Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 701

The guard immediately bent down in front of the sky and respectfully opened the door. Their faces were tight and looked a little nervous.

Yu Lan noticed that the guards were wrong and looked at them curiously, but they stood on both sides of the door without squinting after opening the door. There was basically nothing unusual except that their body was a little tight.

After entering, she obviously heard a shallow exhalation outside the door, like a sigh of relief.

What on earth are these guards scared like that?

Yu Lan touched his face and felt that he should not be frightened by himself.

He glanced at Yu Tian. There was no expression on Yu Tian\'s face. I don\'t know if he noticed the guard\'s strange expression.

"Dad, Aunt Huang, sister." Yu Tian went over and called people one by one, and then said with a smile, "Yu Lan and I come to see you."

Yu jueying and Yu Ruoshui, their father and daughter, are lying on the bed. Their only active eyes are staring at Yu Tian, as if they want to skin and bone him.

"You still have face!" Huang Ruifei screamed and spilled her anger.

But her hands and feet were locked by several strong chains, and she couldn\'t earn it for a moment.

Her well maintained face has been completely twisted into a ball, and the folds on her face have become ferocious.

Yu Tian didn\'t have any sitting appearance. He sat down on the wooden table next to him and said with a smile, "why can\'t I come? Now the south is mine. Where else can\'t I go?"

The room was quiet, and soon Huang Ruifei\'s incredible voice sounded again.

"... what did you say!"

The sharp voice almost pierced Yu Tian\'s ear. He covered his ear with an unhappy face, glanced at Huang Ruifei and said, "do you want me to say it again? I said the south is mine."

"It\'s impossible!" before Huang Ruifei screamed, Yu Ruoshui, who was lying in bed, roared first, "my people, Dad\'s people, can\'t make you a bitch to become the leader of the south!"

She also tried to sit up from the bed, but without her arms and legs, she just made such a simple move and wetted her back.

Yu jueying seemed more calm, but her breathing became a lot heavier.

"Oh, you say they." Yu Tian said, "I had them all dealt with yesterday. I\'m afraid there\'s no way to stop me."

As Yu Tian said, he seemed to think of something funny. "Puff" laughed. "Before they died, they all begged me to kill them. Think about your father. Your teammates who used to fight together have become like this... It\'s really a bit ironic."

"Did you kill them all?!" Yu jueying couldn\'t help raising his head and staring at Yu jueying\'s angry way.

"Yes." Yu Tianshuang answered quickly.

Yu jueying\'s whole body began to tremble. He gasped heavily and could no longer maintain his previously pretended calm face.

"Rebel! Rebel!" he shouted hoarsely, but he was too weak to sit up.

Yu Tian just smiled and looked at Yu Lan.

Yu Lan has been looking at it quietly, feeling out of it.

Following Yu Tian\'s eyes, Yu jueying found that Yu Lan was standing in the room, drooping his eyes and thinking about something.

"Yu Lan!" he whispered.

"Well." Yu Lan nodded lightly, which was a response.

"I knew Su elegy\'s cheap life couldn\'t produce anything good! You too, Yu Tian too, shouldn\'t have given birth to you at the beginning!" Yu jueying stared at them fiercely, even though she couldn\'t breathe.

As soon as the ink looked cold, the air in the whole room immediately became cold, and even the slight breathing sound was infinitely amplified and clearly audible.

He pinched Mo Wen\'s arm and Yu Lan smiled like comfort.

"In fact, I have always had a question." she closed her eyes, slowly raised her head and looked at Yu jueying\'s ferocious appearance. She was puzzled and said, "in my memory, the relationship between you and your mother is also very good. Why did you suddenly turn against each other and become like this?"

"Why? You don\'t even know why?" Yu jueying coughed. The shrill cough seemed to cough out all his internal organs.

Yu Tian\'s side eyes looked at Yu Lan, who was expressionless, walked forward and kicked away Huang Ruifei standing in front of the bed. Then Yu jueying sat up and said, "slowly, if you cough to death without saying anything, I\'ll be very embarrassed."

Yu jueying struggled, but it was in Tian\'s hands that his weak struggle could not play a role at all.

"You let go of my father!" Yu Ruoshui angrily said, and fiercely hit her head. Unexpectedly, she just had an action, Jiang Quan appeared in the air and carried her in his hand.

"Are you... Jiang Quan?" Yu jueying looked at the man who suddenly appeared and said angrily, "Why are you still alive!"

"At the beginning, the man you sent to assassinate me was blocked by old Su\'s people. You really think there is no one in the Su family." Jiang Quan said faintly, and his eyes crossed with regret. "Unfortunately, my brother can\'t see the form clearly and followed your daughter."

Jiang Quan\'s "daughter" at this time naturally refers to Yu Ruoshui.

At first, Jiang Yiming liked Yu Ruoshui. It was a pity that he could only stay in the dark and watch Jiang Yiming die in Ruoshui\'s hand step by step.

"Ha, ha ha." Yu jueying laughed, too fiercely, coughed a few times, and said with an ugly face, "I knew you su family cheated too much! You married me a broken shoe and wanted me to be an ox and horse for you. Don\'t even think about it!"

"Broken shoes?" Yu Tian raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Quan.

Jiang Quan shook his head, looked at Yu jueying and said faintly, "Miss, I haven\'t done anything sorry for you from beginning to end."

"Are you still lying to me now?" Yu jueying couldn\'t laugh. He leaned weakly against the wall and his eyes were red. "Yu Tian and Yu Lan are not my children at all! I personally took them for identification!"

When Wen Yan didn\'t mention Jiang Quan, Yu Tian and Yu Lan were stunned. Is it because Yu jueying thought they were wild and Su elegy betrayed him?

The answer was completely beyond everyone\'s expectation. Yu Lan frowned and impatiently ordered his toes.

"I didn\'t let you die directly. You should be grateful to me if you live well until now!" Yu jueying sneered at Yu Tianhe and Yu Lan. His eyes were full of Jieqi smiles, crazy and distorted.