Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 689

"There seems to be something on it?" Qu Yao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the caterpillar zombie in the distance.

"What?" Qin Huai immediately looked at the speech. Sure enough, he saw a lot of dark things lying on the caterpillar zombie and drilling into the caterpillar zombie without scruples.

These little black things are all over the caterpillar zombies, more and more, and they look abnormal.

The caterpillar zombie seemed to have no strength to struggle. It stretched its body powerlessly and twitched violently.

Most of the other zombies were hidden, and only a few of them swayed around without scruples, but they were always on guard against the direction of caterpillar zombies.

"Shall we go now?"

Qu Yaoyao spit out the sand and stone he ate in his mouth and turned to push their motorcycle.

"Ha?" Qin Huai didn\'t react. He quickly stood up and whispered, "now what\'s the matter with the caterpillar zombie? We don\'t know. How are you going to get there?"

"Now is our only chance." Qu Yaoyao pushed the motorcycle and looked at the paralyzed caterpillar zombie in the distance. "Now the caterpillar zombie has no attack power, and other miscellaneous fish zombies are scattered around. There is no sign of attack. Is there a better chance than this?"

"But you can see that those black things can make the caterpillar zombie without resistance." Qin Huai still hesitated, "if we rush over, we can\'t escape if we\'re attacked at that time."

"If these black things will attack us, why don\'t they attack the other zombies around?" Qu Yaoyao said seriously. "What\'s more, we can escape on motorcycles in case of any changes."

I have to say that Qu Yaoyao\'s words are very reasonable. Qin Huai hesitated to bite his teeth and finally chose this adventurous road.

In fact, he pays more attention to finding a safe way to enter around the whole city, but this method is cumbersome and risky. When he really finds Qin Feng, he may have starved to death.

However, Qinhuai still has some concerns.

"If we break in directly, we may have a lot of trouble when we come out."

"Since we can find a safe entry position outside, we can also find a safe exit position inside. We\'d better go in first." Qu Yaoyao obviously thought of this problem and couldn\'t help whispering.

"According to what you said, whether we can go out or not depends on fate?" Qin Huai was speechless. He shook his head, but couldn\'t think of a better way, "just, we really can only take one step at a time now."

With that, he turned and stepped onto the motorcycle, carrying Qu Yaoyao and began to rush to the city at full speed.

The moment Qu Yaoyao got on the motorcycle again, he made her and Qinhuai invisible.

"You sit still, if you can\'t move, don\'t move." holding Qinhuai\'s waist, she whispered. She closed her eyes at ease and let Qinhuai resist the wind and sand.

Her powers have no effect on anything that can move except herself, but for a stationary person, she can hide the whereabouts of two people at the same time.

Qin Huai also knew a little about Qu Yaoyao\'s power. At present, he was concentrating on driving the motorcycle, but he still nodded on his face.

"We directly bypass the caterpillar zombies and rush into the city. When we get rid of these zombies, I will make a noise. You can directly find a place to hide and forget the motorcycle."

"This is my car." Qu Yao was not happy.

"Now I\'m driving." Qin Huai snorted.

I just felt that the two nostrils of Qinhuai were very cute like a child. Qu Yaoyao smiled and hugged him harder and harder to prevent himself from being thrown out by turning.

Qin Feng felt a little uncomfortable. He looked awkwardly at the hand placed on his waist, coughed but didn\'t say anything.

At the critical moment, both male and female defenders have to go.

Soon, some zombies noticed them. Several zombies seemed to be afraid of nothing, but some zombies rushed at them with their long tongue. If they hit their car, they could definitely make a hole in the motorcycle.

Qinhuai motorcycle drove well, sensitively avoided the attack of several zombies, and went away when they didn\'t respond.

During this period, the caterpillar zombie has completely stopped moving. Those dark little animals lie on it, like vampires who don\'t know their satisfaction, constantly absorbing the last bit of energy in its body.

Several black things fell to the ground when they were full of food and drink. Their hard armor made their turning over very easy. They originally wanted to chase the surrounding zombies to replenish their energy, but their attention seemed to be attracted by Qinhuai.

The other zombies who were hiding shouted twice and looked around. Few were willing to come out at this time.

"These zombies don\'t seem to have the intention to attack human beings now." Qu Yaoyao, who has been staring at the movement here, couldn\'t help frowning.

"It can eat the whole caterpillar zombie. This creature is definitely not an ordinary creature." Qin Huai said, "we\'d better be careful."

Qu Yao nodded, grabbed Qin Huai\'s clothes and looked around.

At this time, several black monsters had jumped on them, but Qu Yaoyao was ready and shot them out one by one.

"These monsters seem to be zombies?" Qu Yaoyao said hesitantly, staring at the strange zombies chasing them.

The skin of these zombies is black and shiny, and there are hard shells behind them. Each is only the size of a baby. If you don\'t look carefully, it\'s like a huge insect.

"Zombie?" Qin Huai was stunned, but he had no energy to look at it.

Several wandering zombies were in the way ahead. They showed their teeth dangerously when they came.

Fortunately, there were few black zombies chasing them, and Qinhuai soon got rid of them.

"I need something that can distract the zombies, even for a moment." looking at the three zombies in front of me in the middle of the road, Qin Huai said quickly.

The wind reduced his voice a lot. Fortunately, Qu Yaoyao heard it.

She thought and took out a grenade from her backpack.

The power of this thing is awesome, so she brought two with her.

"Right now?" she asked Qin Huai loudly.

"That\'s right." Qin Huai roared without looking back.

By this time they were close to the zombie.

Qu Yaoyao opened the pull ring and threw it directly at the zombies. Then he heard a violent explosion, and a zombie was blown off one arm directly.

But through this moment, Qinhuai successfully entered the city through the fire.