Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 712

"This is for me to get drunk all night." holding these crystal nuclei in his hand, Yu Lan reluctantly said to Mo Wen, "what do you do for me?"

"Here you are..." Mo Wen frowned. "When did you give me the drunk nocturnal crystal nucleus?"

I don\'t think the tone of Mo Wen is quite right. Yu Lan whispered, "you were injured before and wanted crystal nuclei when you were drunk all night. I asked Firebird to give him all the crystal nuclei they got these days. These should be what he hasn\'t come and used yet."

Upon hearing this, Mo Wen relaxed his eyebrows and looked at Yu Landao gently, "that\'s just right. Return it to its original owner. These are all for you as snacks."

"..." Yu lanmo was silent, and raised his eyes to notice the sad look behind Mo Wen, which was like a female ghost the year before last.

"Boss, this is my crystal core." finishing his just disordered hair style, he came out drunk.

"It\'s blue now." Mo Wen smiled.

Drunk night dare to be angry but dare not speak. He can only stare at Yu Lan. It seems that Yu Lan ate his crystal core is an unforgivable crime.

The good thing is that LAN has always been calm. He chewed the crystal core in front of drunk night and smiled at him apologetically.

It\'s just that this sorry smile has a provocative meaning in it.

After seeing Yu Lan, who pretended to be a tiger, and watching the smiling ink, he felt that he was really oppressed by the drunk emperor. He was beaten and robbed snacks.

Qu Yaoyao is not surprised at this scene. He bullied drunk all night before the boss found Yu Lan, but now it has become worse.

But Qinhuai was a little strange. After looking at it, he felt that the drunken Emperor... Seemed a little unworthy of his name.

He didn\'t pay attention to the drunken night. Ink threatened Qin Feng, who stood aside, and stared at Qin Feng.

Yu Lan took the whole scene in his eyes and suddenly felt that standing in front of him was not a group of adults, but a group of primary school students.

Of course, Mo Wen must be a bully. Qin Feng and zuiye are bullied.

"Arvin, do we still want to go to the league?" Yu Lan coughed and smiled.

Hearing the smile in Yu Lan\'s tone, Mo Wen looked at her suspiciously, thought and said, "go back and bring more people. When they quarrel with them, we\'ll visit ours."

So you always go shopping? Drunk without night, I glanced at the ink with disdain.

He looked out of the window and frowned slightly, "but where did these zombies come from?"

Mo Wen saw several level 4 zombies at a glance, and the levels of other zombies were not very low.

You know, a few days ago, there were only three or four level zombies like death forest, and most of the zombies of death forest had been surrendered to Yu Lan. This kind of powerful zombie can be seen in the first and second districts of the land of death. Basically, only when the corpse tide breaks out, the source of the corpse tide basically comes from the forest of death.

"I don\'t know, but they didn\'t come out of the forest of death." Yu Lan affirmed after hearing the meaning in the ink words.

Although there are many zombies in deathwood, she basically keeps in mind the zombies who surrender to her after she has advanced level 3. These zombies are very strange to her and have never established a surrender relationship.

"But I can ask." remembering the zombie he had just received, Yu Lan went to the crossing and called it over for a few words.

Mo Wen stood beside him, scanned his eyes, took back his eyes and went to Qin Feng to ask about Xu Jielin.

When it comes to Xu Jielin, Mo Wen\'s mood becomes a little uncomfortable. He hates Xu Jielin before the end of the world. Unexpectedly, this guy is still looking for a sense of existence in front of him after the end of the world.

Xu Jielin disappeared after he was seriously injured with Yezhi. He could not be found in the south, north or handover City, as if he was no longer in China.

Qin Feng gave Mo Wen a detailed description of Xu Jielin\'s ability. It was conveyed before. Naturally, it was not as detailed as he said himself.

Yu Lan quickly asked the origin of the spider. She frowned and walked back thoughtfully.

The Firebird flew to one side and looked frightened. It was obviously frightened by the spider.

"It said it came out of a black hole. It had no place to stay before. There was nothing except the zombie." Yu Lan frowned, "but it didn\'t know where it was."

"Nothing but zombies?" Mo Wen couldn\'t help thinking. "Could it be underground? I remember you said that all underground are deformed zombies."

"It shouldn\'t be underground. If I came out from under the ground, I couldn\'t feel it at all." Yu Lan frowned. "All I can feel under the ground is deformed zombies, but these deformed zombies also show signs of riots."

She can feel more and more zombies and their strength is becoming stronger and stronger. There are even two zombies of level 7 or so not far from them, but she has the intention to come here for the time being.

Yu Lan is now level 4. Although her ability is to make zombies surrender, it\'s not easy to control zombies who are too many levels higher than her.

"It\'s all done by night?" drunk night finally returned to normal. He leaned against the window and watched the Firebird bite off a long necked zombie in one breath. He said expressionless, "if he has this ability, why don\'t he do it earlier and have to wait until now?"

"Maybe he\'s worried about something." Yu Lan came over and said, "he can\'t give full play to all his strength here. It shows that there must be some restrictions between the two spaces, so what price may be paid for the zombie riots."

"What will it cost?" Qu Yaoyao looked at the speech. "This may be his weakness."

"This is not clear. I\'ll ask Mo Xiaobing then." Yu Lan whispered.

"Do you really believe Mo Xiaobing\'s words?" Mo Wen frowned. "Some can be trusted, and some are better not to be trusted."

"I know," Yu Lan said with a smile, "I just ask these questions. If I really do something, I will think about it again and again."

Seeing Yu Lan\'s serious attitude when talking about this, Mo Wen put down his heart and nodded, "let\'s go back to the desire alliance first."


At this time, without Xu Jielin\'s intervention, the North has basically fallen into the hands of the desire alliance.

The people who used to fight with Ye Xiao basically stopped thinking and stood on ye Wuchen\'s side. Only some partners who had fought with Ye Zhi stood firmly behind Ye Xiao and didn\'t want their hard-earned achievements to fall into the hands of others.