Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 733

"Hundred gods, jina\'er and siren." Qu Yaoyao answered.

Zui Wuyi nodded. "I don\'t know the details of these three bases. I only know that the siren base is attacking our country this time, and the cook we\'re looking for is likely to be the leader of the siren."

"Should we go directly to the siren base?" Zheng Yunfei looked at the map and raised his eyes.

"Well, that\'s what I\'m going to do." Zui Wuyi nodded and looked back at Mo Wen. "Boss, you think so, too."

Mo Wen stood on his chin, noncommittal.

In his opinion, he doesn\'t know the situation in country m at all. It\'s no problem to make a plan to go directly to siren first. In case something really happens, just go step by step.

Seeing that Mo Wen had no objection, Zheng Yunfei whispered, "then I\'ll determine the route to the siren first."

Drunk Wuye nodded and looked at the other people, "what we have to do now goes through here."

His hand drew a circle on a black irregular circle line on the map and whispered, "this is the defense wall in front of us. This is made by all the earth powers in country m, about ten meters high."

"Can you break it?" Qin Huai thought of the simplest method of violence.

"It\'s not a problem for the boss to break the wall, but the follow-up treatment is a little troublesome. It can only be regarded as the worst policy." Zui Wuye road stood up.

If they can come to country m this time, it\'s better not to expose their traces as much as possible. After all, they are not familiar with their lives, and they can only rely on their strength.

Thinking of this drunken night, they couldn\'t help but curl their lips. If they could know a little more about the internal environment of country m, they might be able to visit directly.

"What do you mean... We\'re going to turn over?" Zhang Xin couldn\'t help asking.

"That\'s right." Zui Wuyi said, "this is the simplest and easy way at present, and Zhang Xin, you may have to turn it over several times."

Zhang Xin was stunned and immediately responded that he wanted to use his space power to send the things they brought to the opposite wall.

"Yes." could he get such an important task, he nodded immediately.

"At that time, it\'s still the old rule. Qu Yaoyao will protect you." drunk night added for fear that the world will not be chaotic.

"Sorry, drunken emperor, I won\'t do it." Qu Yaoyao immediately said, "the boss has said personally that I\'m not Zhang Xin\'s protector."

Zhang Xin\'s newly lit eyes immediately darkened. He slightly lowered his head and tried his best to cover up his loss, "it\'s okay, drunk emperor, I\'m alone..."

"Boss, Qu Yaoyao won\'t listen to me, or you\'ll talk?" he interrupted Zhang Xin and said with a smile that he was drunk all night. He was jumping here for the sake of watching the play. He was foolish not to watch the play when he had such a good opportunity, "Zhang Xin, a space power, can\'t carry his hands or shoulders. If something happens, we\'ll have some trouble along the way."

Mo Wen glanced at the speech and said with a cool smile, "would you like to protect it?"

"..." he coughed and said discontentedly, "boss, I have to arrange our business. How can I have time to protect such a small role?"

"Didn\'t you just say that Zhang Xin is very important to us?" Xiuqi also inserted a knife nearby.

Fall! Can this guy die without turning his elbow out!

Drunk night glared at Xiuqi. Just about to open his mouth, Qinhuai lazily raised his hand, tilted his eyes, and Qu Yaoyao said, "boss, let me protect Zhang Xin."

Seeing Qu Yaoyao looking at himself, he couldn\'t help smiling, then raised his finger and pointed to his mouth.

I\'ll help you. You won\'t stop me from eating. Deal

Strangely understood the meaning of Qinhuai, Qu Yaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded without hesitation.

Qin Huai looked at Mo Wen with a smile and said in front of drunk night, "boss, although my strength is worse than Qu Yaoyao, at least I got on the table. There is no big problem in protecting a space power at night."

The preempted drunk night was a little unhappy, but he was not interested in continuing to fight for any protector for Zhang Xin. He snorted and looked at Zhang Xin and said, "by the way, are you a mobile businessman?"

Knowing that he didn\'t want to be drunk without night, Zhang Xin nodded and waited for him to hurt himself.

"If you are a mobile businessman, the trading place should be more than China. Have any of you ever traded in other countries?"

"Elder Chen Kang should have been to other countries," Zhang Xin thought.

"Chen Kang, is he the leader of your mobile businessmen?" drunk night bent his eyes and said innocuously, "I knew I would let him follow us. It\'s no use taking you. I have to find someone to protect you."

"..." what did he just say? Being drunk all night must hurt him.

Zhang Xin nodded, but he didn\'t refute it, just like acquiescence.

Seeing that Zhang Xin was like a soft persimmon, he was tired of pinching when he was drunk all night. He glanced at the outside of his eyes and said, "why don\'t we start again tomorrow night? How long can this thing last?"

He pointed to the stove in the room.

"If nothing happens, a dead power should last a week," Zhang Xin replied.

"A week..." I was satisfied when I was drunk all night. "Let\'s stay for a week. Anyway, there should be more than one death state of power."

"We only have three pieces," Zhang Xinna said.

"You only brought three pieces?" drunk night was a little dissatisfied. In his opinion, this kind of good thing for winter should bring hundreds of pieces. It\'s really terrible to be frozen.

"Take a day off today and start tomorrow." Mo Wen said only when everyone in the room calmed down. They all had a car for more than a month and had a short rest to recover their energy.

"Just one day at a time." drunk all night hummed, "who will sacrifice his rest time to explore the duty time of the guards on the city wall tonight?"

Before everyone could speak, he quickly added, "anyway, I won\'t go."

"...." everyone was silent, and no one asked him to go, right?

"I\'ll go." Xiuqi said. In his opinion, this one-day rest time is meaningless. It\'s just a waste of his time.

"OK, Xiuqi, you can do this easily." drunk Wuye has long seen Xiuqi\'s old elbow turning partner unhappy. Seeing this, he can\'t help reaching out and embracing Xiuqi\'s shoulder. He looks like a good brother. "Xiuqi\'s spirit of sacrificing yourself for others really moves me and makes me a real model."

"Or you go?" Xiuqi sneered.

"When I didn\'t say what I just said."
