Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 690

Riding a motorcycle, he turned into a path. Qin Huai looked around, abandoned the car and pulled Qu Yaoyao into the corridor next to him.

The eyes suddenly entered the dark place from the bright place. Qin Huai closed his eyes, opened an unlocked door and drilled in.

Several zombies came after them quickly. They looked around. Their sharp thorns rubbed the iron gate they avoided and climbed up the stairs, leaving only a foul smell.

When there was no sound outside the door, Qin Huai was relieved, walked into the dusty room and made it directly on the table in the living room.

"I thought they would follow the smell." he touched the beating heart in his chest and took a long breath.

"Zombies are not dogs." Qu Yaoyao shrugged and smiled. "They must know we are near here, but it\'s not easy to find the exact location."

"I know." Qin Huai stood up, went to the window stained with blood and drew the curtain, "we are still very dangerous now. Now we can only stay here for a while."

"We are very close to Qin Feng now." Qu Yaoyao whispered, "it\'s only a few hundred meters away."

"Ah?" Qin Huai was stunned and looked out from the curtain. "Opposite us is also a residential building. Are they opposite?"

"The direction is inappropriate." he took the contact device and walked around the room for a few steps. When he saw that the distance shown above was reduced, Qu Yaoyao said, "it\'s this way."

"This way?" Qin huaimu looked at the wall in front of him and thought. He could only squeeze his face from the next window.

Qu Yaoyao refers to a convenience store opposite the building.

"We\'ll go there when there are no zombies around." Qin Huai whispered. He always felt there were some problems in his heart, but he couldn\'t think of the reason for it.

Qu Yao nodded without any objection, "yes."

After determining Qin Feng\'s position, Qin Huai put down his heart, stayed away from the window and sat on the table in the living room again.

As for why not sit on the sofa... Qin Huai can only say that he really doesn\'t want to sit on the sofa once and raise the dust all over the room.

"But you\'re so cruel. You\'re carrying a grenade in your bag?"

"I took two. There were a lot of weapons from the North last time." Qu Yaoyao took out the remaining grenade from his backpack and threw it at will.

Some nervously stared at the grenade. Qin Huai quickly reached out and stopped her, "don\'t lose it. If you really blow yourself up, you\'ll laugh off your big teeth."

"Do you think I\'m like you?" Qu Yaoyao glanced at Qin Huai, but still put the grenade in his backpack.

"What else did you carry?" Qin Huai was curious. "Can you show me your backpack?"

"It\'s all women\'s things. What are you looking at?" Qu Yao said with a low smile, staring at Qin Huai\'s face.

"..." Qin Huai rolled his eyes like Qu Yaoyao before. "Grenades are also women\'s things?"

"For self-defense." Qu Yaoyao answered calmly.


After chatting with Qu Yaoyao about something unimportant, Qin Huai yawned and looked up to see that the sky outside was gray. He took out a piece of dry bread from his backpack and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You eat again?" Qu Yao frowned.

"Don\'t you eat?" Qin Huai raised his eyebrows.

"I\'m full." he took out a cup from his backpack and drank. Qu Yaoyao turned and went to the next bedroom. "I check the house. I don\'t want a zombie to appear when I sleep."

Qin Huai was too lazy to move at the moment. He just lay lazily on the table and padded his bag under his head.

I miss the feeling of staying at home before. There is a soft bed. The soft quilt also has the smell of sunshine.

I can still hear my mother\'s nagging voice. It seems that I want to throw away a lot of bugs raised by his crazy brother.

He opened his eyes and looked at the dark ceiling. Qin Huai sighed. He felt uncomfortable and suffocated.

Twisting his neck like an escape, he closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep quickly.

In those days when the end came, their family was lucky. Because their residence was very close to the supermarket, they successfully stored a large amount of food and took refuge for a period of time.


Qinhuai\'s eyelids trembled slightly, and a water light slipped out of the corners of his eyes silently.

After a month of safe refuge, there were more than a dozen refugees there. They looked very embarrassed, but their faces were full of hostility.

Those people stayed somewhere nearby and searched everywhere for supplies.

At that time, his family felt that these people could not be provoked. They could only quietly close the curtains and isolate all the outside world.

After a few days, the zombies bit out from all directions without warning and frantically tore the people who came. His father was kind for a moment and helped a seriously injured man. The man was not bitten, but pierced his abdomen by a fallen billboard.

His father was a doctor. He carefully bandaged the wound with the first-aid kit at home and tried his best to save the man\'s life.

Who knows, the man thanked respectfully on the surface, but sneaked away the next day and broke into their home with his surviving brothers.

Thinking of this, Qinhuai\'s memory ended. He bit his teeth and swallowed the choking in his throat, subconsciously erasing the wet meaning on his face.

I didn\'t want to touch my face, but I found that there was something wrong with the touch on my hand.

He opened his eyes and saw a pair of thick eyes staring at him from above.



He swallowed the scream in his mouth and rolled aside to avoid the drooling teeth of the zombie.

Look at the zombie hanging upside down on the ceiling. In addition to two hands and two feet, there are four long limbs at the waist. It can\'t be seen whether it is hands or feet.

But on the whole, the zombie is very much like a spider.

"Qu Yaoyao!" he shouted at Qu Yaoyao in the next bedroom.

Qu Yaoyao immediately ran out and was stunned to see the scene in the living room.


The spider shaped zombie roared loudly, and a dive rushed towards Qinhuai. Qinhuai avoided sensitively, took out his self-defense dagger and cut off one of the Zombie\'s claws.

The zombie roared with pain, and the sharp voice cut through the tranquility of the night in an instant.

The level of this zombie is not high. It\'s just a level 2 zombie.

"Damn it, don\'t let it scream!" Qu Yaoyao gritted his teeth and rushed up with a dagger, but her goal was the neck of the zombie.