Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 692

"I think it might be a mistake for us to come in." Qu Yaoyao also obviously saw the communicator. She came over expressionless, looked at the zombies not far behind her, and gave a wry smile.

"I\'m not sure yet." Qin Feng seems to be calmer. Although his fingertips are also somewhat uncontrollably tight, he looks much calmer than Qu Yaoyao.

"There\'s no Qin Feng here. What else can you be sure of?" Qu Yaoyao said disapprovingly. She had begun to think about the way to leave here and planned to return to drive their motorcycles first.

"At least you can be sure that Qin Feng has been here." Qin Huai said faintly. He remembered that it should also be a tall building.

Looking around, he came to the dark corridor next to him. He took out his flashlight and looked at the ground carefully.

"The dust here has obvious footprints and looks very new. It should be left by Qin Feng and them."

"What a coincidence?" Qu Yaoyao hurried over and nodded slowly after seeing the footprints on the ground.

"What should I do, go up and find it?" she asked.

"What else can we do?" Qin Huai sighed. He looked at the footprints on the ground, touched his chin and said, "but... Do you know who came this time? Is there anyone else besides Qin Huai and Wen Ning?"

"I don\'t know about this, but it should not be." Qu Yaoyao frowned. "My sister only told me about them."

"But the footprints here are obviously those of three people." Qin Huai pointed to the footprints on the ground with his toes.

Qu Yao frowned and found that it was true.

"I don\'t know," she said.

"Hoo." regardless of who the extra person was for the time being, Qin Huai flashed a flashlight and immediately began to walk upstairs when he saw that there were no zombies around.

Because there are no people here all year round, the footprints are very clear.

"Strange." as these footprints went higher and higher, Qin Huai said strangely, "there are no footprints of zombies here except the footprints of the three of them, which shows that nothing is right to chase them. Why do you have to climb such a high building all the time."

"No footprints on the ground doesn\'t mean there are no footprints elsewhere." Qu Yaoyao sighed and took Qin Huai\'s arm to let him look at the next wall.

The cold white light shone on the wall. There were countless coin sized holes on the fingertips, and some of them were stained with a lot of blood.

"It\'s obvious that something is chasing them." Qu Yaoyao lowered his voice and felt a little heavy on his face, "that is to say, the zombie chasing them is probably still in this building, otherwise Qin Feng can\'t come to pick up the contact device. If there is no contact device, he can\'t even enter the gate of our desire alliance."

"That\'s what you said." Qin Huai\'s face was stiff. He climbed two steps on the Internet. His face looked ugly and asked, "do you know what level Qin Feng is now?"

"I don\'t know." Qu Yaoyao shook his head, but quickly answered, "but according to the strength of Yu jueying and ye Zhi in the north and south, Qin Feng\'s strength is no longer poor. Now it is likely to have reached the level of level 3 and level 4."

"Qin Feng\'s ability is to control zombies. He can even control zombies one level higher than himself." Qin Huai paused and his Adam\'s apple rolled slightly. "How strong should a zombie that he can\'t even solve?"

Qu Yao was silent.

"Do we still go up?" Qin Huai also stopped and asked. He was not afraid of life and death, but really had to be prepared to have the courage to continue.

It\'s easy for level four or five zombies to kill them. They go up like this. If they meet directly, it\'s like sending them to death.

"Go up." Qu Yao whispered.

"Are you sure?" Qin Huai picked up his eyebrows. "Seriously, I don\'t want to see Qin Feng."

"I\'m serious." Qu Yaoyao said seriously, ignoring Qin Huai\'s foolishness, "we\'ve come in. Even if we can\'t find Qin Feng, we may not be able to go out safely. It\'s better to take risks and complete the task now."

"Ah... OK." Qin Huai was a little helpless. He now regretted why he took this difficult task. Now, it\'s OK. Neither advance nor retreat. He can only harden his head to save the person he didn\'t want to meet again.

Without noticing the tangled look of Qinhuai, Qu Yaoyao walked two more steps and directly came to the front of Qinhuai.

Qinhuai had no choice but to follow up.

Although they are still walking up quickly, their footsteps are obviously much lighter, and they can\'t even splash the dust.

"Wait a minute." I don\'t know how many more floors Qinhuai stopped. He looked at the footprints on the ground, looked at the deep holes in the wall, and looked thoughtfully at the next door.

"What\'s the matter?" Qu Yao looked back puzzled.

"Qin Feng, their footprints have stopped here, but the footprints of the zombies are still going up." Qin Huai whispered, "I think they have got rid of the zombies on this floor. Now they have failed. Don\'t go up again."

Hearing the speech, Qu Yaoyao nodded suddenly and continued to lower his voice, "do you mean Qin Feng and they are on this floor now?"

"We can\'t rule out the possibility of them going down again." Qin Huai squatted down to observe the footprints on the ground and quickly said, "these footprints have no trace of being stepped on again... Let\'s look at this floor first."

Qu Yaoyao had no objection to this. He turned and walked into the next corridor.

The corridor is relatively clean, but there are still some white bones scattered around, and some white bones are even tightly wrapped with a layer of dry skin.

Almost used to the pungent smell in the corridor. Although Qinhuai and Qu Yaoyao wrinkled their noses, they didn\'t feel too uncomfortable.

"How to find it now?" Qu Yaoyao looked back at the dozens of rooms in the past.

"I\'ll knock on the door from here, and you\'ll start from there." Qin Huai whispered, "knock on each door three times regularly, not too loud, so as not to attract the attention of the zombies above."

"OK." I like the feeling of not using my head. Qu Yaoyao nodded, turned and walked to the end of the corridor immediately.

Qin Huai turned and closed the staircase door they had just entered. The door opened towards the inside of the staircase. If a person came up, he could easily open it. If it was a zombie, he would only hit the door and break the door hard.

Looking back at the stars outside the window, he took out a biscuit and put it in his mouth and began to knock on the door one by one.