Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 706


Then Zhang Xin was thrown out by Qu Yaoyao over his shoulder before he could say anything.

Zhang Xin\'s skill is not as good as Qu Yao\'s. just now, he was only in a hurry to make that move.

However, Qu Yaoyao didn\'t mean to show mercy. This fall directly threw Zhang Xin into a corner. If he hadn\'t been worried about the zombies wandering around the building, Qu Yaoyao could throw him out of the window right now.

Zhang Xin\'s painful face turned white, subconsciously biting his lips to prevent his painful breath.

"Sorry." he endured the pain of being thrown out and apologized to Qu Yaoyao in a low voice, "I was a little worried just now, but Yao Yao... I really know I was wrong. Can we go back to the past relationship?"

Past relationships?

Qu Yaoyao flashed a trance at the bottom of her eyes. She soon frowned and quietly walked forward and said, "Zhang Xin, I think you seem to have made a mistake."

Zhang Xin raised his eyes and looked puzzled.

"I never thought our past relationship was special." Qu Yaoyao thought, "well, I\'d like you to be a treasure when I\'m a toy. Yes, but when I hate you, you can\'t even compare with glass residue."

When Qu Yaoyao said this, he always looked at Zhang Xin sincerely. His serious appearance made people have to believe her words.

Zhang Xin\'s face became more and more pale. He felt uncomfortable for a while. Seeing Qu Yaoyao getting up to leave, he subconsciously grabbed his arm, "Yao Yao, don\'t do this..."

Qu Yao poked away his hand, glanced at him indifferently and left.

Wenning stood by and watched the play. When he saw Qu Yaoyao coming over, he grinned and showed a friendly smile.

Qu Yao ignored him and turned to stare around.

Although she tried to be careful just now, she still made some noise. It\'s better to pay attention.

Seeing that Qu Yaoyao was going to patrol, Wen Suining naturally didn\'t intend to stop him. He looked at Qin Feng sitting next to Qinhuai talking, and then looked at Zhang Xin with a dead gray face. He felt that it was inappropriate to go anywhere now.

The baby\'s face showed a depressed color. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

Besides, after Qu Yaoyao went out, she tried to keep her breathing down. She arched herself to prevent the zombies outside from seeing her.

The house on this floor is basically broken. Even the door where they live temporarily has no problem. If they can\'t come today, they plan to move up or down one floor.

Thinking about things in her heart, Qu Yaoyao\'s actions were still cautious. She took steps to avoid the fast and noisy glass and walked quietly to the entrance of the corridor.

There is a disgusting stench in the corridor. Compared with yesterday, this smell seems to be much stronger.

What the hell are these zombies doing? Qu Yaoyao frowned. If something blocked the stairway, they couldn\'t get out.

Thinking so, Qu Yaoyao couldn\'t help being curious. She thought about it and hid herself with her powers.

Slow down her breathing. She carefully stepped down the steps step by step. There were only a few lights in the corridor through the cracks in the wall. Fortunately, the vision of the powers was not poor. At this moment, she could barely see the road.

Vaguely saw several spherical things on the ground. Qu Yaoyao stopped and squatted down to observe them carefully.

After looking at it for a long time, she didn\'t see why. She simply wrapped her hand with her sleeve and touched it carefully.

Starting with the sticky soft touch, she felt a little uncomfortable. She squeezed the ball directly with a slight force and took out a strange thing from it.

With the stench coming from her face, she looked at it through the faint light in the shimmering corridor and found that it seemed to be a creature with eight legs like a spider, but it didn\'t seem to be fully developed. Lian Zhan, who was soft all over, couldn\'t stand.

Is this an egg?

Holding the gadget in his hand, Qu Yaoyao saw countless eggs like this in the dark.

Her heart stagnated and she walked back with a sense of panic gradually surging from the bottom of her heart. At this time, the little monster in her hand gave a harsh scream and turned into water before Qu Yaoyao reacted.

The scream even turned into an echo in the corridor. It echoed again and again. When it reached Qu Yaoyao\'s ears, she couldn\'t move her fingers.

She turned and ran back quickly, but the ruthless cold behind her was much faster than her, and it had been pasted behind her in an instant.

Qu Yaoyao would hide. The zombie didn\'t find her for a moment, but he still sniffed around suspiciously.

However, Qu Yaoyao knew that the smell of zombies who could stay in such an environment should not be very good, otherwise they could not stay in such a smelly environment.

So she tried to relax, even breathing became silent.

As expected, the zombie only smelled twice, then turned and climbed up. Its long tail almost wiped Qu Yaoyao\'s body, and the sharp barb on it almost cut her skin.

Fortunately, Qu Yaoyao retreated half a step silently and avoided the tail close to the wall.

She breathed out silently. When she saw that the zombie had disappeared, she was ready to go upstairs.

It seems that this corridor can\'t go, but there is only one exit in this building, and the other channel is full of sundries. It should be used by people here to resist zombies at the beginning of the end of the day.

Now in this situation, how will Mo Wen come if he comes? Qu Yaoyao frowned and was a little agitated. She didn\'t want to make a slight "pop" sound behind her at this time. The small business made her shudder in an instant.

Quickly looking back, Qu Yaoyao saw a palm sized creature lying on the wall, dark and unable to see the outline clearly.

She blinked her eyes. After calming down, she found that it was not a creature at all, but it was all this creature on the whole wall. They obviously found her and were rushing towards her.

At this time, Qu Yaoyao had no time to think. She turned and ran upstairs without saying a word. She turned and slid directly into the corridor and closed the door.

When the dull door closing sound came, the door was hit by countless small creatures, and the rustling sound echoed in the whole corridor in an instant.

Qu Yao bit his teeth to calm himself down.

Qin Feng, the corridor where they are staying is on her upper floor. Now it\'s definitely not possible to walk in the corridor.