Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 731

"Not afraid." Mo Xiaohuan was honest and explained directly, "I just want to hold my mother and pretend to be cold."

Smell speech Yu Lan can\'t laugh or cry, but think about it. Their ability has something to do with ice. If they are afraid of cold, they are the first to be frozen when using their ability.

But thinking of this, Yu Lan wondered if there were ice powers. Were they not afraid of the cold like Mo Xiaohuan? If so, winter was too good for them.

I haven\'t seen any ice powers in China. I don\'t know if state m has.

While thinking, Mo Wen had taken her into a small room. The room was small and messy, but it was a little warmer than outside.

Drunk all night, I was playing with the stove brought by Zhang Xin in the middle of the house, wondering how to make it hot.

This stove has also been improved by Gu Cheng. The fuel in it is not ordinary coal, but the fire power from the white envoy base.

Gu Cheng and blank work together to make the fire power dead state into a continuous heating state, while the furnace is reinforced in multiple layers and can fully withstand the pressure brought by the power dead state.

"Drunken emperor, don\'t touch the stove." when Zhang Xin came, Gu Cheng explained the usage of the stove. He pulled out a pull rod next to the stove, and then put the power dead state in the center of the stove and covered it. The whole stove gradually turned red, and soon there was a continuous heat flowing silently around.

Yu Lan felt that her whole body was wrapped by layers of heat waves. She comfortably stretched her arms and pulled Mo Wen to the cane chair on one side of the room.

There is a lot of dust on this rattan chair, but the chair below is good after wiping off this layer of soil.

Sitting in the chair with Mo Wen, Yu Lan stared at Mo Wen with wet eyes. When he saw him, he gently stroked his strong chest, bit by bit... Took out two crystal nuclei from his chest pocket.

The crystal nucleus was chewed and crushed happily. She bent her eyes and her cheeks were stuffed.

Mo Wen looked at her helplessly, rubbed her head and threatened her not to be naughty.

Drunk all night, he wanted to stick it on the stove, but he tried to touch the surface of the stove with his finger, and the whole fingertip turned into pus in an instant.

He bit his teeth in pain, healed the wound with his power, and sat down next to the stove.

Qu Yaoyao has been standing in the corner since she entered the room. Her eyes fell on the heavy snow outside the window, revealing a faint smile.

Snow or something is really beautiful.

Sitting opposite drunk night, Zhang Xin couldn\'t help looking at her side face, his eyes were vague and careful.

But no matter how careful he was, he couldn\'t hide it from others. Zheng Yunfei found his tightly clenched fist at a glance. However, Zheng Yunfei is just an ordinary person. He can\'t be frozen to death in such a cold environment. He has exhausted all his energy. As soon as the room is warm, his mind can\'t catch up with the movement of his body, and he sleeps directly against the corner of the table.

Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing looked at Zheng Yunfei and Zhang Xin. After looking at each other, they quickly stopped looking.

The strange atmosphere in the room was a little better until they came in.

"Oh, it\'s so warm." Qin Huai, who was covered with snow, rubbed his arm, took off his coat and sat cross legged on the ground.

At this time, the room was completely warm. Qin Huai didn\'t sit for a while, and the snow on his head melted, making his hair stick together.

He didn\'t care what his appearance looked like. He found food in his bag twice and stuffed it into his mouth.

I\'m in the best mood when I eat... Chewing cookies hard, Qin Huai thought contentedly.

Different from Qinhuai, who only knows how to eat, he always pays attention to his personal image. At the moment, he was worried about his sticky hair. He simply found his clothes without upper body from his neat bag to wipe his head.

"What are you doing when you are drunk all night!" I saw my towel... Bah, my clothes are like rags. I wiped my head when I was drunk all night. I couldn\'t help blowing my hair. "You have to wipe and take your own clothes!"

"My clothes will be very troublesome if they are dirty." drunk night smiled.

Is he all right when he\'s dirty?!

Xiuqi narrowed his eyes and the chain between his arms was ready to move.

Seeing that he was drunk without night, he immediately shamelessly jumped at Zheng, stretched out his hand to take the crystal core and stuffed it in blue, hid on her side and said with a grim smile, "you should be careful if you repair it. It\'s bad if you hurt anyone by mistake."

Yu Lan looked at the drunk night, looked at the gloomy repair of his eyes, thought about it, turned and rushed to Mo Wen\'s arms, looking wronged.

"Zuiwuye takes me as a shield!" he told zuiwuye mercilessly in front of the ink, and then looked at zuiwuye\'s face, which was green.

"Shit, sister-in-law, do you want to..."

"So what?" soothingly touched Yu Lan\'s head, and the ink text was like a real look straight into the heart of the night.

"So kind, lovely, generous and beautiful." drunk night immediately changed his mouth, and his flattering eyes were almost glued together.

Yu Lan secretly laughs. I don\'t know why. It\'s fun to see drunk night playing so much.

So since he used himself as a shield, it doesn\'t matter if he amused him instead?


Without Yu Lan\'s obstruction, Xiuqi\'s chain is much more flexible. When he wipes his sweat quietly, his chain has quickly entangled his legs and directly hung it up.

Drunk without night, I felt cold before I reacted. Looking around, I found that I was thrown out of the room!

"Fix up, you careful smelly boy!" he almost choked by the blizzard and lay down in the snow all night, accusing him angrily.

Xiuqi\'s reaction was to close the window and close the curtain.

"Xiuqi." read the ink with a panoramic view and said gently to Xiuqi, "your strength is good now."

Xiuqi is now a level 4 power. He has a whole higher level of control and use of powers.

In addition, Xiuqi has always been committed to increasing his own strength. Although he is young, he has done a lot of things.

"I just don\'t want to be too far away from you." Xiuqi lowered his eyes and couldn\'t maintain the gloom on his face when facing ink. At the age of nearly 19, he scratched his head like a child.

Qin Huai glanced back and forth at Mo Wen and Xiuqi with curious eyes. He was curious about the relationship between them.

He never gave him a good face when he came to the desire League to repair, but in front of Mo Wen, this guy seems to have changed.