Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 711

"Qin Feng is interested in zombies." Qu Yaoyao glanced at Qin Huai obliquely.

Qin Huai quickly reacted. He looked at Yu Lan with complex eyes and silently mourned for Qin Feng for a second.

I just hope his cousin doesn\'t kill himself.

Thinking of this, Qin Huai suddenly remembered what Qin Feng had left him, and his smile became more and more shallow.

"Qin Feng is your cousin?" he took a panoramic view of Qin Huai\'s facial expression. Qu Yaoyao asked softly. He was curious, "I really don\'t see what you look like."

"It\'s true." Qin Huai said faintly, "Qin Feng\'s parents died and lived in our house."

"Both parents died?" Qu Yaoyao was stunned.

"At the beginning, there was also a problem with the guardrail of the mountain road when they went out to travel." Qin Huai lowered his eyes and recalled the previous things. "He used to like raising all kinds of insects, but our family didn\'t feel disgusted. He was as good as his own son. I really took him as my brother."

Seeing that Qin Huai didn\'t have much sad and angry expression on his face when he said these words, but was as plain as ever, Qu Yaoyao dared to continue to ask:

"... then why are you like this now?"

She saw that Qin Feng seemed a little guilty to Qin Huai, but Qin Huai didn\'t hate Qin Feng.

Qin Huai shook his head and had no desire to bring up these past things again.

Fortunately, although Qu Yaoyao was curious, she was not the kind of person who had to break the casserole to ask the end. Seeing that Qin Huai didn\'t speak, she just tilted her lips dissatisfied, but didn\'t say much.

Zhang Xin saw Qu Yaoyao and Qin Huai whispering aside. He bit his teeth and brazenly walked forward. He asked, "what are you talking about?"

Qin Huai didn\'t hate Zhang Xin. It should be said that Zhang Xin was no different from strangers in his eyes. Therefore, seeing that he wanted to squeeze between them, he just smiled politely and didn\'t say anything.

But Qu Yaoyao looked at Zhang Xin and turned his eyes and said, "do you care? What\'s your identity now to ask me this question?"

"Of course, it\'s the one who wants to league." Zhang Xin continued brazenly.

Qu Yaoyao was helpless. She rubbed her eyebrows and said, "if I remember correctly, you would have been driven out of the desire League by the boss?"

"What\'s more," Qu Yaoyao continued sarcastically before Zhang Xin opened his mouth. "Don\'t you always think that we crazy people kill people without blinking an eye and have no humanity. Do you think it\'s crazy to be with us?"

Qu Yaoyao directly exposed his previous ideas. Zhang Xin was silent. What she said was the truth. He really thought so before.

Qin Huai looked at Zhang Xin in surprise and thought that the boy was so brave that he dared to repel the desire alliance when he stayed in the desire alliance. He was lucky not to be skinned by those crazy people.

He didn\'t come to lust League for a long time, but he also knows that most of the people in lust league are monsters in human skin. They may be polite to you, but once they are given the chance to show their tusks, they can let you know what life is better than death.

The fifth floor of the desire alliance is a place that ordinary people can\'t imagine. Although he still gives people a very ordinary feeling as much as possible after going there, God knows how much effort he spent to endure the tumbling feeling in his stomach, and he threw up a collapse when there was no one.

And this terrorist organization is organized by Mo Wen

Therefore, when he recognized this, he became more and more cautious in the desire alliance. Although he liked the free atmosphere of the desire alliance, he didn\'t want to be cut off when he slept one day.

Now there is a person who is only a space power who shows this idea in front of the people who want to alliance. He is not surprised.

Zhang Xin was uncomfortable when he was looked at by Qinhuai\'s strange eyes. He gritted his teeth and endured it. He still said to Qu Yaoyao, "that\'s my previous short-sighted view. Later, I found that I have always been protected by you. I don\'t know good or bad."

She frowned and said after a while, "since you think so, I can\'t help it. If you want to join the desire alliance, join it again, but don\'t appear in front of me. I\'ll be uncomfortable when I see you, and you don\'t want to be cut and hidden in the cold storage?"

Zhang Xin\'s face became a little ugly. Of course he didn\'t want to die, but he really felt sorry for Qu Yaoyao.

I don\'t think it\'s a good way to fight like this. Zhang Xin lowered his head and looked like he had acquiesced. He stepped back half a step. He can only hope that Qu Yaoyao can slowly accept himself.

Qin Huai looked at Qu Yaoyao from top to bottom curiously. After she felt numb, he asked slowly, "is there anyone who can live well when you hate him? Do you like this guy?"

When Qin Huai said this, his voice was very low, so Zhang Xin, a power, didn\'t hear him.

Qu Yaoyao showed a sweet smile to Qin Huai, then raised his knee and kicked him in the abdomen. They were standing close. This time, Qin Huai turned pale and almost kicked out all the food in his stomach.

"Qinhuai, has anyone told you..." before Qinhuai stood up straight, Qu Yaoyao threw him out directly over his shoulder, and said with a smile, "people with cheap mouths like you always die quickly."

Qin Huai didn\'t get up after being thrown for a long time, but when he heard Qu Yaoyao\'s words, he shivered, turned over and jumped up, accurately blocking the feet kicked by Qu Yaoyao, "Qu Yaoyao, let\'s have something to say. Don\'t move against me."

Qu Yaoyao responded by retracting his feet, leaning forward and giving him a knee.

The movement of the two of them was not small, which attracted Qin Feng and them to take a look, but they didn\'t think there was any fuss.

The zombies wandering outside seemed to hear a sound and wanted to come here, but they were all intercepted by spiders and Firebirds.

The Firebird showed great interest in the new little partner and kept flapping its wings and roaring. The sharp voice was as ugly as scraping on the sand board. However, the spider changed its ferocity and looked at the Firebird next to it. It looked friendly by moving its claws from time to time.

The movement in the room soon stopped. Mo Wen opened the door and walked to Yu Lan without changing his color. He still held two crystal cores in his hand and said, "I found them from drunk night."

Yu Lan looked at the crystal nuclei that she wanted to go with before she was drunk all night, and couldn\'t help pumping the corners of her mouth.