Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 694

"Ah." Qin Huai answered lazily, and turned his mouth in response.

"Why are you here?" it seemed that he didn\'t care about Qin Huai\'s attitude. Wen Suining asked again, looking surprised.

"Why can\'t I be here?" Qin Huai rolled his eyes and said with a bad attitude, "the world belongs to your family. Don\'t let me stay?"

"Do you know?" Qu Yaoyao asked curiously, feeling that Qinhuai seemed to dislike Wen Suining.

Qin Huai didn\'t seem willing to answer this question. Qu Yaoyao couldn\'t help looking at Wen Ning.

"He is Qin Feng\'s cousin." Wenning whispered, "my younger brother."

"Cousin?!" Qu Yaoyao seemed frightened.

"Well, don\'t put me on a relationship with you." Qin Huai snorted, took Qu Yaoyao\'s arm and pulled her into the room where Wen cuining came out. "Nonsense, we\'ll talk later. Let\'s go first. It\'s too dangerous outside."

Wencuining sighed helplessly, looked at the corridor, and closed the door after confirming that there were no other zombies to follow.

The room smells of unpleasant dust, but it is still tolerated by people.

There are two people sitting in the room. One of them is dressing the other\'s wound.

Seeing this scene, Qu Yaoyao was stunned at first, then leaned against the wall at the door, quietly reducing his sense of existence. Although she was still curious about the relationship between Qinhuai and Qinfeng, she didn\'t want to ask a word now.

"Are you?" Zhang Xin, who was dressing Qin Feng\'s wound, looked at the sudden stranger and asked with some vigilance.

Qin Feng was stunned when he saw the visitor.

Qinhuai spread his hand and said with a smile, "I\'m sent by Yumeng to pick you up."

Wenning came and stood next to Qin Feng and gave him a complicated look.

"Xiao Huai, I haven\'t seen you for a long time." although Qin Feng was still sick and spiritless, his eyes still lit up slightly.

This should be Qin Feng\'s first eye on human beings in the last world.

Although after receiving the task, Qin Huai knew he was going to meet this form, he was still very uncomfortable, "don\'t call it so close, we don\'t know each other."

"No matter what, I\'m your brother." Qin Feng snorted.

"It\'s just a cousin." Qin Feng said coldly, "I just came to pick you up on behalf of Yu Meng this time, and I don\'t intend to catch up with you again."

Seeing that Qin Feng still wanted to speak, Wen Suining couldn\'t help patting him on the shoulder and shaking his head.

It\'s no use talking to Qin Huai now. He won\'t listen to them at all, otherwise he won\'t give them any news, just let them think he\'s dead.

Qin Feng pursed his lower lip childishly, but he no longer said anything.

"Now in this situation, do you have any way to take us out?" Zhang Xin looked at the still dark sky outside and felt a little irritable.

"No." Qin Huai answered directly, "there are all zombies outside, and there are many little monsters I have never seen. Just a few of us are going out to die."

"What are you doing here?" Wenning frowned.

Qin Huai glanced at him obliquely. "Who made you stay here? I thought you were lost, but... We really didn\'t expect the situation inside to be so dangerous."

Speaking of this, Qinhuai\'s face is also a little ugly. Originally, they planned to find a way out of the city slowly, but not to mention the outside, the zombies of this building are not what they can afford.

"You?" Zhang Xin was stunned when he heard the speech. He vaguely saw that there seemed to be a figure at the door.

"Yes, I\'m here to pick you up. Besides me, there\'s Yao Yao." didn\'t notice Zhang Xin\'s sudden change of expression. Qin Huai touched his chin and asked Qu Yaoyao, "but Yao Yao, can you contact Yumeng?"

Qu Yaoyao was no longer willing to show up. She came out of the shadow expressionless and nodded slightly to Qinhuai.

The person who had a lively face just now had no expression. Qin Huai was a little strange about Qu Yaoyao\'s change, but he didn\'t ask directly.

"Yao Yao!"

When the room fell into a short silence, Zhang Xin suddenly shouted, stood up and walked towards Qu Yao.

Qin Huai was surprised to find that the guy\'s eyes were red.

"Yao Yao, Yao Yao, I......" when he approached Qu Yao Yao, he finally saw the face he thought about day and night. Zhang Xin was at a loss for a moment. He couldn\'t even speak clearly. He had a lot to tell Qu Yao Yao, but he couldn\'t say a word at the moment.

"I haven\'t seen you for a long time." compared with Zhang Xin\'s tension, Qu Yaoyao seems much more calm. Except for the irritability that flashed at the bottom of her eyes at the beginning, there is basically no superfluous emotion.

"Long time no see." seeing Qu Yaoyao take the initiative to say something to himself, Zhang Xin calmed down and said to her, "I\'ve been looking for you to apologize to you, but I can\'t find it."

"I know I\'ve always been biased against lust alliance and you, and I\'ve always said a lot of ugly things to you who have always protected me." Zhang Xin whispered, "in fact, I should have seen clearly. You are my companions. I\'ve always been hypocritical and self righteous."

"Ah, you don\'t have to apologize. You don\'t have anything to apologize to me." unexpectedly, Zhang Xin had such a pious apology one day, Qu Yaoyao waved his hand and smiled, "At first I listened to the boss to protect you, but then I got tired of this job and wanted to leave. It doesn\'t matter whether you trust me or not, but I left if I wanted to."

Hearing this, Qin Huai couldn\'t help looking at Qu Yaoyao with his eyebrows. He intuitively felt that Qu Yaoyao was absolutely lying with his eyes open at the moment.

As soon as Zhang Xin heard this, his expression immediately changed. He looked up at Qu Yaoyao and found that the cheerful smile he had always seen was gone, replaced by the indifference of refusing people thousands of miles.

"Don\'t say that. I know you must be angry." his heart seemed to be eaten by something. He forced himself to pull out a smile and walked forward, "Yao Yao, I really know I\'m wrong. Can you forgive me?"

Perhaps it was the first time that Zhang Xin could be so humble. Qu Yaoyao opened his mouth and still didn\'t say perfunctory words.

"You used to be one of my favorite toys." Qu Yaoyao said faintly, looking slightly sideways. "I want to be nice to you. I want to see you alive. I don\'t want to save your slices."

Zhang Xin listened carefully to Qu Yaoyao\'s words. He no longer looked contemptuous as before, but focused on his face.