Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 719

"... you too." standing in front of the elevator, Mo Wen looked at the floor indicator of the elevator and paused for a few seconds.

"What?" Yang Chu was thinking about where to contact various ministers. Mo Wen suddenly made a noise, which made him a little unresponsive. He looked at the ink with a wooden face and asked what he meant.

"I said you would also attend the ministers\' Parliament. I have some important things to arrange for you." Mo Wen turned back and said faintly to Yang Chu.

"Yes." as soon as he heard the arrangement of the task, something that could be called expression finally appeared on his face. His eyes lit up, but he soon converged and stood in place calmly.

Mo Wen got into the elevator with satisfaction.

A man stood in the same place and looked around. When she saw that there was really no one around, she touched her forehead and felt the sticky fingertips.

Although Mo Wen didn\'t show any intention to kill him just now, he still wet his forehead uncontrollably.

But what does Mervyn want from him? Yang Chu took a breath, put down all kinds of questions in his heart, and felt that it was important to contact the ministers of the desire alliance.


Gu Cheng was the first to arrive. He hummed a little song, looked at the empty room, walked in and sat down casually.

Didn\'t the boss come?

He frowned.

Soon he found that he was wrong. Mo Wen came out of the room with several documents and said hello when he saw him.

"Boss, I haven\'t seen you for a long time." Gu Cheng quickly got up and said hello.

Mo Wen nodded, sat on the leather chair in the middle of the room, stood with his chin and whispered, "I heard that the ancient wing is in the north. Don\'t you go to see it?"

Gu Cheng was stunned, and then showed a bitter smile, "boss, you don\'t know. Gu Yi took the initiative to go to the prison in the North just to avoid me. Why should I rush to see him? He won\'t want to see me."

At the beginning of the establishment of the desire alliance, he killed Gu Yi\'s best friend for some reasons. Since then, the two brothers have no love.

Wen Yan and Mo Wen were noncommittal. After thinking about it, he said, "now the whole country of China has places under our control. You will meet sooner or later."

"Then we\'d better wait until we meet." Gu Cheng shook his head. At this time, LV Shi also pushed the door and came in. When he saw the ink, he smiled gently.

Mo Wen nodded in response.

Sitting next to Gu Cheng gracefully, LV Shi also said hello to Gu Cheng.

The relationship between the two of them is average, but there is still the feeling of saying hello.

LV Shi was always gentle and polite. After he came in, there was no sound in the room. He sat calmly in the distance and quietly closed his eyes.

Xiuqi was the third to arrive. Now he couldn\'t see any abnormality on his face, and the corners of his mouth were gently pursed, restoring his cold and gloomy appearance.

"Why are you alone? Haven\'t you been drunk all night?" Xiuqi frowned and asked Gu Cheng when he saw that there were only four of them in the room.

"Not yet," Gu Cheng said, "but this is the drunken emperor\'s room. He will come back sooner or later."

He got up and walked around, staring at a metal gadget in the bookshelf.

There were no talkative people in the room except Gu Cheng. Gu Cheng talked to himself for a while, got bored and sat back again.

Next came the blank. He was still wearing a white coat that he didn\'t take off in time, with a layer of purplish red dye on it.

He didn\'t follow him this month. He came alone.

"Hasn\'t the drunk emperor come yet?" he was making specimens for dyeing. Unexpectedly, he suddenly received the order from Mo Wen to gather them. He had to put the experiment on hand and rush over first.

However, he thought he was the last one. Unexpectedly, he was even slower than him when he was drunk all night.

"Zui Wuye mentioned looking for Zui Linxue before. Are you still looking for it now?" Xiuqi frowned in a side way.

"What\'s wrong with Linxue?" Lv Shi asked curiously. He has a good relationship with Zui Linxue. It\'s no problem to ask if he cares about Zui Linxue at the moment.

"Drunk without night, I can\'t find her in the desire alliance, but the food belonging to her has always been there. Have you seen it?" Xiuqi asked with his side eyes.

"If I say so, I haven\'t seen her for a while." Lv Shi thought, "she hasn\'t looked for me since she came back from the outside this time."

Hearing this blank, I looked up at them, and my eyes flickered a little.

He opened his mouth to talk and soon closed his mouth.

"If others talk about me, please don\'t tell them my position." Zui Linxue\'s Prayer seemed to echo in his ears. He frowned and simply lowered his head.

Fortunately, the blank has never been welcomed by the audience, and his reaction has not been noticed by anyone at the moment.

Yang Chu also rushed over quickly. Seeing that everyone else in the room had arrived except drunk all night, he quickly lowered his head and apologized, "sorry, boss, I suddenly received the news that the zombies outside had changed a little. I went out to have a look."

"Change?" Mo Wen raised his eyes.

"It\'s just that there are several zombies. It\'s strange." Yang Chu shook his head and said, "don\'t worry. I\'ve strengthened the defense of the desire alliance."

Yang Chu has gradually taken over the big and small things of the desire League. Now he can\'t be more familiar with the arrangement of defense.

Mo Wen nodded and said naturally, "don\'t kill them as much as possible. Wait for LAN LAN to wake up and see if you can find some useful news from them."

"I see."

Yang Chu immediately took out his communicator and contacted his partner who was defending outside the desire League. "You reported my zombies before and left them alive to see what they were going to do."

At the other end of the contact, there was a hearty response, which sounded very young.

"Aren\'t our ministers having a meeting? Why is there an outsider here?" Gu Cheng asked aloud when he saw Yang Chu standing in the room and didn\'t mean to go.

He didn\'t mean anything by asking this question, but when he spoke out, he became a little crowded when he heard others stand up.

When they saw LV, they looked at themselves together. Yang Chu soon calmed down, looked expressionless, found a position to sit down and calmed down to the extreme.

"He is the one I specially authorized to attend this meeting." Mo Wen said faintly.

Hearing this, Gu Cheng immediately stopped talking. He just looked up and down, and looked up at him inexplicably.

Drunken night was the last to arrive. Gu Cheng, who looked steady when he came, couldn\'t help whistling at him.