Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 730

"As you said, you have no way to go. You can open up one by yourself." Mo Wen smiled gently with his chin. "What are those guards? Who dares to block the drunk emperor\'s way."

Shit, where did he provoke this evil spirit!

Drunk Wuye knew that Mo Wen was holding a grudge when he heard this. He held back the idea of strangling Mo Wen and said with his teeth, "I just said you, boss. I still have self-knowledge and don\'t have this ability."

"I can do anything, can\'t you do it?" Mo Wen\'s smile became softer.

"..." listening to Mo Wen, the emperor was drunk one by one, and his face shook uncontrollably.

He admitted that he did make fun of Mo Wen just now, but should revenge come so soon!

"Boss." just then Xiuqi also came over. He pushed a motorcycle in his hand, looked at Mo Wen and asked, "do you want to give this to drunk night?"

"Hand in a wool ball!" drunk without night anger, grabbed Xiuqi\'s motorcycle and stuffed it back where it came from.

"Get in the car!" I saw Xiuqi standing at the window. He was drunk all night and wanted to beat his partner who turned his elbow out forever into a baboon.

Xiuqi nodded. He didn\'t care about the bad attitude of being drunk all night. He got on the car obediently.

The environment of country e is much worse than that of China, and there is no way to compare it with that of the north and south.

Sand and dust are everywhere. Even where you can see, there are only all kinds of rocks, and you can vaguely see the mountains not far away.

Yu Lan bit the crystal core and looked out of the window with interest. Although he could only see faint rocks, it was the only fun to sit in the car.

After biting a crystal core, she turned back and took one with Mo Wen in her hand, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed happily.

Mo Wen stayed behind him, listened to Xiuqi\'s quiet complaint about the problem of seeing the road, and happily closed his eyes.

Unlike Yu Lan, who slept all day, he didn\'t have a good sleep when he was driving on the bus. The only time to rest was probably the time when it was almost night. For the rest of the time, he kept careful attention around to prevent them from jumping out suddenly at the end of the night.

However, the journey was extremely smooth. Let alone the end of the night, Xu Jielin, who had been jumping before, didn\'t show his face once. It was like missing.

It soon became dark, but they didn\'t dare to stop, and another person was still driving.

The temperature is getting lower and lower. If they don\'t drive all the time, the car won\'t start the engine easily.

Although the weather has been much worse, their equipment and materials have not become too tight before the coldest time.

During this time, Yu Lan accepted several zombies. One of them was long like a centipede and had many legs, but his body was covered with barbs.

The Firebird is not afraid of these thorns. It always picks him up with its mouth and throws him from high altitude. It\'s fun to play with a good zombie.

At the beginning, Yu Lan thought the game was bad, but she enjoyed every time the centipede zombie was thrown down. After hesitating for a while, she simply stopped caring about it.

In fact, spiders and Firebirds follow them. It\'s not too blue. They think it\'s too wasteful for these zombies to follow themselves. There\'s nothing to use them all the way.

Therefore, she simply sent the zombies to country m to let them know the environment of country m in advance so as to facilitate their later actions.

Now she left a Firebird beside her. She didn\'t bother to fly all day and lay on their car. The huge general car may not be able to carry it.

Fortunately, all their cars have been improved by Gucheng\'s gold power. Their durability is not easy to be damaged even if they are deliberately attacked. It\'s almost as powerful as weapons.

They arrived at the border of country m with no danger along the way. Looking at the abandoned city not far away, they chose to go to the abandoned city first.

No one in country m is familiar with them. If you are not careful, you may not even be able to enter the door of country M.

Now it\'s the coldest time of the year. Even if it\'s ink, they don\'t dare to get off easily after stopping.

Firebird and Yu Lan are not afraid of cold, but this extremely cold environment will also reduce their reaction speed.

Fortunately, the Firebird has some strength at the moment. It flew into a tall building in the heavy snow. Seeing that there is no danger, it simply doesn\'t come out in a ball.

The feeling of being snowed into a snow corpse is too bad. He doesn\'t want to go out and be drenched again.

"The Firebird said there was no danger in the city." Yu Lan lay down at the window, but he couldn\'t see anything.

"Let\'s go first? Find a house and build a stove." zuiye hates this cold weather. If he can\'t go back outside now, he must stay in the room all day, even the door won\'t come out once.

Wrapped the cotton padded jacket from Zhang Xin, he opened the door and jumped out of the car. Now the outside has been pasted by the blizzard, and the snow under his feet has been less than half a meter thick.

He jumped out of the car and wanted to say something to Xiuqi. As soon as he opened his mouth, snowflakes frantically crowded into him, which almost made him angry.


Trembling with cold teeth, I was drunk all night and didn\'t care about others. I ran to the corridor where Firebird had just entered and looked for a house that could be used.

Xiuqi didn\'t exaggerate as drunk without night, but he couldn\'t help frowning when he personally felt the madness of snowflakes outside.

"Zhang Xin!" he strode towards the small truck behind him, and pulled Zhang Xin out of the car. "Go find a drunk night to decorate the room, and I\'ll deal with the traces of the car first."

The wind was so loud that Xiuqi\'s voice seemed to exist, but Zhang Xin still heard it clearly. He nodded and responded loudly.

Qin Huai followed Xiuqi to deal with the traces of the car, while Qu Yaoyao took two children with Zhang Xin to the corridor.

Although the temperature in the corridor is not much higher than that outside, it has at least withstood some wind and snow. At least you can open your eyes and talk again.

Yu Lan was held in his arms by Mo Wen because his body was slightly stiff. Mo Wen also wore a thick layer at this time. Although his clothes were stained with a lot of snowflakes, it was not as exaggerated as drunk without night.

Mo Wen held Yu Lan and just entered the corridor. Mo Xiaohuan and they rushed up, one holding his left leg and the other holding his right leg. They were pitifully sniffling.

Mo Wen ignored them, but carefully bent down and put Yu Lan down.

"Are you afraid of the cold, too?" Yu Lan took the initiative to lead the two small and asked softly after landing.