Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 695

In this way, Zhang Xin has indeed changed.

But Qu Yaoyao didn\'t know if she had noticed the change of Zhang Xin. She just paused and pulled out a sarcastic smile, "but I\'m tired of you now. I don\'t think you\'re the toy I want."

Then Qu Yaoyao spread his hand, looked at Zhang Xin with an apologetic smile and said, "I\'m really sorry."

This is undoubtedly quite hurtful. Zhang Xin\'s face is a little ugly, but he still clenched his fist and said, "in fact, I don\'t want to be your toy anymore."

"That\'s the best." Qu Yaoyao smiled brightly.

I think Qu Yaoyao\'s smile at this time is too hurtful. Zhang Xin doesn\'t open his eyes and says firmly, "I will join the desire alliance and become your partner."

"... what?" Qu Yao was stunned.

"I came with the Lord of Qincheng this time to join the desire alliance." Zhang Xin said, "Yao Yao, you have always been protecting me. Now I want to be your partner."

"..." Qu Yaoyao just felt irritable. She casually said "whatever you want", so she went to Qinhuai and sat down.

Qin Huai glanced at her and reluctantly stretched his arm out to her.

Seeing that Qin Huai and Qu Yaoyao were familiar, Zhang Xin\'s Adam\'s apple rolled gently twice and looked at them suspiciously.

Noticing Zhang Xin\'s eyes, Qin Huai raised his eyes and smiled friendly at him, turned his face sideways and whispered in Qu Yao\'s ear:

"Yo, am I your toy, too?"

Qu Yaoyao gave her a bright smile, reached out and grabbed the soft meat around her waist and twisted it hard.

"It\'s good to have self-knowledge." Qu Yaoyao smiled ferociously. "Since you know, you have to look like a toy."

Qin Huai\'s forehead jumped in pain. He stared at Qu Yaoyao, tried to smile and said, "I think you can be a little friendly to me."

Qu Yaoyao rolled his eyes and was too lazy to hurt each other with Qinhuai in front of so many people.

Zhang Xin, who had a panoramic view of the interaction between Qinhuai and Qu Yaoyao, tried not to start, and brazenly sat next to Qu Yaoyao.

Qu Yaoyao looked at him inexplicably and stopped talking to him.

Qin Feng and Wen Ning ate melons next to each other, and their eyes swept back and forth between them several times in Qinhuai.

Qin Feng has no emotional intelligence. He can say whatever he thinks. He looked at Qinhuai, picked up his eyebrows and said, "Qinhuai, are you dating her?"

Qin Huai didn\'t react for a moment. When he saw that Qin Feng\'s eyes fell on Qu Yaoyao, he couldn\'t help turning his eyes and said, "you\'re blind."

Qu Yaoyao smiled and said, "the man I used to associate with is now in the freezer in my room."

"..." he looked at Qu Yaoyao in horror, and Qin Huai rubbed the goose bumps on his arm.

"What shall we do now?" seeing that the atmosphere in the room has changed a little strange, Wen cuining, who hasn\'t made much noise, couldn\'t help saying, "the zombies here look like they can\'t leave for a while. Shall we stay here now?"

"Qu Yaoyao, can you contact the desire alliance?" without answering Wen cuining\'s question, Qin Huai turned his eyes and asked Qu Yaoyao.

"Yes." Qu Yaoyao took out his contact and took a look, "I\'ve sent a message to my sister. She should send someone to support us soon."

"That\'s good." Qin Huai breathed a sigh of relief, ignored everyone\'s eyes, took out the biscuits in his pocket and chewed them.

Now I can only stay in this uncomfortable environment. I hope the support of Yumeng can come early.


Yu Lan is sitting in front of the bed in a daze. He doesn\'t know what he\'s thinking in his head.

The cool moonlight splashed on her through the window, making her look cool.

The roar of zombies kept ringing out of the window. I couldn\'t hear it clearly.

Close your eyes and enjoy the night without anything. Yu Lan\'s mouth also quietly raised a radian.

Vaguely felt a look staring at himself. Yu Lan opened his eyes and just looked at the black bottomless eyes of Shang Mo Wen.

Yu Lan was stunned, then stood up and said, "you\'re awake!"

Mo Wen smiled and sat up on his bed.

His injury has completely healed, but his limbs are still stiff because he hasn\'t moved for a long time.

Reach out and directly hold Yu Lan in his arms. He gently kisses the small ear close to his lips and complains softly, "blue, so uncomfortable."

"Where uncomfortable?" Yu Lanleng was stunned. He was flustered and wanted to check the wound of Mo Wen.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she raised her hand, her hands were held by Mo Wen. She saw a gentle smile on Zhang Junyi\'s face, and then attached to her body and kissed Yu Lan\'s lips.

Seeing Yu Lan staring at himself, he smiled, raised his eyes and gently kissed her eyelids. Seeing that she closed her eyes, he kissed her mouth again.

"Miss you."

Before Yu Lan reacted, she felt a whirl of heaven and earth. When she opened her eyes again, she had been pressed by ink.

"It\'s hard for me to see you sad." he gently brushed several hairs on Yu Lan\'s cheek, and the tone of the ink was a little coquettish.

After carefully recalling this sentence in her heart, Yu Lan reflected the meaning of Mo Wen. She couldn\'t help raising her eyebrows, stretched out her hand around Mo Wen\'s neck and said, "you know I\'ll be sad, so don\'t get hurt, okay?"

"I could not have been hurt." Mo Wen whispered.

At that time, he and Xu Jielin were equal in strength. Although it was not easy to win, it was not enough to be hurt by Xu Jielin.

"But you\'re still hurt." Yu Lan whispered, and a light flashed through his gray eyes. "Ink, you really scared me this time."

Mowen is not a healing power. He is pierced through his heart and may not really live.

Seeing that Lan called her name directly, Mo Wen knew that it really frightened her this time. At present, he took soft clothes and leaned against her neck to sincerely apologize.

"Sorry, I won\'t worry you in the future."

"It\'s a deal?" Yu Lan raised his eyes.

"It\'s a deal." Mo Wen affirmed.

Yu Lan then hugged Mo Wen with his back hand and patted him on the back. They didn\'t make a sound for a moment.

Holding Yu Lan on the side of the bed, Mo Wen hung his eyes and played with her thin fingers.

"Didn\'t you wear the ring I gave you?"

Looking at Yu Lan\'s bare fingers, Mo Wen looked dissatisfied.

"I\'m going to the forest of death to find you drunk all night. I\'m afraid I\'ll lose it." Yu Lan whispered, "so I put it away."

"HMM... put it away." Mo Wen couldn\'t help smiling. "I thought you ate it."

Although the ring looks like a ring by Gu Cheng\'s ability, it is really made of genuine crystal core.

"I want to eat it." Yu Lan bent her eyes, "but it\'s a pity that I can\'t show off that I have a handsome husband like you if I eat it."