Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 729

"Welcome!" the guard of country e greeted them warmly, and then walked to the drunk sleepless side road driving, "this is the map of entering country M. please keep it."

"Thanks." Zui Wuyi smiled friendly and stared at the guard\'s eyes.

The guard himself felt cold behind him. He stepped back, his expression was stiff, and nodded to drunk night, which allowed the people behind him to let go.

Drunk driving, he handed Xiuqi the map and said, "these guys seem to be hostile to us?"

"Hostility?" Xiuqi didn\'t see any hostility. He just raised his eyes and said with a sneer, "isn\'t this very normal? No matter what we do, we are all outsiders."

"But we don\'t do anything to them." I\'m still a little unhappy when I\'m drunk all night.

In his opinion, people like him. Everyone should treat him as a good person. This kind of wary practice makes him very uncomfortable.

Don\'t think we all know that we must be narcissistic again now. Xiuqi frowned and didn\'t bother to pay attention to this intellectual disability.

He looked down at the map in his hand and showed the way to the drunk night.

"We seem to be outside all the time." Xiuqi looked at the map in his hand and said in a cold voice, "if we follow the road on the map, we will spare more than half of the circle of e country."

"Let me see." zuiwuye raised his eyebrows, stepped on the brake and took Xiuqi\'s map. Sure enough, the marked places on it are the periphery of country E. if they enter country e and cross directly, they will be much faster.

"Put us like this?" drunk night couldn\'t help but eyebrow.

He opened the door and headed for the pickup behind him.

Xiuqi looked, sat behind and looked at Yu Lan\'s dazed ink. After a moment of silence, he got out of the car.

Yu Lan is sleeping now. He\'d better not disturb him.

Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing are sitting in a pickup truck, while Mo Wen and Yu Lan are sitting behind them.

All along the way, they changed their positions casually. They came as they liked.

Xiuqi walked to the back and saw Zui Wuyi lying on the window of the truck cab, facing the humanitarian inside, "Zheng Yunfei, didn\'t you go in the last time you came to e country?"

"No." Zheng Yunfei shook his head. "I just inquired about some news in the peripheral areas of country e and didn\'t go in."

"Is country e holding us like this now?" zuiwuye glanced at the barren mountain next to him and shouted to the ink still sitting in the car, "boss, why don\'t we break through? It\'s much faster to go straight through here than to go around a big circle."

His voice went down and Yu Lan, who was sleeping on Mo Wen\'s leg, couldn\'t help opening his eyes and looked out of the window dimly.

Mo Wen\'s face was gorgeous and black. He lowered his eyes slightly and said to the window, "if you can block the artillery fire of the whole e country at the same time, try it."

"It\'s not you, the boss." drunk Wuye smiled and said, "now country e has just experienced a bone breaking war and hasn\'t recovered so soon. It\'s a good opportunity for us."

Although country e had the support of Yu jueying and ye Zhi before, it is the end of the world after all. It is short of clothes and food. Not to mention that the equipment is basically one-time consumables. After a war, it is impossible for them to recover in such a short time.

He was afraid that Mo Wen wouldn\'t agree. He ran over happily and took the map of his mobile phone to Mo Wen.

I have to say that if you really go from the middle according to what drunk night said, it will save much time.

Mo Wen looked at the marks on the map and obviously wavered.

It\'s going to be very cold. If they can, they\'d better arrive in country m this morning.

"Boss." Zheng Yunfei jumped out of the truck at this time. He walked over to see the map in yanzuiye\'s hand and thought, "I think we\'d better take a detour according to the map. Although it\'s not marked on it, most of the territory of country e are mountains. It\'s not easy for us to drive. It\'s better to make a little circle than being trapped in the mountains."

"How do you know?" Zui Wuyi looked at the map in his hand, which drew a large blank in the territory of e. it really didn\'t rule out the possibility that it was all mountains.

With the advent of the end of the world, the terrain of all parts of the world has changed. If you haven\'t personally arrived, you really don\'t know what these places have become.

"Last time I came to e country, I met several people who got along well. They were all Chinese. They just couldn\'t return to China, so they settled down in e country." Zheng Yunfei seriously said to Zui Wuyi, "do you want to see them?"

"Are they overseas?" drunk night raised his eyebrows.

"They live in China," Zheng Yunfei shook his head. "But as a guard in country e, I also know them abroad."

"Then there\'s no need to see." drunk night looked a little sorry. "Really, according to what you said, there are all kinds of mountains in country e, we\'d better take a detour."

He didn\'t forget to look at Mo Wen and said with a happy smile, "of course, boss, if you plan to go straight through, I also support it. If there\'s no way, we\'ll split one."

Mo Wen glanced at him and said faintly, "to be safe, we\'d better follow the directions on the map."

"OK..." before the drunk sleepless Le word was said, Mo Wen interrupted him and said to Xiuqi, "Xiuqi, take out the motorcycle we brought and let drunk sleepless walk alone from the middle of country e."

"..." drunk night stared at Xiuqi. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Xiuqi was really looking for a motorcycle. At present, he cursed Xiuqi\'s pig teammate 10000 times.

"Boss, I\'m just talking about it." drunk all night, he lost the bitter gourd face and said pitifully.

He knew that Mo Wen had said he would send him away alone, and he would definitely do what he said.

Looking at the sad appearance of drunk night, Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing. The sleepiness that had just woke up dissipated.

"Sister-in-law, please help me beg the boss!" when zuiwuye saw Yu Lan, it was like seeing the Savior. He hurriedly begged Yu Lan Dao. His eyes were sincere like the little sun and almost blinded Yu Lan\'s eyes.

"Motorcycle is more suitable for mountain walking." seeing drunk all night, he asked Yu Lan, and Mo Wen couldn\'t help analyzing it carefully.

"Fart!" the drunken night, who has always been gentle and friendly and looks bright and handsome, finally burst out a rude remark and scolded with the nose of ink, "even if the motorcycle is suitable for walking in the mountains, I can\'t cope with the guards of country e! Do you think I can kill a large number of people by waving my hand!"