Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 699

"Tell me," said Mo Wen.

Drunk without night, he said, "the people who come this time are basically from country m, and most of them come from sirens."

State m also has power differentiation, but unlike state China, they do not clearly divide the forces in the north and south. Their various forces are distributed in large and small, including siren, hundred gods and gina\'er.

"Siren?" Mo Wen pointed his fingertips and whispered.

"In addition to the sirens, there are many small bases that have never been heard of, but there are none of the gods and jina\'er." Zui Wuyi continued, "the confessions of these people from the sirens are exactly the same. According to them, Mo Xiaohuan is the key to opening the door of the new world."

"New world? Is that what Yezhi told them?" Yu Lan\'s expression was strange.

In her opinion, since Yezhi wants to destroy the world, it is impossible to take any human to take refuge. The so-called new world... Is bullshit.

"Yes, they also say that Mo Xiaohuan is a fallen angel. Letting her stay in the world will bring disaster." when it comes to this drunken night, I want to laugh and tease. Now the world has become like this. Ordinary people can\'t eat enough and can\'t even sleep well. Where else can disaster go.

"That\'s why you think Mo Xiaohuan has a problem?" when you hear this ink text, you can\'t help frowning and looking at the drunken eyes. "Why don\'t I know when you still believe this?"

"No, no, no, I just convey the views of the sirens, and I haven\'t talked about the key points yet." I quickly waved my hand, and my drunken eyes swept from Mo Xiaohuan. Later, I said, "the reason why they have this view is that Mo Xiaohuan once slaughtered all the small forces around the sirens."

"Twenty thousand people from those forces died. Just when they thought they were going to die, Mo Xiaohuan suddenly disappeared."

"Then I got the news that Mo Xiaohuan appeared in China."

Seeing that the room was really quiet, he looked at Mo Xiaohuan and said with a smile, "before that, you didn\'t call Mo Xiaohuan and didn\'t look like this. You were called Satan and blonde."

Mo Xiaohuan\'s face was completely white. Her dark eyes trembled in panic, and her lips were slightly open, but she couldn\'t speak.

"I didn\'t... I didn\'t!" she lowered her head and grabbed the corner of her clothes.

Little mutter seemed to feel her panic and climbed out of his hair. Before he made a sound, he was caught by Mo Xiaobing.

Like pinching a stone, he pinched the gurgle in his hand. Mo Xiaobing said with a smile, "I know it. Yezhi sent her. Didn\'t I say that? She and Yezhi are together."

Mo Xiaobing said this at this time, which is undoubtedly worse for Mo Xiaohuan. Although they know that this is not necessarily true, they are definitely skeptical.

Mo Xiaohuan looked down at the ground and began to recall the previous things again and again, but no matter how she recalled, the memory she could finally get was only blank.

"I can\'t remember," she said dejectedly.

"Now you are mo Xiaohuan, not an angel."

Take a panoramic view of Mo Xiaohuan\'s expression. Yu Lan sighed and said in a warm voice. At the same time, he looked at Mo Xiaobing, "Xiaobing."

For the first time, she called it mo Xiaobing, "you take Xiaohuan out first."

"Why, I don\'t want to stay with her." Mo Xiaobing said displeased.

"Do you prefer staying outside to staying here?" Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing, thinking about the novel appearance when Mo Xiaobing saw the scene outside before.

Seeing through, Mo Xiaobing looked up at her reluctantly, and finally lowered his head to drag Mo Xiaohuan\'s arm and pulled her out.

Seeing that Yu Lan deliberately supported them, he picked his eyebrows and didn\'t say much. He found a place to sit down.

"Do you want to take them?" Mo Wen asked with his side eyes.

"Didn\'t Mo Xiaobing say that Xiaohuan can\'t think of the past until she goes to country M. let\'s make her remember."

"That\'s not very dangerous?" drunk night screamed, "we should directly solve them and leave no future trouble!"

Originally, he thought that there must be some reason why Mo Xiaohuan could be an adult. He felt a little curious and was willing to approach, but now it seems that this guy is simply a trouble.

He also ate so many desserts that he was unlucky.

"She called me mom. It\'s up to me to decide." Yu Lan whispered, "but don\'t worry. As long as she has any intention to hurt us, I\'ll get rid of her first."

Mo Wen naturally supports Yu Lan unconditionally. Although he pays attention to Mo Xiaohuan when he is in a good mood, his status is just a creature with a little sense of existence, which is far less than Yu Lan\'s safety.

"OK." drunk all night disagreed, but he was also happy to see the play.

"Continue to talk about the affairs of country m, the more detailed the better." Mo Wen added.

"These people from country m took a submarine named Yeying. They have explained the location of the submarine. We can definitely get it if there is no accident." Zui Wuyi recalled the boy he got, word by word, "In half, nothing can safely cross the sea between China and m. There is definitely something special about this submarine coming safely, but none of us seems to be able to drive this thing."

"We don\'t need submarines to go to country M. Lanlan and I will go around country e and directly set foot on their territory." Mo Wen said faintly.

Smelling the speech, the eyes of drunken night couldn\'t help brightening up, "challenge directly and openly! Boss, but are you going to go to country m in person? Why is it so troublesome? Just send someone."

"Do you know who is the leader of siren?" ignoring the words of drunk night, Mo Wen only asked him what he wanted to ask.

"I don\'t know. When did we care about this?" he shook his hands and crossed his legs.

"Then find a way to ask, there will always be people who know." Mo Wen smiled and said gently.

The hair of Mo Wen\'s smile was creepy. Drunk all night, he nodded his head, turned his eyes and asked, "boss, who are you going to take this time?"

"You." Mo Wen raised his eyes.

"Don\'t!" when I thought of going to the country m where birds don\'t shit, I felt uncomfortable when I was drunk all night. "I absolutely can\'t! Boss, I think I\'m more suitable to stay here to help you take care of Yumeng."

"Don\'t you always work too much?" said Mo Wen.

"Not much, not much. Don\'t you know my skills? No matter how much work I do, it\'s a small thing for me." drunk night smiled. He really didn\'t want to go to country M.