Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 698

"Listen, you two." he said gently, but his voice was not loud, but Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing looked over uncontrollably. "Your origin has something to do with Yezhi, but I don\'t know why you and Yezhi are enemies. I\'m not blue, and I won\'t believe you sympathize with you."

"So next, you should follow us or continue to treat us as parents. Don\'t let me find any changes in you." the ink here looked slightly cold and looked sharp in an instant, "otherwise I will never make you feel better."

After that, Mo Wen put away his dangerous smile and returned to his previous gentle appearance. His face looked morbid and had no lethality at all.

But the coldness he just sent out made Mo Xiaobing cool.

Mo Xiaobing thinks that Mo Wen\'s father is really dangerous, much more dangerous than she sees from Mo Xiaohuan\'s eyes. She tried to use her ability to read the heart of ink, but no matter how many times she used her ability, she could only hear the dull, cold and empty sound, like the roar of ghosts in the devil\'s cave of hell.

And Mo Xiaohuan felt a little wronged. Before Mo Xiaobing came, her relationship with Yu lanmo was not so bad. Yu Lan didn\'t say anything now, but she must be on guard.

Think of here, Mo Xiaohuan\'s expression is more and more decadent. She really didn\'t know what she was like before. She just remembered that she fell into the hands of human beings when she remembered it. She was locked in a cage all day.

In this way, she was saved by Yu Lan. From then on, she had parents. It was Yu Lan who gave her warmth. How could she do something bad for them?

Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing had their own thoughts. Mo Wen ignored them directly and whispered to Yu Lan, "when are you going to go to country m?"

"Let\'s go after the things here are handled." Yu Lan said, "after all, it\'s far away this time. It\'s better to make a good plan."

Mo Wen had no objection when he heard this. When he wanted to say something, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and the door panel hit the wall next to it, making a dull sound.

Yu Lan raised his eyes and saw drunk night swaggering in.

When he found that Mo Wen woke up, he didn\'t smile much surprised and sat next to Mo Wen.

"Boss, you\'re still alive. Congratulations."

Wen Wen raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a low smile. "Are you free now?"

As soon as he heard this, his face changed. He quickly waved his hand and said with a bitter smile, "I\'m at least the boss. Your life-saving benefactor. Can you stop arranging work for me?"

Mo Wen raised his eyebrows and took back his eyes noncommittally.

Seeing Mo Wen take back his eyes, he was drunk and no longer poor. He said, "boss, there is a message from the alliance and said..."

His eyes fell on Mo Xiaohuan on his side. Although he was drunk all night, he still said, "they know from those who want to break into the alliance that Mo Xiaohuan is a very dangerous person."

Before Mo Xiaohuan could react, Mo Xiaobing, who had been watching the excitement, couldn\'t help smiling at Yu Lanser and blinking as if he was asking for credit.

Yu Lan was helpless, but his eyes also focused on Mo Xiaohuan.

Mo Xiaohuan looked very clever at the moment. She was fiddling with her fingers and looked at Yu Lan innocently