Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 713

"Brother Ye." Jiufu came in quietly, looked at ye Wuchen lying in bed and staring out of the window, and smiled gently.

"Why are you here?" ye Wuchen turned around and wanted to get up, but he affected the wound on his leg and frowned with pain.

"Brother ye, lie down and don\'t move." Jiulian quickly stopped ye Wuchen\'s action and looked at the wound on his leg with concern.

Ye Wuchen was beaten through his thigh by the guard when entering the first district in the north. Although he didn\'t hurt his bone, he must have had a problem walking during the injured period.

"The wound is not very serious either." ye Wuchen smiled and comforted his head.

Nine master skillfully let him touch it twice, then he skillfully sat next to him, took out the documents in his hand and handed them over.

"Brother ye, this is the information that Jingjing and I got from investigating the terrain." when Jiufu talked about this, he became serious and couldn\'t even see the gentle smile at the corners of his mouth. "You guessed right. The zombie ran out of here."

During this time, a crack about 100 meters long appeared in a mountain range in the third district of the north. There was a disgusting stench around the crack, but at the same time, countless zombies ran out of it, with different grades.

"Is there only one crack in the north now?" ye Wuchen whispered, turning over the document in his hand.

"Yes." nine master nodded, thinking about what Jingjing had said to her before, and relayed the original words to ye Wuchen, "but Jingjing said that there is only one place in the north, which doesn\'t mean there is no place else."

"I see. Brother Jingjing, is he going to report to Yumeng?" ye Wuchen asked softly.

"He said he wanted you to come." nine Masters said, "Ye Xiao is looking for someone to find us again. Jing Jing is taking someone to deal with it."

"Now ye Xiao is still fixing the moth?" ye Wuchen couldn\'t help laughing bitterly. "How about the defense in the north?"

"The zombies sent by Youyu League will guard for us. For a while and a half, those zombies outside can\'t attack." seeing the tired color on ye Wuchen\'s face, Jiufu can\'t help frowning, "but... It\'s impossible to attack for a while."

After all, there are more and more zombies running out of the crack, but there are only so many zombies around them.

"What\'s going on outside now?" ye Wuchen frowned, and the desire alliance told them that they should guard the north side, so they can\'t retreat.

"The third district has collapsed, and the defense of the second district has no problem." nine knows how to speak softly, but his eyes are firm and bright. "The first district is still under the control of Ye Xiao, but our forces have infiltrated and got half of the territory, and ye Xiao is not worth mentioning."

"If it\'s not worth mentioning, you should worry about their death." ye Wuchen thought and frowned slightly. "Help me tell brother Jingjing not to oppose Ye Xiao for the time being. Now the situation is urgent. We need to negotiate with Ye Xiao."

"Jing Jing may not agree..." nine master whispered, "he always thought he wanted to take ye Xiao and them in one fell swoop, so as not to have a long dream at night."

"But now it\'s not the right time. Brother Jingjing should also know." ye Wuchen smiled. "Just tell him. Brother Jingjing will listen to us."

"OK." seeing ye Wuchen\'s serious appearance, it doesn\'t seem to be fraud. Jiufu can only nod.

She doesn\'t know much about Jing Jing than ye Wuchen. That is, she can come here with ye Wuchen to help him after she handed over her brother and sister to Jing Jing\'s wife.

"That\'s right." nine masters saw that ye Wuchen was going to find the contact to contact the desire alliance, frowned and said, "we haven\'t received the message from the desire Alliance for a week."

Last week, they sent the discovery of a strange crack to the desire alliance, but a week later, the desire alliance did not reply, nor did they know whether they had received their message.

"Haven\'t you replied yet?" ye Wuchen rubbed his eyebrows and had to think bad.

Now the north is suffering from internal and external troubles. If we break off contact with the desire alliance at this time

"Help me contact Tan Hu and let him go in person." ye Wuchen thought and rejected the proposal, "no, Tan Hu doesn\'t know the location of the desire alliance, but brother Jing can\'t leave the north now."

Tan Hu was still a little dissatisfied with ye Wuchen, but he gradually became ye Wuchen\'s confidant when he encroached on the North step by step.

"What should we do?" nine master was also a little worried. "If our news can\'t be sent out, the Yumeng side won\'t know our situation. They may not know when we lost the north."

Jiuguan thinks more about things since she wandered in danger with ye Wuchen. If she only took the responsibility of taking care of her brother and sister at the beginning, she should be ye Wuchen\'s secretary status now.

"The situation hasn\'t reached such a serious level yet." seeing Jiufu worried, ye Wuchen comforted her with a smile, and hung his eyes and thought seriously.

Now I don\'t know if the news really can\'t be spread. If it can\'t be spread, he has to find a way to send the news. But if the news is spread, but there is no way for the union to reply?

This kind of crack may not only appear in the north, but also in the South or anywhere else. There are not many zombies in it, which must be the extent they can carry.

In other words, he can\'t rule out what happened to the desire alliance.

It\'s just... Mo Wen, drunk emperor xiuhuang, he has seen some of their strength, and should not happen quietly.

I don\'t know what ye Wuchen is thinking. Jiufu stays quietly and doesn\'t disturb his thinking.

Soon, ye Wuchen thought of a way. He raised his eyes, looked at several zombies running past outside the window, and said with a low smile, "how did I forget that there are good messengers here."

Nine understand also followed his vision to see the past, see is a few running zombies, can\'t help but think.


Yu Lan quickly asked the Firebird and spider to take them to the desire alliance. Qin Feng and Wen cuining came here for the first time. When they jumped off the Firebird\'s back, they just saw Xiuqi waving a chain and stirring a two meter high zombie into meat.

"Boss!" Qu Miaomiao can always detect their whereabouts in ink for the first time. He doesn\'t know when he has stood in front of the door of desire alliance waiting for them.

"Sister." Mo Wen nodded lightly, but Qu Yaoyao jumped down and ran to Qu Miaomiao, "I almost couldn\'t come back this time."