Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 702

So many years of hate had already distorted his heart completely. He just wanted to make su Elegy and frustrate all her children.

No man wants to be green, not to mention he doesn\'t think he is bad for Su elegy. He paid his heart wholeheartedly before, but Su elegy just trampled his heart under his feet like garbage and gave birth to others!

Yu Tian doesn\'t care what Yu jueying thinks. He just looks at Jiang Quan and asks in his eyes.

Jiang Xuan was young when he followed Su elegy, but he was the only one who knew Su Elegy and Yu jueying

"Although I don\'t know how you came to this absurd conclusion." seeing the sky looking at himself, Jiang Quan shook his head and whispered to Yu jueying, "but I only know that the eldest lady has never done anything sorry for you whether she is married or not. Young master and young lady are definitely your children."

"It\'s impossible!" Yu jueying didn\'t believe it at all. "I saw Su elegy with my own eyes. She was with that bastard surnamed Gu, and I saw the paternity test report with my own eyes!"

"Gu, you mean Gu young master?" Jiang Quan frowned. "Gu young master is a childhood sweetheart of Su elegy. Yes, but he is also wholeheartedly good to his wife. He should not have any unclear relationship with the eldest lady."

"Oh." Yu jueying just looked at Jiang Quan with a sarcastic look, "I don\'t understand. You\'re still trying to cheat me at this time?"

He gasped heavily, and his body, which was not very good, was now at the end of a powerful crossbow.

"Su elegy, that bitch\'s wedding. That bastard surnamed Gu is also here. He looks sad and sad. He\'s really laughing to death."

His eyes gradually became empty. Yu jueying smiled low and seemed to fall into some kind of memory.

"The ancient young master mutated and died at the beginning of the end of the world. There is no way to prove this." Jiang Quan sighed, and his words were full of helplessness.

"HMM... have you asked your mother?" Yu Lan asked softly, but she couldn\'t see much emotion from her face.

However, Mo Wen heard the faint self mockery in her tone. He couldn\'t help holding her hand, but his eyes slowly moved to Huang Ruifei who had been standing beside Jue Ying.

He is a villain, so he is most familiar with malice.

Yu jueying was stunned. After a twist on his face, he showed a grim smile. "Ask her? Then let her think of the reason to fool me. Don\'t even think about it!"

That\'s not asking.

Yu Lan turned around without saying a word and walked directly to the door without asking anything.

It doesn\'t matter what the truth is now.

The advent of the end of the world has completely erased all the evidence that can be found. These things were settled long before everything happened.

Thinking of this, Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing, and Yu Tian\'s eyes immediately fell on her.

"Sister?" he was worried. Mo Wen also took his eyes back from Huang Ruifei\'s face and held her in his arms.

"I\'m fine." Yu Lan looked back. "I just think... The problem that has been bothered and the reason that has been concerned about is such a ridiculous reason?"

She also raised her eyes and smiled at Yu jueying. She said gently, "anyway, Su elegy is my mother, and it doesn\'t matter whether you are my father or not."

After that, she ignored Yu jueying\'s face and turned around and went out.

"Sister, how can I deal with him?" Yu Tian let go of Yu jueying\'s hand, followed up happily, walked to Yu Lan and asked.

"It\'s up to you." Yu Lan said.

Yu Tian agreed to come down and stood there watching Yu Lan go out.

"Jiang Quan." he looked back, his indifferent eyes were that if the water stopped on them, he stretched out his fingers and gently lit it in the air, "kill them all."

Jiang Quan took a look at Yu Tian. Although he hesitated a little, he answered.

If Su elegy were still alive, he wouldn\'t want his children to be like this, right?

However, she believed in Yu jueying too much at the beginning and did not leave any way back for her children. Only then did she let them become what they are now under jueying\'s torture.

"You can\'t kill me!" Huang Ruifei was too anxious to speak at this time. She stared at Yu Tian and Jiang Quan. Suddenly she opened her mouth and cried, "I\'m not bad to your sister and brother. Yu Tian, I haven\'t treated you badly these years. You can\'t kill me like this!"

"Mom, stop talking! Shame!" Yu Ruoshui blackened her face. She knew that she was doomed today. She just looked at Yu Tiandao, "just think I\'ve only been good to a white eyed wolf these years!"

"White eyed wolf?" raised his hand to stop Jiang Quan\'s action. Yu Tian took two steps forward, carried his hand behind his back, and said with a careless smile, "Yu Ruoshui, in fact, I really regarded you as my sister at the beginning."

"Oh." Yu Ruoshui obviously doesn\'t believe it.

"Until I went to the class to find you in high school, you were laughing with your good friend and saying me." Yu Tian lowered his eyes, but the smile on his mouth did not decrease, but with a bit of ridicule, "you said I\'m just a cheap kind of begging under the fence of others. I can\'t get on the table and won\'t make any progress."

Yu Ruoshui was stunned. She thought and bit her teeth and said, "how long ago did I remember?"

"It\'s nothing if you don\'t remember." Yu Tian smiled, "but I know from that time that you, like Yu jueying, are not my family. I should have a sister, but not you."

After that, Yu Tian looked at Jiang Quan and signaled that he could start.

Jiang Quan raised his hand, and a sharp dagger silently appeared in the palm of his hand, sending out a dazzling cold color.

Huang Ruifei screamed, jumped on the bed and tried to hold Yu Ruoshui, "don\'t kill me, don\'t kill my daughter!"

Yu jueying made Jiang Quan speechless for a while, but he was just a meal, and his hand with the blade was about to fall.

"You\'re quite lively." just when Huang Ruifei\'s harsh scream was left in the room, a dumb and gentle voice suddenly came from the door.

The room was quiet for a moment. Neither Huang Ruifei, who was making noise, nor Yu Tian, who was watching the excitement, couldn\'t help looking over.

Mo Wen opened the door generously at this time, with a gentle smile on his face, but there was no emotion in his dark eyes.