Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 735

"That\'s good." I think the newcomer Qinhuai is much more difficult to bully than Zhang Xin. When he was drunk all night, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "by the way, what are you going to do with the big guy outside?"

He naturally meant Firebird.

Firebirds can\'t fly far in this environment. Otherwise, it\'s not much easier for Firebirds to drive them directly.

"Let it stay here for the time being." the Firebird has something to do with Yu Lan. She immediately said, "the cold will not threaten the life of the zombie. I will leave several crystal cores for it to ensure its basic physical fitness and keep up with us when the snowstorm is smaller."

During this period, Mo Xiaohuan\'s dark eyes were in a trance. She looked at the invisible wall outside from the window. I don\'t know why she suddenly felt a sense of familiarity in her heart.

Ink Xiaobing seems to be aware of her abnormality. Don\'t open your eyes when you don\'t see it, but your eyes are a lot deeper.

That night, everything went according to the plan. The snowstorm roared as usual, with the extreme cold of death, and instantly submerged them.

Zheng Yunfei was the thickest one worn by all the people present. Even so, in this short period of time, he was still blue with cold, and the whole person trembled.

Seeing this, Qu Yaoyao came over impatiently and pulled his sleeve to make him speed up his steps. "It\'s not cold if you walk faster."

She encouraged in vain.

Zheng Yunfei trembled and couldn\'t speak. He just felt that his blood would be frozen.

The drunken night here has come to Xiuqi\'s place under the cover of night and blizzard. Sure enough, I saw a raised wall, which covered them properly.

Unable to see the guards, drunk night patted Xiuqi\'s shoulder and climbed up quickly through the ice edge on the city wall.

The view above was better, but when he looked back, he could only see a dark piece, and there was no ink at all.

It\'s great to act at night.

He was happy in his heart. With his side eyes, he saw that there was a small house seven or eight meters away, which was still lit with warm fire.

In this case, the light must not be fire. Although I was curious about what these guards used to keep warm, I still knew my situation and turned over and jumped directly to the other side of the wall.

Perhaps they didn\'t think anyone would invade in this weather. The guards were sleepy with their arms. For a moment, they didn\'t find anyone turning over from the wall.

After the drunken night passed, Mo Wen and Yu Lan quickly turned over the wall. They didn\'t stay on the wall, but directly turned over and jumped over.

Below the city wall was still desolate, and they could not see the ground clearly under the night and blizzard.

"We can only go along the driveway." zuiwuye doesn\'t like to stay in such a cold environment. He narrowed his eyes and pointed to the ground. "I just observed the surroundings. The snow here is not as thick as the side. It should have been cleaned up before. There are several trucks parked not far away. If you go along this driveway, you should find the place where these guards live."

Mo Wen looked around and opened his powers to spread infinitely. Soon, the surrounding scenes gradually became clear in his mind.

"That direction." he raised his finger behind the drunken night, "there are two guard camps less than kilometers away."

"So close?" drunk night was pleasantly surprised. He didn\'t care how Mo Wen knew. He only knew that he would soon get out of this cold environment.