Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 707

When Qu Yaoyao thought, she would not stand in place waiting for the zombie to come in. She dodged into an open door next to her, stood against the door and listened to the voice outside without expression. A drop of cold sweat seeped from her forehead and fell quietly on the ground.

The door of the corridor has been pushed open by the zombie who heard the voice running back. It gave a hoarse low roar and began to hit the surrounding walls madly.

The rustle outside the door became more and more intense, which made people feel that the outside had been occupied by the little monster just wiped.

These little monsters seem to have a better sense of smell or other abilities. In short, almost in an instant, they have locked the room where Qu Yaoyao is staying.

How did these monsters find themselves?

Qu Yao could only hide his body again and quickly went to the window of the room to look out.

The door of the room has been knocked, and the monsters will break in in a few seconds.

Her heart began to jump uncontrollably. Without saying a word, she jumped out of the window, with one hand firmly clasped on the edge of the window.

Through inertia, she swung towards the next window. Although it was dangerous, she still grabbed the windowsill of the next window.

Turning over and standing on the edge of the next window, she glanced down at the far ground and felt that if she fell, she would fall into a pool of meat mud.

Thinking so, she didn\'t have much timidity on her face, but looked up at the windowsill about two meters away from her.

When I lowered my body to prepare to jump up, countless little monsters suddenly appeared in the window just now. Many of them fell out of the window directly, but most of them climbed on the wall and rushed at her quickly.

Looking at this scene, Qu Yaoyao gave up his intention to jump up and jumped on the windowsill next to him.

These little monsters are about the size of spiders., But the body was colorless and transparent, and then she could even see the gray bones in their bodies.

However, the eyes of these monsters were gray only when they were zombies. Qu Yaoyao looked strange and jumped in front of the next window.

Can zombies reproduce now? Then they have really mutated into a new species.

After being chased by these little monsters, Qu Yaoyao, who originally planned to go back quickly, can only rest temporarily. If she goes back now, she will definitely take a large number of little monsters. Now she can jump back and forth on the windowsill outside. If Qin Feng and them are all brought, it is estimated that they will have to jump down together to make meat cakes.

What\'s more, Qinhuai\'s leg was injured. The first was the cannon fodder sacrificed.

Thinking so, Qu Yaoyao\'s face is more and more ugly. What else can she do if she can\'t go back now? She can\'t get rid of these monsters at all.

Many zombies outside the building have noticed here. They didn\'t see the invisible Qu Yaoyao, but were attracted by the movement here.

Qu Yaoyao naturally noticed them too. At this time, even her body shape could not show up. Otherwise, those zombies would not shake slowly. It is estimated that they would rush directly to eat her and leave no bones.

However, although the invisible power will not consume too much physical strength, her body will not be able to bear it after a long time.

Touching her empty pocket, she bit her teeth and went straight into the room with the window open in front of her, locking the window with her backhand.

There was a rotten body with only bones left in the room, but it seemed that the smell in the room was not very strong because the window was always open.

Qu Yao had no time to observe what else was in the room. Stepping on bones, he ran out of the gate and got into the opposite room.

It took some time for those little monsters to catch up. She was reluctantly relieved and blocked the door with all the wooden tables and chairs in the room.

Finally, Qu Yaoyao won some time. His mind turned quickly, looking for the reason why he attracted those little monsters.

She only had a dagger on her body, but she didn\'t have a contact device and a crystal core. At this moment, she will suffer if she consumes it any more.

Glancing at herself, she put her eyes on her sleeve at the first sound when the door panel was knocked.

Her hands were stained with the juice of the egg she had just crushed. Now the juice had solidified on her sleeves and wrinkled them into a ball.

Could it be this thing that attracts those little monsters?

Qu Yaoyao had a guess in her heart. She took out a dagger and directly cut off her two sleeves from her shoulders. She opened the window and hung it on the guardrail of the windowsill. She hid behind a computer desk in the corner of the room.

The door was quickly knocked open, and the little monsters ran directly to the sleeve by the window, bit her sleeve and tore it like crazy.

It was the things on her sleeves that really attracted them. Qu Yaoyao was very glad that she had wrapped her hands with her sleeves just now, or she would have cut off her hands.

Seeing that the little monsters didn\'t come in her direction, Qu Yaoyao couldn\'t help holding his breath and quietly waiting for the little monsters to disperse.

Just then, the big zombie who had been chasing her rushed out of the wall on her side, and several pieces of gravel splashed directly into Qu Yaoyao\'s head.

The huge body of the zombie fell into the narrow room and directly squeezed the computer desk in the corner. Qu Yaoyao responded in time and shrank himself into a ball and hid in the computer desk to prevent the place where the host was placed, otherwise he would definitely break a leg by the zombie.

The zombie didn\'t see Qu Yaoyao\'s figure in the room. It seemed to roar with some dissatisfaction, turning and turning the whole room into a mess.

Qu Yaoyao could not hide now. She quickly drilled out and flashed into another corner of the room. The poor computer desk was directly broken into pieces by the Zombie\'s claws and quietly on the ground.

Seeing this, Qu Yao was relieved. Anyway, the zombie should not have found her.

When Qu Yaoyao was ready to find a chance to leave here and go back, the crazy zombie suddenly looked in her direction. At the same time, the small monsters on the ground also pointed their heads at her.

Qu Yaoyao only felt that her heart stopped beating at this time. She looked at the zombie rushing towards herself and didn\'t understand what had happened.