Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 717

"Don\'t cry!" Xiuqi was impatient with the harsh cry. He roared viciously. Unfortunately, Guzhu couldn\'t understand him at all and cried even more.

"Brother Xiuqi..." Sheng Ge looked at Xiuqi helplessly and coaxed Gu Zhu in a low voice, "don\'t cry, it\'s okay, it\'s okay."

Gu Zhu twitched and flattened her mouth, finally stopped crying, closed her eyes and was wronged to go to bed.

Guzhu played all morning today. After crying, she was tired and couldn\'t open her eyes.

Children are trouble!

Xiuqi\'s eyebrows could be knotted. He bit his teeth and glared at Guzhu, but he didn\'t say anything again.

"Brother Xiuqi, children are very timid. If you yell at him, you will only scare them." seeing that Guzhu\'s breath gradually calmed down, Sheng Ge lowered his voice to Xiuqi.

Xiuqi snorted coldly and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Sheng Ge quickly put Gu Zhu in the room and quickly caught up with Xiuqi, "brother Xiuqi, what are you doing to me?"

"Nothing." Xiuqi said expressionless.

Sheng Ge picked his eyebrows, bent his eyes and asked with a smile, "nothing. What are you doing here?"

If others heard this, they would probably think Shengge didn\'t want him to come, but Xiuqi didn\'t understand it at all. He just walked forward with a gloomy face and silence.

What\'s he doing here? God knows what he\'s doing here.

Seeing Xiuqi\'s unfathomable face, Sheng Ge stopped asking, just followed him, "I heard Tang Han say they\'re coming?"

"HMM." Xiuqi finally nodded.

"That\'s great, Guzhu. They finally have someone to teach." the pace of Shengge couldn\'t help being cheerful and said with a happy smile, "Tang Han can be alone now, but Jiuxi they still need someone to teach."

"Well, Wenning has just promised to teach them." after listening to the cheerful tone of Sheng song, Xiuqi glanced at her with one eye and said faintly, "but did you forget to eat breakfast? You also need to study with them."

"Ah? I also want to learn?" Wen Yan Shengge couldn\'t help but open her eyes and look up at Xiuqi\'s faint face. Only then did she react that now she is one year younger than Jiuxi.

"... I see," she replied. She couldn\'t help feeling depressed when she thought that a person in her twenties would have to study with a group of children.

I looked up to complain, but I didn\'t want to see Xiuqi\'s smile.

It\'s not a sneer, it\'s a teasing smile.

The smile appeared silently and disappeared quickly. She just blinked her eyes, and her neat face changed back to the cold look before.

My mind was blank. Sheng Ge opened his mouth, but he didn\'t say anything.

She had never seen him smile like this when she was with Xiuqi in the last life.

"Brother Xiuqi..." his voice inadvertently became hoarse. Sheng GE\'s eyelashes trembled slightly. When Xiuqi looked at it suspiciously, he whispered, "you\'ve changed a lot."

"What?" Xiuqi was stunned and didn\'t understand what she meant.

Xiuqi returned to her senses with this sound. She blinked her eyes and said with a smile, "well, I mean, you don\'t have facial paralysis as before..."

She paused, didn\'t wait for Xiuqi to stare over and directly cut off the topic, "but did you just want to tell me the news of Wen cuining\'s return?"

Xiuqi frowned, turned and went on without making a sound.

Seeing this, Sheng Ge couldn\'t help staring. Did Xiuqi really come to tell her the news?

Staring at the back of Xiuqi\'s head, Shengge couldn\'t help opening his mouth and came forward to pull his sleeve.

"What to do!" Xiuqi stared at Sheng Ge, pulled his hand and frowned coldly.

Sheng Ge was not afraid of him, but he restrained his smile a little and said modestly, "brother Xiuqi, do you want to see those children?"

"I\'ll see what they do?" Xiuqi frowned and stared at Sheng Ge inexplicably. At this time, he could throw Sheng Ge out as long as he made a little effort, but he was just stiff and his arm didn\'t move.

"Are you afraid?" Sheng Ge raised his eyes and said something presumptuous.

Xiuqi didn\'t make a sound. He pursed the corners of his lips. When he saw what Shengge wanted to say, he suddenly stretched out his hand to support her shoulder and picked her up.

"..." Sheng Ge waved his little arm and leg, but didn\'t break away.

Put the Sheng song in front of him and Xiuqi stared at her coldly, "afraid? Yes, I\'m afraid. I\'m afraid I can\'t help fighting them."

Xiuqi\'s face was cold when he said this, and there was real hostility in his black eyes.

"That\'s right." although it\'s uncomfortable to be carried, Shengge doesn\'t know why he\'s not afraid of such neat, and still says with a smile, "it shows that you care about them. If you don\'t care about them, how can you worry about their life and death?"

Xiuqi choked, frowned and said, "don\'t talk nonsense. You should know I hate children."

"That was before." Sheng Ge pointed to Xiuqi, took his hand and said seriously, "you see, you don\'t mean to hurt me now?"

Looking at Sheng GE\'s bright eyes, Xiuqi\'s eyes suddenly felt a little trance. I don\'t know what he thought. The outline on his face gradually became softer.

"I... Used to have a sister," he said suddenly, looking at the Sheng song and bending his lips slightly, "you are about the same age as her."

Then he put the Sheng song on the ground, touched her head strangely, and turned away without looking back.

Sheng Ge wanted to catch up, but Xiuqi didn\'t wait for her this time. She disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Sister?" Sheng Ge stood there with a strange face.

No matter in this life or in the previous life, she had never heard Xiuqi say that he had a sister.

Before, she had thought about whether there was any reason why Xiuqi hated children. This time, she finally had a clear guess in her heart.

It seems that she still doesn\'t know Xiuqi enough, even if she spent so long with him in the last life.

But fortunately, there is still a chance in this life.


Mo Wen is seriously pressing Yu Lan to take a bath in the bathroom.

One of his hands pressed Yu Lan\'s back and the other held Yu Lan\'s shoulder, but he was splashed with water.

He doesn\'t understand. Yu Lan has recovered his mind now. Why is he still so reluctant to take a bath.

"Blue..." again splashed water on his face, and Mo Wen sighed helplessly, "are you good?"

"Not good!" Yu Lan was pitifully lying on the edge of the bathtub, struggling desperately, "you go out, go out! I\'ll wash myself, wash myself!"