Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 732

"What are you looking at?" Qu Yaoyao stepped forward and smashed Qinhuai\'s elbow, snatched the biscuits from his hand and stuffed them into his mouth.

"What are you doing with my food?!" Qin Huai, who was robbed of food, frowned at Qu Yaoyao and asked with his teeth.

For food, the most unbearable thing is to be robbed of delicious food!

"You\'ve had three meals today. Are you a pig?" Qu Yaoyao rolled his eyes. "People with powers don\'t eat much food. You don\'t use powers. You\'d better save some food."

"You don\'t eat fireworks, but I want to eat!" Qin Huai said angrily.

Qu Yaoyao\'s response was gorgeous, rolled his eyes, and then ate his food in front of Qinhuai.

Qin Huai was so angry that he bit his teeth and forbeared to beat Qu Yao.

"You haven\'t said what you just thought." Qu Yaoyao asked, regardless of his reaction.

This will make Qin Huai sit cross legged. When Qu Yaoyao leaned over, his forehead just touched his chin, and his posture was intimate.

However, this kind of intimacy is only what outsiders look like. Qu Yaoyao just wants to talk from Qinhuai\'s mouth, and Qinhuai is full of food. He doesn\'t notice anything wrong at all.

Zhang Xin looked nearby and clenched his teeth. He was in a bad mood, but he still walked over and sat next to Qu Yao. "What are you talking about? Take me one."

"No." Qu Yaoyao refused simply and decisively.

Zhang Xin was embarrassed, but he still sat stubbornly.

Why didn\'t you find this guy so cheeky before?

Qu Yao narrowed her eyes slightly. If it weren\'t for the ink, she would like to throw Zhang Xin out.

Just thinking of the drunken night thrown out, he came back. He shook the blood on his clothes expressionless and vomited a long breath.

"Xiuqi..." he stared at Xiuqi and thought about how to find a chance to beat this guy.

Xiuqi gave him a cold smile and looked like he was always there.

Almost shocked by Xiuqi\'s provocative eyes, he narrowed his eyes dangerously and turned to Qinhuai sitting on the ground.

"What are you talking about?" he also sat down.

"I\'m talking about why Qin Huai kept staring at Xiuqi just now." Qu Yaoyao said bluntly.

"Staring at Xiuqi all the time?" drunk night couldn\'t help looking at Qinhuai with his side eyes and sipping his lips dangerously. "Do you like him?"

"..." what brain circuit can draw such a wonderful conclusion!

"I\'m just curious why xiuhuang\'s attitude towards the boss is much better than that of ordinary people." Zui wuyehua said this. Qinhuai couldn\'t say nothing. He frowned and whispered.

The room is so big. Qin Huai really doesn\'t want to discuss Xiuqi\'s private affairs with others. He just puts food first, not without thinking.

However, this problem should not be sensitive. It doesn\'t matter if he asks about the topic of feeling.

Obviously, hearing the problem of Qinhuai, Xiuqi looked at it gloomily, but he didn\'t do it.

Yu Lan was also curious about this problem. She put her hands around Mo Wen\'s shoulders and looked at her eyes curiously.

She really doesn\'t know anything about Xiuqi and drunken all night. She only knows that they follow Mo Wen.

"You don\'t know that." drunk Wuyi tilted Xiuqi\'s eyes and said, "in Xiuqi\'s eyes, the boss is an idol, do you understand?"

"..." I really don\'t want to hear drunk Wuye talking nonsense here. Qin Huai smiled. As soon as he wanted to expose the topic, he heard drunk Wuye again, "and Xiuqi has been following the boss before the end of the world. I don\'t know how long it has been, but it must be a long time."

"Right, Xiuqi?" he turned back and bared his teeth to Xiuqi.

Xiuqi smiled ferociously.

"Followed before the end of the world?" Qin Huai and several of them were surprised.

Yu Lan also frowned. She didn\'t know Xiuqi when she stayed with Mo Wen.

"Xiuqi was what I met when we separated." it seemed that seeing through Yu Lan\'s idea, Mo Wen couldn\'t help laughing.

"Don\'t say this first." Xiuqi, who has been silent, suddenly said, "tell us what we should do next."

Xiuqi himself didn\'t want to talk about this topic, and other people naturally didn\'t want to say much. Qin Huai looked at each other and nodded without any objection.

"Hey, no play, no play." I thought I could get his previous things out of Xiuqi\'s mouth this time. This guy doesn\'t want to say more. It seems that he has to find another chance in the future.

Zheng Yunfei, who was sleeping, was also shaken up by Qu Yaoyao. He sat up and yawned quietly.

Seeing that the people wanted to talk about business, Mo Wen didn\'t respond. He looked drunk all night and handed over the next thing to him.

Drunk night was obviously not the first time he was entrusted with this task. He returned to the appearance of the former elegant childe and took out a map from his backpack with a smile.

As like as two peas of the M country, he spread out the map and laughed lightly. "I can\'t guarantee that I can be exactly the same as M, but I should not be too much."

"When did you get the map?" Xiuqi frowned. In his impression, Yumeng had nothing to do with state m, and naturally there would be no map.

"The people of country e gave it to me together with the map of country AE, didn\'t you notice?" drunk night finally found the opportunity to revenge, and immediately picked his eyebrow and said with a smile, "this is really an accident. Doesn\'t the Minister of aggression even see this?"

Xiuqi frowned and stared at zuiye. He really didn\'t know when the map was given to zuiye.

"Drunk without night." Mo Wen said faintly, "talk about business."

"OK." Zui Wuyi immediately nodded and pointed to the map, "because we have never been to country m, we can\'t reach our destination by relying on such a map."

"So I need Zheng Yunfei to figure out the map. You came to country e alone and drew a route map. Compared with us, we are more sensitive to the map. Then you will lead us."

Drunk without night, he walked forward and patted Zheng Yunfei on the shoulder, a look of trusting him.

It is also a great honor for Zheng Yunfei to be appreciated by the drunken emperor. He immediately responded loudly, and then looked down at the map as if he wanted to print it in his mind.

"You should know that country m is different from our country China. They have countless large and small bases." Zui Wuyi sat in front of the map and looked at the large and small black spots on the map. "Among these bases, only three are the most representative."