Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 726

Xiuqi\'s face looked better indeed. He had listened to Sheng song and stayed in the room to talk with Mo Wen before. He was not so bad after listening to her tell the truth.

"Why do you ask this?"

Seeing that Xiuqi\'s expression was not as serious as that just now, Sheng Ge thought, "because I\'m curious about what Xiuqi\'s brother and your sister look like."

"Don\'t be curious about this in the future." Xiuqi didn\'t intend to say these things to Shengge, but said coldly.

Seeing that Xiuqi really didn\'t want to mention something about his sister, Shengge quickly responded. He couldn\'t be clever, "HMM."

Xiuqi finally breathed a sigh of relief. When the elevator door opened, he walked in with Sheng Ge.

After they entered the elevator, they didn\'t speak, but when they were together, the atmosphere was not embarrassing, but very harmonious.


Another day later, they finally set out. Before they went, Yu Lan asked the Firebird to pick up Mo Xiaobing. They haven\'t come back yet.

Mo Wen rode a motorcycle. Yu Lan sat behind him and played with the helmet of his mobile phone excitedly.

"Arvin, can you still ride this?" she asked, putting her helmet on her head and sticking it to Mo Wen\'s back.

Mo Wen nodded, "if you want me to, I can learn even if I can\'t."

I feel that Mo Wen is more and more handy when talking about sweet words now. Yu Lan secretly tilted his mouth and rubbed his back.

While zuiwuye sat in the off-road driving position next to him after carrying the food. Xiuqi sat in the co pilot and was talking to zuiwuye with a gloomy face.

Zheng Yunfei and Qin Huai sat in a small truck, holding a map to the left and right.

Qu Yaoyao was supposed to sit in a pickup truck with Qin Huai, but her face turned green when she saw Zhang Xin sitting in the back row.

"Why are you here?" she thought it was boring to stay in Yumeng, so she wanted Qin Huai to take herself to m country for a tour. Now why is there a Zhang Xin in the car?

"My space can hold enough food supply," Zhang Xin explained.

They can\'t get there in a day by plane. If they don\'t encounter too much trouble on the way, it will take at least two or three months. It will be the coldest winter, and their supply must be enough.

There are enough supplies in the small truck and off-road trunk. Zhang Xin also has a lot of space, as well as a set of supplies needed to keep warm.

Qu Yaoyao\'s face twisted for a moment. When I closed the door, I was about to leave. I didn\'t want Qin Huai to see her get on the bus and say, "Qu Yaoyao, do you remember where I put the bread and jam?"

Hearing this, Qu Yaoyao couldn\'t help saying, "you food goods took all my jam away. Now ask me where I put it?"

"I remember I put it in my bag, but I didn\'t." Qin Huai said innocently. God knows how much he cherishes this jar of jam. It hurts to find him, okay.

"Give me your things and I\'ll find them." Qu Yaoyao rolled his eyes, took the car and grabbed several bags he was carrying from Qinhuai\'s hands. He turned upside down and didn\'t see the shadow of jam.

Seeing this, Qin Huai lay on the back of his chair and said, "look, I said no."

Qu Yao frowned and thought for a long time before suddenly staring at him and said, "pig, didn\'t you put the jam in the drunk emperor\'s bag?"

Before, drunk night saw the jam in Qinhuai\'s hand and took it, saying they ate it together.

"Oh, yes." Qin Huai thought of it and patted his head. "I remember I put it in my bag."

With this episode, Qu Yaoyao forgot Zhang Xin\'s existence and sat quietly in the car.

Zhang Xin sat aside and looked at Qu Yaoyao and Qin Huai. He opened his mouth and didn\'t say anything at last.

Now he can\'t insert any words between Qu Yaoyao and Qin Huai.

Zheng Yunfei kept staring at the map in his hand and secretly recalled the path he had taken before.

When they were ready, they set out. Mo Wen and Yu Lan rode a motorcycle to the front, fast.

Drunk without night, he smiled at Xiuqi while driving, "Xiuqi, it\'s very handsome to ride a motorcycle with your daughter-in-law."

Xiuqi looked out of the window with a gloomy face.

I\'ve long been used to Xiuqi\'s appearance. Drunk all night, I chuckled and joked obliquely, "but what\'s the matter with the little guy around you? Do you like her?"

"What are you talking about?" Xiuqi frowned and said sideways. "You think everyone is the same as you. When you see a woman, you think with your lower body."

Drunk night turned his eyes and didn\'t care about the neat words, "I didn\'t say that the little girl looks like she\'s only eleven or twelve years old. If you want to start, you have to be light."

"You think too much." Xiuqi said faintly, "I only think she is a subordinate."

"That\'s the best." Zui Wuyi said with a smile, "if you\'re too kind to her, I\'ll be unhappy. No matter what you say, you\'re also my best partner."

"What about you and drunk Linxue?" Xiuqi sneered. "Your attitude towards her also makes me curious."

"What\'s the matter with Lin Xue?" cried the drunk night monster.

"Say you like her, but your attitude towards her is like an enemy. Say you hate her, but you are more special to her than anyone else." Xiuqi said faintly, "you haven\'t found where she is these days?"

His face was cold when he heard that he was drunk all night. Fortunately, he quickly pulled out a smile and said, "I\'m not happy that I didn\'t find her."

He paused, "but Xiuqi, you know who we like. There is nothing but possessiveness. That\'s what I do to Linxue."

"The most important thing in your eyes is yourself?" Xiuqi also smiled and looked out of the window again, as if he were just asking casually.

"Aren\'t you?" drunk night asked, stepping on the accelerator and killing the small mutant beast that had been jumping out suddenly.

Hearing the wailing of the little changed beast, he said with a brilliant smile, "it\'s still a comfortable day."

Xiuqi looked out of the window without expression. There was no emotion in his dark eyes.

Mo Wen drove Yu Lan for a while and then stopped for no other reason. They couldn\'t stop because they were so big as Firebird in the middle of the road.

"Mom and Dad!" Mo Xiaobing jumped off the ground first and jumped into Yu Lan\'s arms.

Mo Xiaohuan followed and hugged Yu Lan\'s arm.

Mo Wen stood beside him and turned black. Fortunately, he didn\'t throw them out directly.

"I thought you didn\'t want me," Mo Xiaobing sniffed pitifully and held Yu Lan\'s waist.

"Why don\'t I want you?" whispered Mo Xiaobing. Yu Lan raised his eyes and jumped down from the Firebird\'s back. He was wearing a formal uniform and looked quite straight.