Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 704

Mo Wen seemed a little unhappy and turned over and jumped down from the upstairs.

Yu Tian stood silent and didn\'t mean to follow up.

Naturally, he didn\'t want to pay attention to Yu Tian\'s actions. Without saying anything, Mo Wen first held Yu Lan in his arms and gently rubbed her ear.

Like the intimacy of Mo Wen very much, Yu Lan smiled and hugged his head. She raised her eyes, but she saw Yu Tian turn and leave the second floor. She only saw Yu Tian\'s back.

"You bully Yu Tian again?" Yu Lan asked with a smile, holding Mo Wen\'s face.

Mo Wen smiled innocently and pulled his face from Yu Lan.

After bullying Mo Wen twice, Yu Lan released his hand and kissed him twice.

She didn\'t ask Mo Wen what he was doing back just now, and she wasn\'t interested.

In her eyes, Yu jueying had nothing to do with her anyway. Her father was gone as soon as her mother died.

Keenly aware of Yu Lan\'s low mood, Mo Wen smiled gently, picked her up and walked forward as if there were no one else, "do you trust Yu Tian now?"

"Well," Yu Lan said with a smile, "he is my family."

This is the meaning of admitting Yu Tian.

"You don\'t guard against him?" Mo Wen felt very uncomfortable when he thought that there would be other men who would occupy an important position in Lan Xin.

This uncomfortable feeling madly clamored to chop Yu Tian into meat foam, but it was deliberately suppressed under his consciousness.

"Don\'t be too close to him." he suppressed all the bad emotions, and Mo Wen said softly.

Listening to Mo Wen\'s dry words, Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing, "he\'s my brother. How can you say that he\'s not close?"

"Don\'t talk to him." Mo Wen really began to say solemnly, "don\'t let him close to you."

Feeling that Mo Wen\'s mouth was full of dry vinegar, Yu Lan shook his head, put his arm around his neck and leaned against his arms and said, "you think it\'s beautiful."

Seeing that Yu Lan didn\'t promise himself, Mo Wen couldn\'t help frowning. As soon as he was about to say anything, he listened to Yu Lan Dao, "ah Wen, you walk slowly. I\'m so sleepy and want to sleep for a while."

Yu Lan\'s voice is soft and waxy. It is indeed mixed with some fatigue. Where can ink care about anything else? Even the steps are very light.

Yu Lan is really tired this time. She gently closes her eyelids, just like a kitten.

Seeing that she was asleep, it was difficult for Mo Wen to move around again. He found a place to sit down.

The shadow of the trees fell around them, making a rustling sound, but it made people feel quiet at the same time.

The guards who came and went couldn\'t help but put their eyes on them. Because Yu Lan closed his eyes, they couldn\'t see the identity of the blue zombie. They just thought they were a couple in love and looked forward to this kind of intimate feelings in their hearts.

Drunk without night, standing not far away with a bitter face, hesitating whether to come up and die.

He was supposed to leave the south to go back to the league. He was stopped by a message he had just received before he went out of the south gate. He can only take back his legs, and then run back to be tossed by the evil spirit of ink.

Why are they not in the Ark at this time? Should it always be his turn to do such hard work?!

After looking around for a long time, Yu Lan didn\'t see him. He woke up drunk all night. Looking at the sky about to sink, he gritted his teeth and walked forward.


A low voice whispered. Before he opened his words behind him, ink swept over with a knife, giving him a cool heart in the rustling autumn wind.

He smoked the corners of his mouth, felt his little heart when he was drunk all night, and said in a low voice, "boss, there is news from Yumeng."

He noticed that Yu Lan was sleeping soundly at this time. He was drunk all night. Although he turned his mouth on his face, he still didn\'t intend to wake Yu Lan.

He is not afraid of what Yu Lan will do to him when he wakes up. He is afraid that Mo Wen will peel off his skin when he wakes up Yu Lan.

"What\'s the matter?" asked Mo Wen with a frown.

"Qin Feng, they seem to be trapped in a city occupied by zombies. Now the desire alliance is still besieged by zombies, and Xiuqi can\'t spare extra hands to save them." Zui Wuyi whispered. He raised his eyes and just saw Yu Lan\'s eyelids move, and the "click" sounded in his heart.

He won\'t wake Yu Lan up, will he?

Carefully looked at the ink, drunk all night has been the best plan to spread oil on the soles of the feet.

As expected, Mo Wen was frowning and looking at Yu Lan in his arms. Seeing that she woke up, he couldn\'t help asking, "did you wake up?"

Yu Lan shook his head and sat up with no focus. He looked drunk and yawned in a low voice.

"What\'s the matter?" she asked softly.

"Qin Feng seems to be trapped somewhere by a zombie." Mo Wen whispered and helped her smooth the hair on the side of her face behind her ears.

"Qin Feng?" Yu Lan twisted his eyebrows. "Isn\'t he able to control the zombie? How can he be trapped by the zombie."

"The zombies that trapped them were beyond Qin Feng\'s control." Zui Wuyi explained, "there were many high-level zombies in this zombie riot."

Yu Lan also feels about the zombies in this riot. Now she can clearly feel that more and more zombies are appearing on the ground, and she doesn\'t know where they came from.

"Ah Wen, do you want to go over?" Yu Lan nodded. She didn\'t wake up at the moment, even her voice was lazy.

"If you don\'t want to go, we\'ll ignore them." Mo Wen followed Yu Lan\'s meaning.

Drunk Wuye smoked the corners of his mouth, thought for a moment or advised, "boss, this is not your willful time. Qin Feng handed over the position of the city master to Xu Jielin, but 80% of the people in the city still stood on Qin Feng\'s side. If Qin Feng died on the way to find us for no reason... I\'m afraid there\'s some trouble?"

"Trouble? Isn\'t it all your business?" Mo Wenli said of course.

"..." drunk without night silence.

He was wondering if he would have healed this guy Mo Wen if he had water in his brain? He should stab him two more knives.

"Sister-in-law......" but I can only look at Yu Lan for help.

After receiving the drunk night\'s eyes, Yu Lan didn\'t say anything directly to Mo Wen, but leaned his head and asked softly, "who else is trapped with Qin Feng this time?"

"There are Wen cuining and Zhang Xin who went with them, and Qinhuai and Qu Yaoyao who went to find them later." drunk Wuyi thought.

After thinking for a moment, Yu Lan looked at Mo Wen and said with a sweet smile, "ah Wen, let\'s help Qin Feng? We\'re going to state M. we can let Zhang Xin pack things for us."

Zhang Xin\'s space power is very easy to use. At that time, she asked Zhang Xin to install a space pink crystal core first, so she should not worry about eating all the way.