Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 718

Mo Wen, who was so despised by Yu Lan, was not angry. He smiled, raised his finger and gently slid down Yu Lan\'s spine. "It doesn\'t matter. I\'ll wash it for you... Don\'t worry about getting tired of me."

Pooh! Who\'s worried about him!

Yu Lan wailed. Because she was a zombie, her skin color was not normal, otherwise her face would have been red and become a persimmon.

"I can wash it myself..." the struggle was ineffective. She simply opened her mouth and bit on the edge of the bathtub, making a gap directly.

Calmly threw the place she bit down into the dustbin. Mo Wen thought about it, and suddenly stretched out his hand to turn her over in the water and directly let her face up.

"..." Yu Lan was confused, and then he felt cold in front of his chest.

"Ah -" screamed and hugged her chest. Her wet eyes stared at the ink, and her bullied eyes were red.

Although she is not dressed now, it is different whether she is facing up front or back.

Mo Wen gently touched her eyelids and asked with a gentle smile, "good or not?"

"..." threat! This is a naked threat!

He puffed up his cheeks and said, "good boy."

"I knew my blue was the most obedient." Mo Wen rubbed her hair happily, in a tone of coaxing children.

Yu Lan gritted his teeth and Wei qubaba lay down next to the bathtub. He was honest at last.

Finally, Yu Lan and his clean ink came out of the bathroom happily and wrapped Yu Lan in a soft thin quilt.

"I\'ll ask someone to bring you the crystal core." he casually wrapped a bath towel around his crotch, and ink walked to the contact device at the door to contact the people in the supply department.

Wrapped in the quilt, Yu Lan looked innocently at Mo Wen\'s excellent figure, puffed his cheeks and retracted his face into the quilt.

Why do you dress so tempting... It\'s a foul.

Mo Wen can\'t read his mind. Naturally, he doesn\'t know what Yu Lan is thinking at this time. He picked up a dry towel and came back. He sat beside her and carefully wiped her hair.

Soft colored hair shuttled back and forth between his fingers. The touch like fine silk made Mo Wen\'s eyes bend.

"The hair quality is getting better and better," Mo Wen said with a smile.

"The crystal core eats well, and of course the hair grows well." Yu Lan lets Mo Wen do whatever he wants on his head, and he yawns a little.

"Are you sleepy?" Mo Wen asked immediately.

Yu Lanxian said, "after taking a bath, people always feel sleepy... That\'s why I hate taking a bath."

"You didn\'t hate it before," said Mervyn. "I remember when you were a child, you liked to take a bath in my house."

"No." Yu Lan also thought of what happened when he was a child and hummed, "I was... I was just missing the feeling of taking a bath."

Before she was abandoned, she also lived a rich life. Later, she came to a strange place alone. Without spare money, she had no money to buy a better house and rent a small house. She didn\'t even have a bathroom. If she took a bath, she could only go to a public bathhouse.

"What\'s more..." she paused. "I don\'t like water now."

Even if she regained her mind and grew well, she was a zombie without much difference from ordinary people.

She just looked open and didn\'t feel sad, but it didn\'t mean that she was not lost at all.

Knowing what Yu Lan has experienced over the years, Mo Wen suddenly felt that it was not enough for Yu jueying to know the truth he didn\'t know before. He should also be sent to the fifth floor to let him decay slowly from inside to outside. When he was about to die, let him be drunk all night to cure him.

Now that he had an idea in his heart, Mo Wen would do it, but he saw Yu Lan sleepy in front of his eyes and hesitated for a few seconds, but he still didn\'t intend to say it.

No matter what Yu jueying does, it\'s also the source of all Lanlan\'s pain. It\'s better not to mention it in front of her.

"If you want to sleep, just sleep for a while." he hugged Yu Lan with the quilt from behind. Mo Wen closed his eyes slightly and said gently, "I\'ll call you up when the crystal core comes."

"HMM." she leaned against Mo Wen\'s arms, Yu Lan closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep.

After becoming a zombie, the strangest thing about Yu Lan is that he is prone to sleepiness. Generally speaking, zombies rarely sleep. They basically don\'t sleep except when they are promoted.

After LAN fell asleep, Mo Wen gently held her in bed, while he sat on her side and stared at her face in a daze.

Sensing that someone was approaching outside, he immediately stood up quietly, put on his shirt and trousers with his gloves and walked to the door.

Yang Chu took all the pink crystal cores in the desire League and walked to the door. Just as he was about to knock, he saw that the door had been silently opened, and Mo Wen stood in front of him.

"Boss." after a brief moment of stupidity, Yang Chu immediately said seriously, "I brought the crystal core."

Mo Wen\'s hair can still be dry and wet on his forehead.

"Thank you." he nodded, took the crystal core and put it on the table on his side. Seeing that Yu Lan was still asleep, he turned and walked out of the room.

Yang Chu, who was about to leave, didn\'t expect Mo Wen to come out again. When he was about to leave, he took a quiet step aside.

"You\'re dealing with all the things about desire alliance these days?" Mo Wen didn\'t look at him and walked forward, but his voice came in a low voice.

"Yes." Yang Chu immediately followed him and walked behind him with his head down.

"Well handled." judging from the orderly appearance of Yumeng now, Yangchu\'s ability may not be as good as drunk without night, but it\'s not bad.

"You\'re flattered." when I was praised by Mo Wen for the first time, Yang Chu raised his head and looked at Mo Wen\'s seemingly defenseless back, "it\'s my greatest honor that you can give me the opportunity to give full play to my talents."

"Don\'t say honorific words." Mo Wen doesn\'t like being called you by others. In his opinion, this kind of address will remind him of some uncomfortable things.

Some people speak of respect from the heart, but others speak of it as a cover up to hide their invisible malice.

"Yes." Yang Chu answered with some annoyance. He clearly remembered that Mo Wen didn\'t like to listen to any honorific words, but he was just flattered and said it unconsciously.

Mo Wen didn\'t mean to blame Yang Chu for this. He nodded casually, looked slightly sideways and said, "contact the ministers of various departments and go to the conference room where they are drunk all night."

"Yes," Yang Chu answered immediately.