Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 705

Mo Wen thought about it and felt that there was no problem with Zhang Xin.

Seeing Mo Wen finally nodded his head, he was finally relieved when he was drunk all night. "Let\'s hurry over, boss, or Qin Feng will let the zombie eat no bones left."

"Then let the Firebird take us." Yu Lan said, looking at Mo Wen at the same time. "Ah Wen, do you have anything else to clean up?"

Seeing Mo Wen shaking his head, Yu Lan bent his eyes and called to the sky. The Firebird flew over in almost less than a minute and landed steadily next to Yu Lan.

"Let\'s go." Yu Lan turned over and jumped on the back of the Firebird. Ink and drunk night naturally jumped up.

The Firebird\'s body has now expanded more than twice, more than enough to carry the three of them.

With a high roar, the Firebird flapped its wings and flew out directly. The raised dust formed a small wind circle around.

Yu Tiangang came out of Huang Ruifei\'s room and saw Yu Lan flying with a Firebird. He hurried to catch up, but there was no trace of a Firebird in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it." Yu Tian clenched his fist and said with an ugly face.


Mo Xiaobing and Mo Xiaohuan also sat and chased out. They found that they couldn\'t find Yu Lan. There was a change behind them.

Mo Xiaohuan was worried, and Mo Xiaobing\'s face twisted directly.

"Does she want to abandon me?" Mo Xiaobing roared, like talking to himself and facing the sky.

"No." Mo Xiaohuan closed his eyes and soon calmed down. "Mom is not that kind of person. She said she would never abandon us if she wanted to take care of us."

"She just said she wanted to take care of you!" Mo Xiaobing bit his teeth and stared at Mo Xiaohuan ferociously.

"I didn\'t say I didn\'t take care of you." Mo Xiaohuan retorted. At this time, she couldn\'t see the look of uneasiness and fear before.

Yu Tian didn\'t like the two little ones. He walked a few steps away and said to his back, "Jiang Quan, go to check the location of the Firebird zombie. My sister is likely to return to the desire alliance."

"Yes." Jiang Quan didn\'t even show up, but there was no sound after he sank.

"Mo Xiaobing." Yu Tian looked at Mo Xiaobing again, walked over and took her hand and said, "continue to do what you just did. My sister will reward you when she comes back."

"I\'m not a child. Don\'t coax me with your set!" Mo Xiaobing said, breaking away from Yu Tian\'s hand.

Yu Tian\'s hand was ruthlessly thrown away. He didn\'t mind, but he leaned against the wall and said, "do you want to do what you just did?"

"Is this really what my mother ordered?" asked Mo Xiaobing with some hesitation.

"Nature is true." Yu Tian smiled faintly.

As soon as Yu Lan ordered, Mo Xiaobing returned to the room honestly, although he still had some objections in his heart.

Follow Mo Xiaobing back, Yu Tian\'s Yu Guang after sweeping to Mo Xiaohuan, asked her in some doubt, "don\'t you come in?"

Mo Xiaobing just looked away and walked into the room without saying a word.

The color of Yu Tian\'s body has changed. Although it can\'t be said to be a comfortable color, it\'s not as cold as before.

Inexplicably watching Mo Xiaohuan go in, Yu Tian walked at the end, and the guard closed the door behind him. A mocking smile appeared silently at the corners of his mouth.

Although both of them are eye-catching bugs, they still have some skills.


Qin Huai thought he was starving to death.

He lay on the bed in despair and let Qu Yao bandage his wound.

"Yao Yao, I\'m dying," he said in despair.

Qu Yao stared at him and deliberately tightened the wound on his leg.

Qin Huai\'s sore face was wrinkled together. Fortunately, he bit his mouth and didn\'t scream. Otherwise, they laughed at Qin Feng. It\'s good to say that if he attracts zombies again, he won\'t live.

Before, when he was collecting usable materials, he accidentally encountered a standing glass. As soon as the glass made a broken sound, a sharp ruler came out of nowhere and took a bite directly on his leg.

If Qu Yaoyao hadn\'t come in time, he would have lost his life.

"Are you hungry?" Qu Yaoyao snorted.

Qin Huai nodded quickly.

"Bear it again. Anyway, you will soon become a zombie, but it\'s time to eat the same kind." Qu Yaoyao smiled with his chin.

Qinhuai was bitten not lightly. Now his face has become a little gray. It is estimated that he will become a real zombie in half a day.

"When is it? Can you say something good?" Qin Huai shouted angrily.

"The boss has found the drunk emperor back. Just let the drunk emperor come and save you." Qu Yaoyao said faintly, "is this always a good word?"

Qinhuai rolled his eyes and lay down honestly. He really wanted to eat something in his mouth.

I heard that although Yu Lan has human consciousness, he can\'t eat human food. He can only eat crystal nuclei to maintain the energy in his body.

At the thought that after he became a zombie, he could no longer eat human food and could only chew the dry crystal core, Qinhuai felt that life was loveless.

Fortunately, Qin Huai\'s body is not very optimistic now. After thinking about it for a while, he fell asleep, and his skin was covered with a layer of gray at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Qin Feng stood by and looked a little uncomfortable. He thought that if Qin Huai really turned into a zombie, he would close him with his power to avoid being knocked to death by the power.

Fortunately, Qin Huai didn\'t know what Qin Feng was thinking at this time, otherwise this guy could really jump up and beat him.

As soon as Qu Yaoyao left the room, he quickly took out his contact device to contact Yu Meng and urged them to send the drunk emperor quickly.

There seemed a little impatient, but he still responded and told them that the drunk emperor and the boss came towards them and let them do it by themselves.

Qu Yaoyao was relieved when she heard that the drunken emperor had come. She turned off the contact to save electricity as much as possible.

Now the power left by the contact is running out. If they don\'t wait until they are drunk all night, the contact is the only thing that can help them get out of here. They have to save some money.

"You seem to care about that guy?" Zhang Xin, who has been doing nothing nearby, suddenly came up and looked at Qu Yao\'s side face seriously.

"He\'s my friend. Of course I\'ll worry about him." Qu Yaoyao didn\'t even look at Zhang Xin, but looked at Qin Huai lying in bed asleep. "He\'s very nice."

Qu Yaoyao\'s good words about Qin Huai completely angered Zhang Xin. He jumped up and directly clasped Qu Yaoyao\'s hand, and his backhand put her against the wall.