Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 700

This is not before the end of the world. It\'s really troublesome to cross countries.

"Let\'s talk about that." Mo Wen thought for a moment and held his chin in meditation. "It\'s just that I haven\'t dealt with anything these days. I\'ll leave it to you. Let me see what you said just now."

"..." I\'ll go to your uncle\'s.

Drunk and expressionless, he spat in his heart.

"Blank?" ignoring the drunken night with a knife like look, Mo Wen asked again, "have you seen it?"

"No." drunk night frowned, "he seems to have returned to the league with sugar moon, and there is only a gray face left here."


Mo Wen drooped his eyes and nodded.

"By the way, sister-in-law, does Linxue also return to the alliance?" suddenly thought of something, drunk night raised his voice and looked at Yu Lan.

"Yes." Yu Lan nodded.

"Then I\'ll go back and see her too." zuiye grinned and raised his feet to run away.

"The desire alliance is now complete, and all the official affairs to be handled are here. Where are you going?"

Seeing that drunk night had come to the door, the voice of ink sounded cool.

Drunk all night, my body is stiff, and I know that I can\'t go anymore

Or he could just leave? Mo Wen will never hurt his diligent and hard-working subordinate, will he?

Quietly looked back at the ink in the eyes, which thought it was right for the smiling eyes.

A piercing chill instantly penetrated his whole body and subconsciously retracted the steps he was about to take.

He who knows current affairs is a hero!

Looking at the stiff face of drunken night, Yu Lan smiled unkindly.

He glanced sadly at Yu Lan, sat back obediently drunk all night, and sighed dejectedly.

"What else did the siren explain?" Mo Wen continued. Although he didn\'t take any torture tools in his hand, he didn\'t dare to be dishonest when he was drunk all night.

Now Mo Wen\'s temper is much better than before, but it\'s hard to guarantee whether he will start to get sick again one day.

"The task of telling them to come here to find Mo Xiaohuan is directly assigned by the siren leader." Zui Wuye said, "our people also asked them if they knew the end of the night, but no one knew."

"It\'s normal," Yu Lan said. "I shouldn\'t have the leisure to have a relationship with them at the end of the night."

Drunk Wuye nodded on his face, but murmured in a low voice, "isn\'t the leader of the white envoy base the end of the night?"

Seeing the blue smell sound, he hurriedly shut his mouth and said, "but sister-in-law, we don\'t have to go to country m. It\'s good for us to ignore him that night."

"I don\'t want to provoke him either," Yu Lan said with a smile, "but his goal is Xiao Huan and ah Wen. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn\'t stop. What else can we do if we don\'t go to country m to get the key?"

"Wait for him to come." drunken night righteously said. In his opinion, Yezhi can always appear no matter how he is a demon. Just kill him when he appears.

Yu Lan shook his head and conveyed to him what Mo Xiaobing said just now.

Once you listen to the night stop, you can return to your own space at will. When you are drunk, you sip your lips, but you don\'t make a sound anymore.

He doesn\'t mind whether the world is good or bad, but he doesn\'t want to be killed quietly if he can\'t do anything.

"Do you have any dissatisfaction?" Yu Lan asked.

Drunk night naturally shook his head. Now they really can\'t stop night and kill it.

Make sure drunk Wuye has finished what he should say. Mo Wen nodded excitedly, "I\'ll pay attention to Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing. Just keep giving me the news about them. If there\'s nothing else, go out."

Anyway, at that time, Mo Xiaohuan really has any evil intention. He will do it before LAN.

"OK." drunk and happy, which means he doesn\'t have to deal with those messy official affairs for the time being?

I was so happy that I ran away happily. When I went out, I almost knocked Yu Tian over.

Yu Tian glanced at him and walked in from the door that hadn\'t come yet and closed.

"Sister." he directly ignored Mo Wen, walked to Yu Lan and asked softly, "do you want to stop seeing Jian Jue Ying now? He kept saying he wanted to see you."

Mo Wen, who was preparing to be alone with Yu Lan, tilted his eyes to the sky and became inexplicably upset.

After sending away Mo Xiaohuan, why are there another one in the sky now? The people around LAN LAN are really endless.

"Now?" Yu Lan thought for a while. She felt that there was no problem. The matter between her and Yu jueying should have been solved long ago.

Naturally, he noticed Mo Wen\'s eyes. Yu Lan raised a smile and took Mo Wen\'s hand and walked out, "ah Wen, you go with me. When Yu jueying is finally solved, we won\'t have anything to do in the south."

Let Yu Lan pull himself, Mo Wen nodded and walked on her side, "after the things here are handled, we\'ll go to m country together."

Yu Tian stood behind them and looked at them quietly, looking out of the window slightly.

Once Yu jueying died, the pain he experienced from childhood to adulthood should be able to draw a stop sign.

"Yu Tian?"

Yu Lan stood in front and looked back. Seeing that he stood still, he said strangely, "what\'s the matter?"

Yu Lan\'s face was hazy in the sunset and didn\'t see very clearly.

"It\'s all right." Yu Tian closed his eyes and said with a smile, "I\'ll show you the way."

Now he has no mother, no father, and there is only one sister left.

He stepped up to Yu Lan\'s side. He smiled about the situation in the south these days and smiled at Mo Wen from time to time.

Although Mo Wen didn\'t like him, he didn\'t show any impatience. He just nodded faintly and didn\'t open his eyes.

Regardless of Mo Wen\'s attitude towards himself, Yu Tian turned his eyes to Yu Landao, "sister, Yu Ruoshui, they are all with Yu jueying. Do you want to see them together? If not, I\'ll take them away first."

"See you together," Yu Lan said. "The three of them are a family, aren\'t they? Why separate them."

Yu Tian raised his eyes and looked at Yu Lan. Seeing that she was still smiling, he nodded and continued to look ahead.

Mo Wen clenched Yu Lan\'s hand and smiled at her.

"I\'m all right." Yu Lan whispered, "maybe I had a little expectation for Jue Ying before, but once I died, my brain became completely indifferent."

"I went to see him this time just to ask about things I didn\'t know before. Don\'t worry."

Speaking, Yu Lan also showed a big smile and looked really sad.

Mo Wen could only hold her hand reluctantly.

Several guards came to the front. When they saw Yu Tianhou, they immediately stood upright on one side of the wall and let them pass with a serious face.

Yu Lan raised her eyebrows and looked at the guards more. She found that they were pale, as if they were frightened by something.

Yu Tian turned several corners and soon came to a red iron door. Two guards were standing at the door, one left and the other right.

"Open the door," he said faintly.