Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 696

I like Yu Lan\'s name very much. The gentle eyes of ink gradually exaggerate the smile, like the shining stars in the silent night sky.

He stretched out his hand again and hugged Yu Lan in his arms. So quietly, there was no more superfluous action.

The room was quiet, but it didn\'t make the two people feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, even their hearts were gradually quiet.

"Tell me what happened during my coma?" seeing that Yu Lan yawned and was about to fall asleep, Mo Wen asked softly around her.

Yu Lan looked up at him and found a comfortable place in his arms. When she was comfortable, she whispered about what happened during this period.

Mo Wen listened quietly. His dark eyes flashed slightly, which was equal to blue. After saying that, he said, "you mean that Mo Xiaobing and Mo Xiaohuan were actually made by Yezhi?"

Yu Lan nodded.

"Then you\'d better pay attention to them." Mo Wen thought and gently touched Yu Lan\'s chin like teasing a kitten.

"Mo Xiaobing won\'t say it first, but I don\'t think Xiaohuan... Doesn\'t look malicious to us, otherwise I don\'t dare let her guard you." Yu Lan thought and disagreed.

Seeing Yu Lan\'s maintenance of Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Wen, he was naturally unhappy, but he just smiled gently and looked very pertinent, "if there is any way to control them at night, it will be impossible to prevent them at that time."

At this point, the voice of the ink is lighter, and the fundus is dark.

Whether Yezhi or Xu Jielin, they are the people who stand in his way.

Xu Jielin\'s strength is equal to that of him. Although his strength is explosive, it is not very stable when fighting with him. And the end of the night

Unconsciously playing with Yu Lan\'s hand, the smile on Mo Wen\'s mouth gradually changed its taste.

"I know." Yu Lan\'s voice called back Mo Wen\'s thoughts. He recovered and saw Lan\'s side face. "I\'ll pay attention, but I\'ll still take Xiao Huan as my own child before she showed her malice to me."

Knowing that Yu Lan had made a decision, Mo Wen covered the dark color at the bottom of his eyes, pinched her nose and said he had no objection.

Yu Lan, who was pinched by the nose, sneezed several times. She stared at Mo Wen angrily and stretched out her hand to pull his face.

Mo Wen didn\'t resist and obediently let her bully.

Equal to LAN Nao enough, Mo Wen was not angry. He smiled at her with a good temper, but Yu Lan gradually lost his smile.

She stopped looking, lowered her eyes and said with some worry, "but it\'s difficult for this man at night. He doesn\'t seem to be in the same world with us, and his strength is unknown."

"Don\'t Mo Xiaobing know a lot? Just call her over and ask." Mo Wen touched her eyebrows like comfort and whispered.

Mo Wen doesn\'t feel much about having another cheap daughter. As long as Yu Lan is happy, it doesn\'t matter whether he has more mo Xiaobei or Mo Xiaonan.

"Yes, I didn\'t ask in detail before." Yu Lan tilted his head and thought, closed his eyes and ordered the Firebird to find Mo Xiaobing in his mind.

The Firebird is boring to make a net. When LAN gives an order, he is excited and goes to find Mo Xiaobing.

After a while, Mo Xiaobing ran in happily. When she saw Mo Wen, she was stunned first, and then smiled and called "Dad".

Mo Wen nodded in response.

He is standing behind Yu Lan and combing her hair. Yu Lan\'s hair is soft, black and bright, much better than the weeds before. But even so, Mo Wen also looked at the hair with excellent touch in his hand seriously and attentively, as if he were serving some treasure.

Mo Xiaohuan didn\'t run as fast as Mo Xiaobing. When Mo Xiaobing had run to Yu Lan and hugged her arm, he ran in and gasped.

Yu Lan also smiled at Mo Xiao.

The next second, the window behind them was suddenly hit by something. Yu Lan looked at it and saw that the Firebird was sticking to the window, looking at her for praise.

The flat face was tightly attached to the window. In order to ensure that it did not fall, it kept flapping its wings. Thanks to the strong glass, it was not directly broken by it.

"You did a good job." Yu Lan praised without stinginess.

The Firebird was proud and left a pool of saliva on the window before flapping its wings and flying away.

"Mom, what\'s the matter with you calling me?" Mo Xiaobing didn\'t like to be robbed of Yu Lan\'s attention. Seeing that Yu Lan took back her eyes, she immediately asked.

"I want to ask you how much you know about Yezhi." Yu Lan didn\'t beat around the Bush and said directly.

As soon as this problem came out, Mo Xiaobing seemed to think about it. He sat on the side of Yu Lan and shook his legs before saying, "well... What do you want to hear?"

"Tell me what you know." Yu Lan said.

"OK." Mo Xiaobing bent her eyes. She looked at Mo Xiaohuan sitting on the other side of the blue and said with a smile, "I told mom before. I don\'t know what happened to Yezhi. I haven\'t seen what his space looks like, but his ultimate goal is likely to be to destroy mankind."

Yu Lan nodded. These are what Mo Xiaobing told her before.

"Yes." Yu Lan whispered, "you also said to me that he may not be able to accomplish his goals by himself, so he wants to use the people who are still alive in the world."

Seeing that Yu Lan still remembered what he said, Mo Xiaobing couldn\'t help laughing, "but it doesn\'t mean that Yezhi\'s strength is not enough. In fact, we are all made in the space he stayed in."

"Can make you..." thinking about the strength that Mo Xiaobing\'s easy home could freeze her before, Yu Lan frowned and his eyes gradually sank.

"But he didn\'t make anything in this world." Mo Xiaobing took another look at Mo Xiaohuan and saw that she listened carefully, as if she really didn\'t know these general talents. "It should be said that he can\'t make."

"Do you mean that the strength of Yezhi can\'t be brought into full play in this world?" Yu Lan frowned. "In his world, his strength is absolutely strong."

Strong, she and ink can\'t overcome.

Mo Wen was calm at this time. His bony fingers flexibly looped the rope in his hand twice and tied a bow. At the same time, he tied a high horsetail to Yu Lan.

"It makes you look more energetic," he smiled.

Yu Lan was also satisfied with Mo wenzha\'s hair and took him to sit down and smiled sweetly at him.

Although her skin is gray, it is smooth and soft. It feels very good. A pair of milky white eyes will always bend flexibly when laughing. With two small dimples on her cheeks, she is so cute.