'s arm, he felt wrong. When he looked back, Xiuqi looked at himself gloomily. His eyes seemed to be looking at an idiot.

"Xiuqi, why are you here?" he was relieved when he saw that Xiuqi was drunk all night. He immediately raised his smile and said hello in a friendly tone.

"I should ask you this." Xiuqi looked at him gloomily. "What are you doing here?"