Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 691

The zombie was obviously not the opponent of Qu Yaoyao and Qin Huai. Before it could escape, it was directly cut off by Qu Yaoyao.

Seeing the dagger strengthened by Gu Cheng in his hand, Qu Yaoyao nodded with satisfaction.

"Where did this thing come from?" Qin Huai gasped and was frightened by the zombie.

"I don\'t know. I was checking the bedroom just now." Qu Yaoyao shook his head, walked forward and took out the crystal core in the Zombie\'s head.

Worried that there were other zombies in this room, Qin Huai was sleepless. He went to other rooms and began to look for traces of zombies.

This is a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms. There is nothing unusual in the living room he just stayed in and the restaurant next to the gate.

"Is there anything unusual in the bedroom you just checked?"

Qin Huai didn\'t look back, but asked in a low voice.

"No." Qu Yaoyao kept up with Qin Huai after confirming that there was no problem with the zombie.

"Then the zombie ran out of the remaining two bedrooms..." he put his eyes in front of a large open door next to him. Qin Huai narrowed his eyes and saw only a dark piece inside.

The closer you get to this room, the more you can smell a stench. Qinhuai really couldn\'t stand it. He took out a flashlight from his backpack and took it. It\'s not good. It\'s scary at first sight.

The whole bedroom is densely covered with silk screens, and large and small bags are wrapped around these silk screens, with blackened blood stains on them.

"What\'s this?" Qu Yaoyao poked his head and walked forward.

"Obviously, it\'s not a good thing... Don\'t touch it!" seeing that Qu Yaoyao was going to reach out to touch the bag, Qin Huai hurried forward, grabbed her, stared at her and picked up a chicken feather duster from the sofa in the living room.

"What are you making a fuss about?" Qu Yaoyao threw up his lips, but he took back his hand.

He glanced at Qu Yaoyao from the corner of his eye. Zhang Xin changed his previous weakness and said in righteous words, "if you touch it without authorization, what if you are infected with zombie virus? You are not the only one with so many zombies now."

"Even if I am infected with the drunken emperor, I can be saved." Qu Yaoyao said disapprovingly.

"Bah!" Qin Huai said bluntly, "where is the drunken emperor now, do you know? If you can\'t find him, you can\'t directly turn him into a zombie for me as a crystal core? It\'s still the lowest and most energy-free crystal core. It\'s estimated that she won\'t eat it when it\'s thrown into Yu Lan\'s mouth!"

I didn\'t expect Qin Huai to speak such words that hurt her so smoothly. Qu Yaoyao\'s face is not very good-looking. She tilted her mouth and don\'t open her head.

Qin Huai felt that what he said was no problem. When he saw that Qu Yaoyao ignored him, he no longer came forward to be annoying. He just stabbed the nearest bag with a chicken feather duster.

Only heard a "crack", the touched capsule directly cracked a button, and an egg shaped thing fell out of it.

"It\'s disgusting," he muttered.

Qu Yaoyao looked at it curiously. After seeing the ball on the ground, he squatted down curiously.

But now she didn\'t touch it with her hand. She just pounded Qinhuai\'s elbow, grabbed the chicken feather duster in his hand and stabbed the egg on the ground.

A broad bean shaped caterpillar slowly crawled out of it. Only the front pair of sharp teeth were the most conspicuous in the appreciation of the whole body.

"It\'s a zombie." he got up and stepped on the little thing in two. Qu Yaoyao turned uninteresting and lost interest in the room.

Seeing Qu Yaoyao\'s cruel behavior, Qin Huai turned his mouth, stepped forward and closed the door directly.

Just then something seemed to fall on top of them, making a dull and violent sound.

Immediately slowed down, Qin Huai made a gesture to Qu Yaoyao and stood still.

"It\'s not suitable to stay here for a long time." Qin Huai whispered as he approached Qu Yaoyao. The roar of the zombie just now obviously attracted many zombies.

Qu Yao obviously thought so. She nodded and walked quickly to the door.

Looking back, Qin Huai looked at herself. She took a deep breath and silently unscrewed the door handle.

The silence outside is terrible. At a glance, I can only vaguely see the moonlight falling from the outside on the corridor not far away. Several shadows disturb the silent scene, like swaying ghosts with a cold smell.

"What should I do now?" Qu Yaoyao asked Qinhuai.

Qinhuai didn\'t know what to do. He pursed his lips, attached to Qu Yaoyao\'s ear and asked in a low voice, "look at the contact first. Qin Feng, are they still in the convenience store opposite?"

Qu Yaoyao nodded, opened the contact and found that Qin Feng\'s location had not changed, that is, in the convenience store.

She told Qin Huai the news, but his face suddenly became ugly.

"What\'s the matter?" Qu Yaoyao was startled.

And Qinhuai finally knew where his faint uneasiness came from.

"In this environment, how can Qin Feng stay in one place all the time?" Qin Huai whispered.

Qu Yaoyao was stunned and found that it was wrong. She stared with disbelief and said, "can you say that Qin Feng has..."

Cover Qu Yaoyao\'s mouth and let her whisper. Qin Huai frowned and whispered, "it\'s not necessarily that Qin Feng has had an accident now. It\'s probably because they lost the contact."

"I hope." Qu Yaoyao\'s face was still not very good-looking.

"Go and have a look first." Qin Huai nodded. "We can\'t stay in this place."

As soon as the voice fell behind them, a slight impact came from the glass of the room. Although the sound was small, it succeeded in changing the faces of Qin Huai and Qu Yaoyao.

They didn\'t look back, but ran directly to the convenience store in front.

Maybe they left in time. When they ran to the convenience store, no zombies caught up.

Looking across his eyes in the moonlight, Qinhuai only saw three or four heads around, directly smashing the glass and drilling through.

Fortunately, they left there decisively. If they were one step later, they might directly let those zombies be divided.

"Hoo." Qu Yaoyao obviously breathed a sigh of relief. She took out the contact device, and the expression on her face was not very good-looking. "Qin Feng, his signal is here."

Qinhuai looked around when he heard the speech. He didn\'t see anyone. He gave a "click" in his heart, and his eyes suddenly saw a little thing flashing blue light.

Walking around several fallen shelves, he recognized it as a communicator at a glance.