Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 727

"Sister." Yu Tian, who has succeeded in taking over the south, looks really dignified. He strides over and smiles with a serious expression on his face.

"Why are you here?" Yu Lan was surprised when he saw him, but he jumped out of the car and walked over.

"I\'ll send them both." Yu Tiandao. He is now the leader of the South and can\'t leave with Yu Lan and them.

"It\'s really hard," said Yu Lan with a smile.

"You asked me to take care of them. Of course I have to do my best." he spread his hands carelessly. Yu Tian looked at the ink coming over and thought, "but I have another thing to tell you."

"What\'s up?" Yu Lan raised his eyes.

"Huang Ruifei has explained everything. She forged the DNA identification of you and me." Yu tianpingdan described it as if it had nothing to do with him. "Yu jueying seemed to collapse when he heard the news. Now the whole person is hanging in one breath."

Yu Lan just listened quietly. Seeing the sky stop, he raised his eyes and asked, "is there anything else?"

Yu Tian looked at Mo Wen again and said, "Yu jueying wants to see us."

Hearing this request, Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing. Seeing the sky, she waved her hand and said, "I don\'t think there\'s anything to see. Let him be my daughter."

"I think so, too." Yu Tian agreed. "As long as Yu jueying has Yu Ruoshui\'s daughter, we\'d better not get involved."

After being tortured for so many years, their attitude towards Jue Ying can no longer be described as hate.

"Brother-in-law." Mo Wen also came over at this moment. Yu Tian looked at him and immediately called.

"Well." Mo Wen nodded and looked down at LAN Dao, "Lan Lan, the dust will be heavy later. Let\'s go back to the car and let Zhang Xin drive the motorcycle."

Yu Lan naturally had no objection. She nodded and took Mo Xiaobing and Mo Xiaohuan to the SUV.

Seeing that Yu Lan left Mo Wen, he looked at Yu Tian in a gentle tone, "Yu jueying, what did you do?"

"Well, I\'m hanging a sigh. Do you want him to live?" Yu Tian spread his hands. "He\'s the one who hurt Yu Lan like that."

"You killed him?" Mo Wen raised his eyes.

Yu Tian quickly shook his head and said, "it doesn\'t matter. Whether he is dead or alive has nothing to do with me. I just have to watch him suffer."

"Then give him and Huang Ruifei to Yumeng." Mo Wen said with a gentle smile, "then the Ark will come to you."

"OK." Yu Tiantou thought it was very pleasant to see Mo Wen for the first time.

Probably guessed Yu Tian\'s idea under his strange smile, Mo Wen turned and said faintly, "don\'t let LAN know after such a small thing."

"Of course." Yu Tian answered.

When Mo Wen walked back, he found Yu Lan standing at the door of the car with a tangled face.

"What\'s the matter?" he asked.

"It seems that there are only five people in the car." Yu Lan frowned and looked at the driveway. The last row of the cross-country is full of things and can\'t put down the chairs.

"Then let these two small ones go to the truck." Mo Wen said directly.

Yu Lan stared at Mo Wen and almost turned his eyes. "Why don\'t you let Xiuqi or get drunk all night to go to the small truck?"

"Drunk without night and Xiuqi have to leave one person to drive." Mo Wen\'s meaning is very obvious. He wants to sit in a row with Yu Lan, so there is no spare space for Mo Xiaobing and them, unless they both squeeze into the co pilot\'s position or let them drive.

Yu Lan still couldn\'t help turning his eyes. As soon as he was about to make a noise, he saw Mo Xiaobing and Mo Xiaohuan look at each other, skillfully pointed to the truck and said, "Mom, we\'re going to take that car."

It\'s rare that Mo Xiaobing and Mo Xiaohuan spoke in unison. Yu Lan asked curiously, "why?"

"Otherwise, mom, will you be unhappy?" Mo Xiaohuan skillfully lowered his head and said pitifully.


Yu lanmo was silent, and then Mo Wen was rushed to the truck.

Drunk Wuye almost laughed in the cross-country. He was beaten with his elbow.

With a smile on his face, he stepped on the accelerator when he was drunk all night and said with a flying face, "I didn\'t say that the boss is no matter how powerful he is, he\'s not afraid of his wife."

Xiuqi glanced at him, raised his hand and gave him an elbow again.

Yu Lan was calm in the back row. There was a little guy on the left and right sides.

Mo Xiaohuan quietly compares a scissors hand to Mo Xiaobing, and Mo Xiaobing also compares one to her with a smile.

Yu Lan was surprised when he saw this. He hadn\'t seen the relationship between the two for a few days. How did the relationship become so good?

"You two......" Yu Lan thought, "the relationship looks good now."

"Of course," said Mo Xiaobing. "Mo Xiaohuan doesn\'t remember anything now. I can\'t bear to hate her, so I\'m going to treat her as a good sister before Mo Xiaohuan remembers the past."

Hearing the speech, Yu Lan couldn\'t help crying and laughing. The child\'s idea was really simple.

Here, Yu Lan and Mo Xiaobing had a good chat. The atmosphere in the truck was depressed.

Qinhuai drove the car and stared at the car that turned left and right in front of him. He wondered if he was fighting with someone in the car.

However, he was puzzled. He was still driving with a straight face and a serious face.

Zheng Yunfei sat beside him and looked at the map expressionless. He pointed to him from time to time. They exchanged eyes silently, but quickly cultivated a strange tacit understanding.

Zhang Xin and Qu Yaoyao sat in the back row. Although there was a backrest behind them, they still sat upright and dared not even say a word.

Mo Wen sat alone in the last row and looked up at the fast-moving cross-country ahead from time to time, but most of the time he looked sideways at the deserted scene outside the window and even smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Of course, the smile is as cold as it looks.

Soon in the evening, people got out of the car to exercise and prepare for dinner.

Yu Lan took Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing out of the car. Sure enough, he didn\'t see Mo Wen.

"Sister-in-law..." Qu Yaoyao took the initiative to go to Yu Lan for the first time and handed her the dinner in his hand, which is self-evident.

Yu Lan had no choice but to take the biscuits and jam handed over by Qu Yaoyao, turn around and look at Xiuqi, and give the two little guys to him.

"You look after it for me."

Then she took the food on the back of the small truck and pulled the door.

Xiuqi stood in place with Mo Xiaobing and stared at them until he came over and patted him on the shoulder.