Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 686

"That\'s true." Yu Tian thought, "if cook really has a key, sister, are you going to take the initiative to find Yezhi after you get the key?"

"What else can we do if we don\'t take the initiative?" Yu Lan said with a smile. "He\'s haunted. Do we have to wait for him to appear?"

"But country m is really far away from us. Now the whole country of China is in a state of chaos, which is not a good opportunity to leave here." Yu Tian worried, "if you have to go to country m, can you take me with you?"

Seeing that Tian was worried, Yu Lan shook his head and walked to Yu Tian and said, "No."

Yu Tian bit his teeth, smiled and looked at Yu Lan firmly, "I finally got your sister. If you leave me, won\'t I be abandoned again?"

I think Yu Tian\'s words are strange. Yu Lan was silent for a few seconds before he thought about it. "I don\'t want to abandon you. You\'re almost twenty now. Why are you still like a child."

"I just don\'t want to lose my sister anymore." Yu Tian whispered, slightly lowering his head, looking very fragile.

Suddenly I felt that Yu Tian was just like Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing. It was childish and difficult to coax.

Yu Lan held his forehead and sat on the side of the Ink Tattoo again. "Oh my God, I left you for a reason. You won\'t lose me, but helped me."

The first time I heard Yu Lan call myself "ah Tian", Yu Tian was a little stunned and forgot to respond for a moment.

"The night stop can let the people of country m disturb the order of our country, which means that he doesn\'t have the power to destroy us at one breath. We can only reduce the number of human beings by killing each other." Yu Lan looked at other places at will, with a pleasant voice, but with a bit of murderous spirit, "then we can\'t let him succeed."

Yu Tian finally recovered. Although he still wanted to follow Yu Lan to country m, he was worried about gain and loss when he saw Yu Lan\'s serious look. He was afraid that he had done something that made her unhappy.

"... what should I do?" my mind was blank for a moment, and Yu Lan just wanted to let Yu Lan go on.

He suddenly remembered the cartoon he saw in the kindergarten when he was a child. His lively and lovely sister sat by the window and told a story to his sleepy brother. At that time, he only thought the warm sunshine on TV was dazzling, but now he also thinks the roar outside is terrible.

Be quiet, be quiet

So this is the feeling of getting along with my sister.

Not knowing Yu Tian\'s psychological activities, Yu Lan continued, "if we don\'t let the night stop succeed, we can only keep the north and south, and don\'t let this last safe place be submerged by the zombies."

Seeing that Yu Lan was concentrating on discussing with himself, Yu Tian couldn\'t be distracted any more. He was busy thinking, "so... Sister, are you going to let me stay in the South instead of you and guard here?"

"Not to replace me, now you are the leader of the south." Yu Lan said.

Yu Tian pursed his lips and seemed to have a heart to let Yu Lan admit that he would be the leader of the south.

Yu Lan just smiled at Yu Tian\'s persistence and continued, "I will let my zombies listen to your words for defense. I know you have been dormant for many years. Let me see your real strength this time."

Surprised by Yu Lan\'s words, Yu Tian raised his eyes and saw that Lan\'s bright eyes were falling on him, with confidence and trust that he liked and felt heavy.

"I know." don\'t want to let Yu Lan down like this, Yu Tian nodded heavily and answered.

"But I can stand it in the south. What about the north?" Yu Tian had to analyze it after he should come down. "Ye Zhi is dead. The left Ye Xiao is useless. He is a puppet. The whole north is now Xu Jielin\'s stuff."

He paused and looked not very good-looking. "If the north is eaten by the zombies in one breath, we will be left alone, and it will be more difficult to hold it."

"You\'re right." Yu Lan nodded and felt that Yu Tian\'s thinking was really perfect. He was worthy of being a person who survived in the environment of home.

"Sister, do you have any countermeasures?" Yu Tian thought about it and asked curiously.

"Should you put a lot of eyeliner in the north?" Yu Lan asked.

"There are a few, but they are good for nothing except asking for information. They can\'t help us this time." Yu Tian said honestly.

Seeing the tangled eyebrows in the sky, Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing, which eased the atmosphere in the room, without the heavy tension just now.

"I don\'t expect them to help us. I just want to ask you if you know the existence of false lust alliance," she said.

"False desire alliance? I know." based on the intelligence network operated by Yu Tian in recent years, he still knows what Yu Lan means by false desire alliance, "it\'s just a group of guys who can\'t stand the table."

Seeing Tian\'s tone, Yu Lan didn\'t hide his contempt for the false desire alliance. Yu Lan shook his head. "Yes, under the condition of internal consolidation in the north, the false desire alliance is really like a lost dog and has no use at all, but now there is only an empty shell of Ye Xiao in the north. What do you think will happen to the false desire alliance during this period?"

Seeing Yu Lan looking at himself, Yu Tian couldn\'t help thinking along her train of thought. The more he thought about it, the more dignified the expression on his face became. In the end, it disappeared directly and simply disappeared, "fake desire Alliance... How much did you eat?"

"Except for the only escort that ye Xiao can use, the whole north is in the hands of the false desire alliance."

First, I was surprised by what Yu Lan said, but the rainy day quickly responded and asked, "how do you know so much about the false desire alliance? Do you say... They are not false desire alliance, but they are true?"

"Before, false desire alliance was false desire alliance, just mixed with the people of true desire alliance." Yu Lan smiled.

"Now... What should I call it?" Yu Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Desire League, don\'t need to take a fake word." Yu Lan said.

Smelling the speech, Yu Tian couldn\'t help sighing, "who can think that the notorious desire alliance has such great ability."

"Ah Wen\'s desire alliance is of course the best." holding Mo Wen\'s hand, Yu Lan bent his eyes and said that there was nothing else in a pair of eyes except Mo Wen.

"..." Yu Tian coughed lightly without any comment on Yu Lan\'s words, and quickly pulled the topic back, "that is to say, the north is now under the control of the rain desire alliance? But now the north is fragmented, and human beings alone can\'t hold it for long."

"Half of my zombies have rushed to the north now." Yu Lan said with a smile.