Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 725

Noticing Sheng GE\'s eyes, Mo Wen looked at her and saw her grin at herself.

Fortunately, Mo Wen\'s temper is much better now. When he saw a monkey, he looked away calmly.

Sheng Ge, who doesn\'t know the idea of ink, smiled happily. Look, it\'s said that ink is different from before.

"Boss, since this is the case, can I stay in the desire League?" Zui Wuyi propped up his chin and smiled brightly. "Now there are zombie cracks in China. We must not ignore them."

"China is not what we want to alliance with, but you do a lot of things." Mo Wen said faintly, "what\'s more, what can you do even if you stay?"

"I can\'t beat zombies. I can also go to investigate the terrain. I don\'t know myself and the enemy. I\'ll be invincible in a hundred battles." Zui Wuyi said plausibly.

"If you want to survey, you can send people from the north and south." Mo Wen said, "as for the deserted area... I remember it\'s very close to the white envoy base. Let Yang Tianzong them solve it."

Smell speech drunk all night, suddenly bitter face, staring at Mo Wen can\'t speak. What else can he say? Mervyn, this bastard just won\'t let himself do what he wants.

"The north is still unstable," Zui Wuyi said.

"Ye Xiao." Mo Wen thought and smiled carelessly, "just kill them."

"Northern area 1 is easy to defend but difficult to attack. I heard that there are other secret bases for studying the death state of powers. They are tightly guarded, otherwise Jingjing and they won\'t be able to take it down for so long." Zui Wuyi took back the words that almost came out of his mouth, "you think the defense in the north is a fly, and you will die as soon as you clap", and said to Mo Wen with a serious face, "I think it\'s better for me to take people personally and solve them every minute."

"Also." seeing that drunk night said it was reasonable and justified, Mo Wen finally nodded.

"Then I don\'t have to go to country m?" drunk night\'s eyes suddenly lit up.

"Who said that?" Mo Wen glanced at him obliquely. "It\'s usually Xiuqi of the invasion department who deals with such things. What\'s your business?"

"..." staring at Mo Wen, a funny guy, drunk all night. If he can\'t see that he has been fooled, he will be the drunk emperor in vain.

"Boss, do I want to go?" ignoring the stupid picture of drunk night, Xiuqi looked at Mo Wen and asked.

"No." Mo Wen shook his head. "The most important thing is to go to country m this time. China can\'t be irreparable at once. Let\'s send someone to watch."

"As for ye Xiao..." Mo Wen really didn\'t pay attention to him, "let them take someone to solve the ark."

The ark is a neat right-hand man in the invasion department. People in other departments know more about how to invade other people\'s territory than those in other departments.

"But isn\'t the ark going with us?" asked the angry and fast going drunk all night. "If he goes, who will lead us?"

Obviously, Mo Wen also thought of this problem and casually decided on a candidate, "I remember you mentioned Zheng Yunfei before, just him."

"All right." drunk Wuye accepted his fate. He waved his hand and said, "the people who are going to country m now want me, Xiuqi, Zheng Yunfei, Qinhuai... Who else?"

"I\'m going too!" Shengge raised his hand. "I want to take care of brother Xiuqi!"

"Shut up." Xiuqi frowned and stared at her.

"OK, then add another Sheng song." drunk night music way.

"Don\'t count her." Xiuqi said coldly.

"Brother Xiuqi..." Sheng Gewei looked at him with wet eyes.

However, Xiuqi had no pity for jade. He didn\'t open his eyes and reiterated to drunk night, "it\'s not a Sheng song."

Seeing Xiuqi seriously looking at himself, he smiled and said, "well, you don\'t count if you don\'t count."

A tone of coaxing children.

In the eyes of drunken night, Xiuqi has always been a hairy child, so he always likes to bully him in words.

It\'s just that Xiuqi is sometimes more venomous than him. If he loses each other, he will win or lose.

Sheng Ge saw Xiuqi\'s firm attitude, so he had to droop his head and say nothing more.

"Who else is on this trip?" asked drunk night.

Qin Huai, who had been sitting in the corner, suddenly asked, "can you take Qu Yao with you?"

"Qu Yaoyao?" drunk Wuye thought for a moment, and thought that it didn\'t matter to add Qu Yaoyao.

"That\'s all the candidates. We\'ll start when the boss is ready." Zui Wuyi said with a smile.

Mo Wen nodded and stared at the crack on the map.

After that, they had no need to stay here. After leaving one by one, the room immediately quieted down.

Yu Lan lies on the chair next to him and yawns.

Mo Wen smiled softly, walked up to her and asked softly, "are you sleepy?"

Yu Lan nodded and suddenly looked at a small figure behind Mo Wen.

Sheng Ge had not left yet. She stood behind the ink and watched them stop talking.

Mo Wen naturally noticed her existence, but ignored it.

"What can I do for you?" Yu Lan asked in a friendly voice.

"That... Boss." Sheng Ge looked up at Mo Wen and asked seriously, "do you know about Xiuqi\'s brother... His sister?"

"Xiuqi\'s sister?" he frowned and whispered, "does Xiuqi have a sister?"

Don\'t even Mo Wen know about Xiuqi\'s sister?

Sheng GE\'s eyes darkened, raised his eyes and said, "I heard what brother Xiuqi said before."

"I don\'t know," said Mo Wen. "When I saw him, he was the only one without any sisters."

The Sheng song that didn\'t get the answer looked a little lost. She nodded and said, "I should have heard it wrong."

Then Sheng Ge walked out of the room with his head down, but he didn\'t want to look up and see Xiuqi waiting for her in front of the elevator at the end of the corridor.

"Brother Xiuqi!" she opened her eyes and ran quickly, "are you waiting for me?"

Xiuqi looked gloomy, but he didn\'t deny it.

Although Xiuqi didn\'t speak, Shengge stood beside him with a happy smile.

Just when Sheng Ge thought Xiuqi wouldn\'t say anything, he suddenly said, "why did you come out so late?"

Sheng Ge was stunned. After the reaction, he said honestly, "I asked the boss about Xiuqi\'s brother and your sister."

Xiuqi\'s object control ability can control objects and sense the dynamics he wants to know through connected objects.

So when Xiuqi asked this question, Shengge didn\'t intend to hide it at all. Xiuqi\'s trust came hard, but it broke quickly. She didn\'t want to destroy their rare and harmonious relationship.