Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 734

That night Xiuqi went out to investigate alone. When he was drunk all night, he slept in his room and became a dead pig.

Mo Wen and Yu Lan leaned leisurely against the window and watched the blizzard outside. They were stunned to make such a tense moment a tourist.

"Your subordinates are so lively." Yu Lan raised his eyes and joked with Mo Wen.

"They are not subordinates," said Mo Wen. "I just gave them a place to live together."

"But your words still have absolute control." Yu Lan smiled and kissed Mo Wen\'s neck on his chin. "My man is really powerful."

There was not much change on the ink face, but he was a little hot. He hugged Yu Lan tightly and kissed her on the forehead.

Yu Lan closed his eyes and leaned against Mo Wen\'s arms. He stretched out his hand and looked at the ring on his hand with a gentle smile. "When things are solved, we\'ll go further."

"Then... Let\'s be together."

It was clear what Yu Lan meant to be together at this time. The face of Mo Wen was stunned first, and then a warm color appeared on his face, raising a silly smile.

"OK," he said.


When Xiuqi came back, it was half dawn. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that he was drunk all night, lying on the floor shop pulled from nowhere, sleeping soundly.

Inexplicably upset, he stepped forward and kicked his thigh.

Drunk night was startled. When he opened his eyes, he saw Xiuqi staring at him coldly.

Drunk without night, the man was a little angry, but now he didn\'t get angry as usual. He just stretched his waist and said lazily, "you\'re back."

Xiuqi Leng hum, took off his coat and shook the snowflakes on his clothes.

"How\'s the investigation?" zuiwuye sat up and patted the pavement on his side. "Do you want to sleep?"

Xiuqi didn\'t care about sitting on the side of drunk night, slightly frowned and said, "it\'s a little difficult. The defense here is tighter than we thought."

"Tight?" drunk night also became serious, "tell me."

"The guards are all level two to level three powers. They change posts every hour." Xiuqi whispered, "since my observation, they have changed eight waves of people, and each wave of people is different."

Originally, they thought that country m had just experienced a war and should have no extra manpower to guard the border. Unexpectedly, the defense was as tight as ever.

"It\'s a lot of powers. They really dare to do it in siren base." drunk all night, they couldn\'t help sneering, "or they sent more people to put us here."

"Anyway, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for us to climb over the wall now." Xiuqi said seriously, "but we don\'t have a chance under the cover of night and blizzard."

"Tell me where the guards are distributed." I don\'t know when Mo Wen came to them and asked in a low voice.

"Boss, are you awake too?" Xiuqi raised his eyes.

Mo Wen didn\'t make a sound. He couldn\'t say he hadn\'t slept all night.

Drunk night immediately found the paper and handed it to Xiuqi. I don\'t know where to draw out a neutral pen.

At last, Xiuqi had a good face for drunken night. Xiuqi took a pen and drew the situation he had detected on the map.

"There is a guard every 20 meters, and each guard is equipped with a partition to block the blizzard." Xiuqi said.

"Twenty meters..." Mo Wen thought, "did you find any good entry point?"

"One is neither near nor far from us." Xiuqi marked their current position on the paper, and several small points were marked on the icon of the city wall, two of which are obviously closer than other small points.

"These two points are good entry points." seeing Mo Wen, they looked over and Xiuqi immediately explained, "the positions of these two points seem to be close, but this is the reason for the plane map."

Then he marked an inverted triangle on one of the points, "the height of this point is three or four meters higher than that of the guard next to it. I have observed that the walls in this section are uneven. We can avoid the sight of a guard through the high shadow. At that time, it is much less difficult to pay attention to only one person than to two people."

"It\'s a good position." Mo Wen nodded. "Under the cover of Blizzard and night, this is really a good entry point."

"Let\'s start tonight, but I think we have to arrange the order of the past." Zui Wuye also said. At this time, Qu Yaoyao woke up and listened to me more or less.

"I can take Zheng Yunfei there." Qu Yaoyao was the first to say, "he\'s an ordinary man. He can\'t make it without our help."

"Yes." I also have some impressions of Qu Yaoyao\'s strength. I don\'t have much objection when I\'m drunk.

He looked at Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing sitting next to him and said with a headache, "but what about you two?"

"We can pass." Mo Xiaohuan\'s dark eyes looked at the drunk night. The eyes without waves and waves, no pupils and no look looked only like a strange cold feeling, "our constitution is no different from those with powers."

"That\'s good." drunk night was satisfied, "I\'ll arrange it like this first."

He looked around at the people around him and said, "I\'ll be the first to explore the way for you, the eldest brother and sister-in-law the second, and then I\'ll protect Zhang Xin. Qu Yaoyao, you take Zheng Yunfei there."

"Xiuqi, you went after Qu Yaoyao, Qinhuai... What about you? What are you going to do?" Zui Wuyi looked serious and kicked this rotten ball at me. Qinhuai responded. Xiuqi was avenging himself for not doing what he wanted yesterday. "

Qin Huai shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "drunk emperor, you say, I\'ll just do it."

Seeing Qinhuai this time, he could see more. When he was drunk all night, he said happily, "it\'s very simple. You have two choices."

"First." Zui Wuyi proudly raised a finger, "follow behind us, and then come back with Zhang Xin."

"The second is to let me stay here and wait for him to come back?" Qin Huai smiled bitterly. He finally understood how to revenge him when he was drunk.

There must be a stove for heating in the items brought by drunken night for the first time. Maybe even a cotton padded clothes will not be left for him. If he stays here at that time, he will have to freeze one by one. However, if he follows them first and then comes with Zhang Xin, he will run more times. It doesn\'t matter much.

Anyway, he is doomed to be unable to stop tonight. It\'s better to be honest.

"I\'ll go with you." Qin Huai said seriously.