Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 720

"Drunken emperor, I haven\'t seen you for a long time. How do you look lost?" Gu Cheng stood up and walked forward, hooked his drunken shoulder and said with a smile, "lovelorn?"

Looking at Gu Cheng lightly, he picked his eyebrows when he was drunk. The only gloomy color on his face immediately dissipated.

"Lv Shi," he said with a hearty smile, "I haven\'t seen you for a long time. Why are you still so ungrateful?"

As if he didn\'t hear the irony in the drunken talk, Gu Cheng happily patted the drunken shoulder. He was strong enough to almost kill a cow. "They all say that men have changed since they were eighteen, but I\'ve passed that age, and naturally there will be no change."

Too lazy to continue to quarrel with Gu Cheng, he asked directly when he was drunk all night, "don\'t talk nonsense. Do you know where Linxue has gone?"

"How can I know." Gu Cheng rolled his eyes. He made such an expression on a mature uncle\'s face. How do you think it\'s against him? "When you should ask LV, he can get along better than me and drunk Linxue."

When LV Shi heard Gu Cheng mention himself, he raised his eyelids slightly, and a soft voice like water sounded, "I don\'t know."

He has always been wrong with Zui all night. Now he knows where Zui Linxue is. He probably won\'t say it.

Smelling that he was drunk all night, he couldn\'t help narrowing his eyes. Although he still had a smile on his mouth, the Qi field around him was different.

He clapped Gu Cheng\'s hand, stared at LV tightly, and said innocuously, "you have always had a good relationship with Linxue. Won\'t you hide anything from me?"

"You think too much, drunk emperor." Lv Shi shook his head and said with a smile, "if you investigate, you should know that drunk Linxue didn\'t come to me once after returning to the desire alliance this time."

Zuiwuye asked Zui Linxue in detail about the dynamics of people who have a good relationship with her just now, so it\'s clear that LV Shi didn\'t lie.

But where did Zui Linxue go?!

Some irritable drunk night finally took back his eyes, sat on the chair next to Xiuqi, tilted LV Shi and said with a smile, "if you look at it like this, is the relationship between Linxue and you just so? Can you stay away from Linxue and see you... It\'s really eye-catching."

Drunken night seldom makes trouble for the people in the desire League, but it is recognized that he has a bad relationship with LV Shi. Even so, this is the first time he has humiliated people so recklessly in front of people.

"Oh... Didn\'t you find Zui Linxue?" he couldn\'t keep his warm eyes. LV Shi closed his eyes, but his handsome and gentle smile remained the same. He leaned gracefully on the soft back of the chair behind him and spread his left hand gently. "In this way, Zuidi, the relationship between you and your sister is not very good, isn\'t it?"

LV Shi\'s words can be said to have poked the death hole of being drunk all night. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the smile on the corners of his lips faded a lot.

Mo Wen has been leaning against the armrest of the chair. Look at this and then look at that. There is no expression on his face and naturally there is no sound.

The atmosphere in the room gradually cooled down. Blank kept holding his hand and hanging his head. He didn\'t know what he was thinking.

Drunk Wuye and LV Shi are still humiliating each other, like quarreling with children.

Xiuqi didn\'t intend to persuade him to fight, but he keenly raised his eyes and looked at the ink on the handrail with his index finger. After a moment of breathing stagnation, he immediately raised his arm and pounded it drunk for a night.

Drunk without night, he looked at Mo Wen with Xiuqi\'s eyes, just right for a pair of deep and bottomless eyes.

He subconsciously shut his mouth, immediately pulled out a smile and said, "boss, what\'s the matter? You see, I\'m a little hairy."

Mo Wen didn\'t make a sound, but he tilted his eyes with the corners of his eyes.

LV Shi\'s body immediately froze. He swallowed the sarcastic words that he had not had time to export. He immediately apologized to Mo Wen and said, "sorry, boss, I\'m complacent."

"You have a good relationship?" Mo Wen finally said.

How blind is it to think they have a good relationship? Drunk night pulled the corners of his mouth and said with a dry smile, "boss, don\'t be kidding."

"That\'s a bad relationship." Mo Wen smiled and said, "but it doesn\'t matter. You can continue."

With his voice, the atmosphere in the room not only didn\'t pick up, but also became colder.

LV Shi immediately lowered their heads and their bodies were alert and stiff.

Generally speaking, Mo Wen didn\'t care how his subordinates quarreled, but this time LV Shi and zuiye quarreled at the wrong time and hit the muzzle of the gun.

Yang Chu faced the heavy pressure of ink for the first time. He only felt his legs tremble and his brain was blank.

He clenched his fist and tried his best not to let himself kneel on the ground.

"You haven\'t found Zui Linxue yet?" after seeing enough of the people\'s trembling expressions, Mo Wen looked at Zui Wuye.

The drunken and sleepless attitude was a little more presumptuous than others. When he saw Mo Wen looking at him, he immediately grinned and said, "yes, boss."

Mo Wen raised his eyes and said gently, "she is always a human. She can\'t run too far. You don\'t have to worry too much."

I didn\'t expect Mo Wen to have such a good speaking side. Drunk all night, he thought he had heard wrong. He raised his eyes and looked at Mo Wen seriously, but saw him smile at himself, "of course, it\'s nothing if you want to continue looking, but you have to start with us the day after tomorrow."

"... what if I really can\'t find it?" Zui Wuyi asked carefully, "boss, I want to find Linxue and go to country m again."

"What do you say?" Mo Wen\'s smile remained unchanged, but the table in front of him turned into powder in an instant. During this period, he didn\'t even make a sound of breaking, and directly broke into powder.

Drunk all night.

He understood the meaning of ink. As long as he wanted, drunk Linxue\'s life was in his hands.

Drunk night is not a person who can be threatened. If others have the courage to threaten him, he will seriously fight back.

But he knows that the only thing he can do to fight back against Mo Wen is to catch Yu Lan. It\'s simple, but it\'s really death.

Not to mention that Yu Lan is a zombie with unknown strength. Even if she is a human, no one dares to move the things written in ink.

"Also, the drunk Linxue you are looking for should be in his hand." seeing the ugly face of drunk night, Mo Wen raised his finger, pointed to the blank sitting opposite and whispered.

Naturally, Mo Wen didn\'t know where Zui Linxue was, but he kept all his looks at the bottom of his eyes and thought about it a little.

"What." before getting drunk, Gu Cheng stood up directly from his chair, stared at the blank and said, "it\'s what your boy did?!"