Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 693

Just when Qinhuai knocked on the seventh door, a short but crisp impact sound suddenly came upstairs, as if something had been knocked over.

He looked up and motioned quietly to Qu Yaoyao on the other side of the corridor.

Qu Yaoyao obviously heard the voice. She also looked up, frowned and trotted over.

"What\'s going on?" she whispered.

Qin Huai shook his head and quietly listened to the movements around him. His face suddenly changed.

"Something\'s coming down," he said.

Qu Yaoyao was a little nervous. She could feel the ground under her feet shaking slightly. Something huge was climbing outside the building.

Reaching out and holding Qin Huai\'s arm, she was ready to run away in case of danger.

Yu Guang swept a shadow and flashed past the nearby window. Qu Yaoyao was surprised. He quickly looked and saw a thick and long tail full of sharp thorns falling down quietly, swinging irregularly, looking a little irritable.

Cover her mouth to prevent her from crying out. She looked up at Qinhuai. As soon as she was about to say something, she heard the sound of glass being broken upstairs. The tail in front of her also got upstairs in a moment.

When he could clearly hear the heavy footsteps upstairs, Qin Huai frowned, pointed to the upstairs and the communicator on Qu Yaoyao.

Qu Yaoyao\'s face was a little ugly. She shook her head, tiptoed to the stairs and looked at the direction of the upper floor.

"You want to go up?" Qin Huai followed, slightly moved his mouth and said.

"Qin Feng, they are probably on the upper floor." Qu Yaoyao looked back and wanted to talk in Qin Feng\'s ear. He just turned his head to his clear eyes, and his side face could even feel the warm breath he exhaled.

Frowning, she stepped back quietly. She said uneasily, "we have to find them."

Qin Huai said at this time that he didn\'t have any thoughts that he shouldn\'t have. He approached Qu Yao just to make his voice lower, "you\'ll only die if you go up like this!"

"What can you do?" Qu Yao pursed his lips.

Qinhuai didn\'t make a sound, but hung his eyes and pondered.

Seeing that Qin Huai didn\'t speak, Qu Yaoyao didn\'t insist on going upstairs. He just stood at the entrance of the corridor and had time to go back in case of anything.

It was quiet for a while, and then suddenly there was an unusually violent crash, accompanied by the fierce roar of zombies and the low curse of someone.

"They must be up there!" Qu Yaoyao\'s eyes lit up and raised his feet to run upstairs, but Qin Huai grabbed his braid.

"What are you doing!" he felt that his scalp was almost pulled down. Qu Yaoyao immediately looked back and stared over, gnashing his teeth.

"Sorry." Qin Huai apologized quickly. He just subconsciously pulled her hair, "I just want to stop you."

"Just now we were not sure Qin Feng was up there. You should stop me. Now there is a voice from above. Nine times out of ten, they are right." Qu Yao frowned, "I don\'t intend to go up and die directly, but now we can go up and observe the trend of the zombie carefully to see if we can find a chance to save Qin Feng and what we can do to hide here all the time?"

"Just now, we didn\'t notice the level of the zombie. What can you do even if you go up?" Qin Huai always knows the current affairs. For him, his life is always the first. As for other things, in an emergency, we must mention it before ensuring life safety. "Calm down, let\'s wait for the time."

"Opportunity?" Qu Yao was stunned.

"Give me the other grenade in your bag." Qin Huai whispered, as if he didn\'t mean to explain.

Qu Yao also trusted him and immediately handed him the grenade in the bag.

Qinhuai didn\'t have any extra action when he got the grenade. He just frowned, figured out the uneven place above, and looked up slightly.

Although Qu Yaoyao was a little upset at the moment, he also knew that even if he went up, he had little chance to save Qin Feng. He could only stare at Qin Huai to see what he could do next.

Just when she couldn\'t wait to speak, the voice upstairs was suddenly not as fierce as it was just now. Although the roar of the zombie was still there, it didn\'t seem as fierce as it was just now.

Qin Huai\'s eyes lit up, picked up the grenade in his hand, and without hesitation threw it down the gap between the handles of the corridor. He turned around and pulled Qu Yaoyao, who had not yet responded, and immediately hid behind the door behind him.

The grenade fell three or four layers from the gap of the handrail, and suddenly burst.

The next second, there was a big movement upstairs. A huge zombie ran down from the walls of the stairway and ran directly to the direction of the explosion downstairs. Qu Yaoyao hiding behind the wall could even hear the sharp wind.

"It seems that Qin Feng is right upstairs." Qin Huai took a breath and took Qu Yaoyao upstairs.

"What\'s the matter?" Qu Yaoyao didn\'t react. "Why did the zombie suddenly go down?"

Although the zombie will certainly be interested in the sound of the explosion, the zombie obviously found Qin Feng and them just now. It is impossible to give up the close target to catch up with the explosion.

"Qin Feng\'s ability is to control the zombie." Qin Huai explained in a low voice, "although he can\'t control some zombies with high levels, they can affect the Zombie\'s thinking time of more than ten seconds and make it lose its five senses in a short time. At this time, the zombie will definitely chase after the violent explosion."

"He still has this ability?" Qu Yaoyao was surprised.

"His ability is to affect the zombie." Qin Huai said expressionless, "otherwise, how can they get rid of the zombie and hide in the next floor when they are chased by the zombie."

He paused, ran up one floor, looked at the dust on the ground, pointed to the zombie footprints that had obviously become disordered on the wall next to him, and said, "it is estimated that the traces downstairs have been cleaned up by them. This floor is where Qin Feng hid."

Qu Yaoyao nodded, looked back and saw the messy corridor, slightly lowered his voice and said, "Qin Feng, are you there? We are people who want to alliance."

The corridor was still quiet, but soon a riddled door on their side was pushed open, and a baby face poked out and stared at them.

"Are you the ones who want to alliance?" Wenning asked in a low voice.

Seeing that Wen cuining came out, Qu Yaoyao finally took a breath and nodded to say something, he saw that Wen cuining\'s eyes fell on Qin Huai, looking a little surprised.
